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 Water Resources New Jersey Water Science Center Toxics Substances Hydrology Program
Site Description
Research Team
Toxics Fractured Rock Research
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      NAWC West Trenton - Research Objectives

    Research Objectives

  • Develop an understanding of the physical, chemical, and microbiological processes that affect the movement and fate of toxic chemicals through fractured rock aquifers
  • Develop and test predictive models of the complex interactions among these processes
  • Examine the processes by which toxic chemicals are removed naturally from aquifers
  • Evaluate methods to enhance the natural cleanup process
  • Insure the transferability of the knowledge, understanding, model designs, processes, and methods from this research site to other sites

    Ultimately, the research is intended to develop a fundamental understanding of:
  • The hydrogeologic framework in fractured bedrock aquifers
  • Aqueous and non-aqueous phase contaminant movement in fractured bedrock aquifers
  • Biodegradation methods and rates in shallow and deep fractured bedrock aquifers

    The research will advance the state of fractured bedrock aquifer knowledge and will provide information that can be used to form the scientific basis for policies and regulations concerning the remediation of hazardous materials in fractured rock of the temperate northeast.

  • USGS || Toxics || Water || Biology || Geology || Mapping

    U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
    USGS New Jersey Water Science Center
    810 Bear Tavern Road, Suite 206, West Trenton, NJ 08628
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    Last modified on 10:28:03 Wed 29 Aug 2007
    The URL for this document is /nawc/research_objectives.html
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