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Sound Waves Monthly Newsletter - Coastal Science and Research News from Across the USGS
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Publications Listing

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Recently Published Articles

  • Baucom, P.C., and Colman, S.M., 1999, A continuous Holocene transgressive sequence recorded in an 8-m core taken from northern Chesapeake Bay (abs.): Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Program, v. 31, no. 7, p. A-460.

  • Baucom, P.C., Colman, S.M., and Bratton, J.F., 1999, Biogenic silica variations and trends recorded in Chesapeake Bay (abs.): EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, ASLO/Ocean Sciences, v. 80, no. 46, p. F46.

  • Booth, J.S., Winters, W.J., and Dillon, W.P., 1999, Apparatus investigates geologic aspects of gas hydrates: Oil and Gas Journal, 4 October 1999, p. 63-69.

  • Bratton, J.F., and Colman, S.M., 1999, Sedimentary rhenium enrichment and hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay (abs.): Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting,, Abstracts with Program, v. 31, no. 7, p. A-460.

  • Colman, S.M., Cronin, T.M., Bratton, J.F., Baucom, P.C., and Poag, C.W., 1999, Chronology of sedimentation in Chesapeake Bay from recent coring programs, including the 1999 R/V Marion Dufresne IMAGES leg (abs.): EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, ASLO/Ocean Sciences, v. 80, no. 46, p. F1.

  • Merman, E.A., Betzer, P.R., and Shinn, E.A., 1999, Coral and atmospheric dust: A new perspective for Krakatau: EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 80, no. 46, p. 184.

  • Noller, J.S., Sowers, J.M., Colman, S.M., and Pierce, K.L., 2000, Introduction to Quaternary geochronology, in Noller, J.S., Sowers, J.M., and Lettis, W.R., eds., Quaternary Geochronology: Methods and Applications: American Geophysical Union, AGU Reference Shelf 4, p. 1-10.

  • Pecher, I., ten Brink, U., and Zhang, J., 1999, Refraction/reflection tomography of wide-angle seismic data from the Cascadia subduction zone, offshore the Olympic Peninsula, WA (abs.): EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 80, no. 46-supplement, p. F763.

  • Poore, R.Z., and Williams, R.S., Jr., 2000, Sea level and climate: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-002-00, 2 p.

  • Poppe, L.J., Knebel, H.J., Haase, E.J., and Parolski, K.F., 1999, Sidescan imagery and surficial geologic interpretation of the Long Island Sound sea floor in New Haven Harbor, Connecticut (abs.): Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Program, v. 31, no. 7, p. A-460.

  • Sallenger, A.H., Brock, J.C., Hanson, K., Stockdon, H.F., Krabill, W., and Swift, R., 1999, Large-scale coastal behavior during the 1997-98 El Ni–o: EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 80, no. 46, p. F548.

  • Swarzenski, P.W., Corbett, D.R., Smoak, J.M., and McKee, B.M., 2000, The use of U-Th series radionuclides and transient tracers in oceanography: An overview, in Hester, R.E., ed., Issues in Environmental Science and Technology, No. 13, Chemistry in the Marine Environment: The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, p. 33-53.

  • ten Brink, U.S., Zhang, J., Brocher, T.M., Okaya, D.A., Klitgord, K.D., and Fuis, G.S., 1998, Crustal structure of the inner California Borderland: Evidence for modern deformation and for a Miocene metamorphic core complex (abs.): EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 79, no. 45-supplement, p. F875.

  • Williams, R.S., 2000, The modern Earth narrative: Natural and human history of the Earth, in Frodeman, R., ed., Earth Matters: The Earth Sciences, Philosophy, and the Claims of Community: New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, Inc., p. 35-49.

Outreach Publications

(The following publications have not been reviewed or approved by the USGS.)

  • Williams, R.S., Jr., 1999, Ice deserts, in Roos, J., and von den Driesch, U., eds., Arctic Antarctic: Produced in connection with the 1997 Arktis Antarktis Exhibition (19 December 1997 to 19 April 1998), Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle de Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn, Germany. English version of German text (Eisberge) included in the 1997 museum exhibition catalog.

  • Williams, R.S., 1999, Icebergs, in Roos, J., and von den Driesch, U., eds., Arctic Antarctic CD-ROM: Produced in connection with the 1997 Arktis Antarktis Exhibition (19 December 1997 to 19 April 1998), Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle de Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn, Germany. English version of German text (Eisberge) included in the 1997 museum exhibition catalog.

Publications Sent to Geologic Division Publications Groups

  • Almeida, F., Auster, P., Cross, J., Lindholm, J., Link, J., Packer, D., Paulson, A., Reid, R., and Valentine, P., The effects of marine protected areas on fish and benthic fauna: The Georges Bank closed area II example (abs.): Poster Session, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, September 2000.

  • Bothner, M.H., Optimizing the quality of sediment samples collected for geochemical measurements in coastal marine environments: International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Document Series.

  • Chin, J.L., Wolf, S.C., and Rubin, D.M., The distribution of unconsolidated sediment in Grizzly and Suisun Bays and its relationship to surficial morphology and environmental issues (abs.): Interagency Ecological Program 2000 meeting, Asilomar, CA, March 1-3, 2000.

  • Cochrane, G.R., Carlson, P.R., Boyle, M.E., Gabel, G.L., and Hooge, P.N., Cruise Report M/V Tamnik Cruise T-1-98-Gb; Physical characteristics of Dungeness crab and halibut habitats in Whidbey Passage, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, to be published on the World Wide Web.

  • Edwards, B.D., and Lewis, R.C., Textural characteristics of a continental shelf mud belt, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (abs.): Poster Symposium, Sanctuary Currents 2000, Santa Cruz, CA, March 18, 2000.

  • Eittreim, S.L., Anima, R.J., Stevenson, A.J., Edwards, B.D., and Chavez, P.S., New findings and curiosities from detailed mapping of the Monterey Bay continental shelf (abs.): Poster Symposium, Sanctuary Currents 2000, Santa Cruz, CA, March 18, 2000.

  • Hapke, C., and Richmond, B., Short-term episodic response of seacliffs to tectonic and climatic events: Rates, failure style, and spatial variability, Santa Cruz, CA (abs.): Conference Proceedings, "Non-steady State of the Inner Shelf and Shoreline," University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, November 8-12, 1999.

  • Hill, J.C., Schwab, W.C., Dadisman, S., Danforth, W.W., Denny, J.F., O'Brien, T.F., and Parolski, K., Archive of chirp data collected during USGS cruise ATSV 99044 Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, 29 October—23 November 1999: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, 9 CD-ROMs.

  • Jaffe, B., Storlazzi, C., and Canestro, D., Comparison of nearshore environmental conditions during the spring and fall near Davenport, CA (abs.): Poster Symposium, Sanctuary Currents 2000, Santa Cruz, CA, March 18, 2000.

  • Lidz, B.H., Bedrock Beneath Reefs: the Importance of Geology in Understanding Biological Decline in a Modern Reef Ecosystem: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, 4 p., 1 Plate.

  • McGann, M., Human causes of ecosystem change: Introduction of a non-indigenous microorganism from Japan (abs.): Poster Symposium, Sanctuary Currents 2000, Santa Cruz, CA, March 18, 2000.

  • Parsons, T., Toda, S., Stein, R.S., Barka, A., and Dieterich, J.H., Heightened odds of large earthquakes near Istanbul: An interaction-based probability calculation: Science.

  • Poag, C.W., and Foster, D.S., Chesapeake Bay impact crater: New seismic evidence of a central peak (abs.): Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Annual Meeting, March 13-17, 2000.

  • Sallenger, A.H., List, J., Penland, S., Hansen, M., and Dingler, J., Extreme storm impacts of the ÒinundationÓ regime: Observations from Hurricane Andrew: Journal for Coastal Research, Hurricane Camille Symposium volume.

  • Shinn, E.A., Reich, C.D., and Hickey, T.D., Seepage meters and Bernoulli's revenge: Journal of Sedimentary Geology.

  • Swarzenski, P., Dean, W., Bischoff, J., Rosenbaum, J., and Marot, M., 210Pb-derived sediment geochronologies in Bear Lake, Utah/Idaho: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report.

  • Thieler, E.R., Parolski, K.F., and Brooks, R.W., Archive of ISIS sidescan-sonar and GPS navigation field data collected on USGS cruise NECH-99001, 7 January -2 February 1999: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-377, 6 CD-ROMs.

  • Thieler, E.R., Predicting coastal evolution at societally relevant time and space scales: Invited "highlight box item" for the U.S. Global Change Research Program, U.S. National Assessment Report, "The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change:" Washington, National Science and Technology Council.

  • Torresan, M.E., and Gardner, J.V., Multibeam mapping of Hawaiian ocean dredged material disposal sites: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report.

  • Uchupi, E., Acosta, J., ten Brink, U.S., Danforth, W.W., Dillon, W.P., Mu–oz, A., Nealon, J.W., and Palomo, C., Geology of the Puerto Rico trench region: Poster, V Congreso Geologico de Espa–a, July 10-14, 2000, Alicante.

  • Valentine, P.C., Malczyk, J.T., and Middleton, T.J., Sea floor topography of Quadrangle 2 in the Great South Channel, western Georges Bank: U.S. Geological Investigations Series Map-A, scale: 1:25,000, 1 sheet.

  • Valentine, P.C., Malczyk, J.T., and Middleton, T.J., Sun-illuminated sea floor topography of Quadrangle 2 in the Great South Channel, western Georges Bank: U.S. Geological Survey Investigations Series Map-B, scale: 1: 25,000, 1 sheet.

  • Valentine, P.C., Middleton, T.J., and Malczyk, J.T., Sea floor togography of Quadrangle 1 in the Great South Channel, western Georges Bank: U.S. Geological Investigations Series Map I-A, scale: 1:25,000, 1 sheet.

  • Valentine, P.C., Middleton, T.J., and Malczyk, J.T., Sun-illuminated sea floor topography of Quadrangle 1 in the Great South Channel, western Georges Bank: U.S. Geological Investigations Series Map I-B, scale: 1: 25,000, 1 sheet.

  • Yates, K.K. and Robbins, L.L., Microbial cycling of inorganic carbon and calcium: Implications for isotope signatures in microbial carbonates (abs.): Microbial Marks in Minerals, SEPM Conference, San Salvador, Bahamas, April 28-30, 2000.

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)