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Three-Dimensional Geologic Maps and Visualization

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Project Proposal


Objectives and Strategy

Potential Impacts and Major Products


Work plan

Task 1: Project Coordination

Task 2: Santa Clara Valley (Silicon Valley) 3D map

Task 3: Santa Rosa-Healdsburg Corridor geologic map

Task 4: Develop quantitative techniques

Task 5: Release of 3-D Geologic Maps

Task 6: Salinas Valley Neogene basin analysis

Three-Dimensional Geologic Maps and Visualization
Project Proposal FY2002

Project Summary

Traditional geologic maps that show structures and materials at the Earth's surface no longer are sufficient for storing, displaying, and transmitting geoscience information. Fully 3-dimensional geologic maps are needed to provide users with geologic information of the quality, accuracy, and detail necessary to solve problems related to natural hazard mitigation, resource management, mineral and petroleum exploration, contaminant dispersion, and other issues. The goal of this project is to produce 3-D geologic maps, including developing the techniques needed to produce 3-D maps that retain all the detail in traditional maps while extending this information into the subsurface.

Project Objectives and Strategy

Computer-based representations of areal geology extended into the subsurface as 3-dimensional geologic maps can now be developed to provide continuous quantitative 3-D geologic information for a variety of practical needs. Such 3-D databases will allow even the inexperienced user to figuratively 'walk around' in the Earth to examine the data and extract needed information. One important application unique to 3-D geologic maps is predictive process modeling of geologic, tectonic, and hydrologic processes needed for land-use planning, hazard mitigation, and resource management. Examples of immediate applications of 3-D maps include ground shaking estimation, refined earthquake relocation, fault segmentation analysis for probabilistic earthquake forecasting, resource exploration, contaminant source and dispersion pathway definition, ground water flow modeling for resource management, and landslide modeling.

Traditional geologic maps, which show the distribution and orientation of geologic structures and materials at the ground surface, for decades have served as effective tools for storing and transmitting geologic information. The introduction of Geographic Information Systems enhanced traditional geologic maps in terms of ease of use and communication of surface geologic information. However, these maps, even enhanced with GIS capabilities, are no longer sufficient for storing and transmitting subsurface information, information that is critical in the role of the map as a window into the subsurface. Fortunately, advances in computer hardware and geologic modeling and visualization software now provide us the opportunity to construct 3-D geologic maps that retain all the information in a traditional geologic map while explicitly and quantitatively extending this information throughout the subsurface. The USGS is a world leader in the production of traditional geologic maps, and now the time is right for us to move to the next level by explicitly adding the third dimension.

The GOAL of the project is to produce, display, and release quantitative 3-dimensional geologic maps, initially of the San Francisco Bay region. The 3-D maps will include, in a continuous quantitative volumetric format, the information contained in traditional 2-D geologic maps and thus can form the bases for predictive process modeling as well as address, in 3-dimensions, traditional geologic map-based questions. A critical component of these 3-D maps will be the explicit inclusion of continuous representations of uncertainties, a topic not well handled even in traditional geologic maps. Fundamental techniques peculiar to 3-D map generation will be developed to accomplish this goal.

The STRATEGY for accomplishing this goal is based on results of an earlier Venture Capital Project (3-Dimensional Geologic Maps, Howell and Jachens, 1997), ongoing experience in constructing a 3-D seismic velocity model for the greater San Francisco Bay region (Jachens, NEHRP), and extensive work by the GUMP group and WRD in building 3-D hydrogeologic models of basins. These earlier efforts not only provide a valuable foundation on which to build this project, but also highlight a number of technical problems related to 3-D map building that need to be addressed and many techniques that need to be developed.

The strategy is laid out below as a series of tasks, with task 2 being both the overarching task of the project and also the integrator of subsequent subtasks. The list of tasks represents our current understanding of what will be required to fully accomplish the goals of this project in the broadest sense, but realistically others will appear as the work progresses and not all can be addressed at the same time.

Potential Impacts and Major Products

The major products from this project fall in 3 main categories: 1. traditional geologic maps and digital databases of the greater San Francisco Bay region and its expanding suburban fringe; 2. initially a 3-D geologic map of the Santa Clara (Silicon Valley) and surrounding hillsides and, later, equivalent maps of other parts of the San Francisco Bay region and other areas of California (actually 3-D geologic models composed of 3-D digital databases linked and integrated by geologic concepts and rules); and 3. a philosophy, framework, and set of new tools with which to construct, portray, and distribute 3-D geologic map information.

The traditional geologic maps and digital databases will cover eastern Sonoma and western Napa Counties, eastern Napa and Solano Counties, and parts of Lake, Mendocino, and Colusa Counties. Geologic map coverages include the Sacramento and Healdsburg 30' X 60' quadrangle, 1:24,000 scale quadrangles traversed by active faults near Santa Rosa, and 1:24,000 scale quadrangles of the northern Salinas valley. These maps represent completion of ongoing map database efforts of the former San Francisco Bay Region Project, provide basic geologic data in areas of rapid development, and address earthquake hazard issues and provide slip rates important for forecasting future earthquakes.

The Santa Clara Valley 3-D geologic map and similar maps elsewhere in the state will serve as foundations for process modeling on which to base decisions related to earthquake hazards mitigation, ground water resource management, and toxic contaminant dispersion. Immediate use of this map will be as the basis for ground shaking estimation and ground water flow modeling. The 3-D geologic maps are intended to be 'living' entities in the sense that they will exist as digital databases linked and integrated by geologic relationships, and will be designed for continual upgrading as new data become available.

A successful philosophy, framework, and set of tools for constructing 3-D geologic maps with uncertainties should have wide ranging impact within the USGS and throughout the geoscience community. The need for spatially referenced geologic information is more critical than ever, but the traditional 2-D geologic map no longer is sufficient for storing and transmitting spatially-referenced 3-dimensional geoscience information. The 3-D geologic map should find wide-ranging application by both expert and non-expert alike.

Bibliographic Citation for Products Completed During the Life of the Project

Stanley, R.G., and Lillis, P. G., 2000, Oil-bearing rocks of Davenport and Pt. Reyes and offset along the San Gregorio and northern San Andreas faults [abs.], Stanford University, Stanford, Calif., 3rd Conference on Tectonic Problems of the San Andreas Fault System Program and Abstracts, September, 2000, unpaginated

Stanley, R.G., and Lillis, P. G., 2000, Oil-bearing rocks of the Davenport and Point Reyes areas and their implications for offset along the San Gregorio and northern San Andreas faults, in Bokelmann, Götz, and Kovach, R.L., eds., Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Tectonic Problems of the San Andreas Fault System: Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Publication Geological Sciences, v. 21, p. 371-384

Powell, C.L., II, 2000, Age and paleoenvironment suggested by mollusks from the Purisima Formation and related rocks (late Miocene and Pliocene), San Francisco Bay area, central California, Western Society of Malacologists, Annual Report, v. 32, p. 20-22

McLaughlin, R.J., Sarna-Wojcicki, A., Fleck, R.J., Jachens, R.C., Graymer, R.W., Walker, J.P., Valin, Z.C., and Nilsen, T.H, 2000, Evolution of the San Francisco Bay structural block and northeastward migration of the San Andreas fault system, Proceedings, 3d Conference on Tectonic Problems of the San Andreas Fault System, Bokelmann, G., and Kovach, R. L., eds, Stanford University Publication, Geological Sciences v.21, p. 370.

Stanley, R.G., and Lillis, P. G., 2001, Tectonic disruption of a Miocene petroleum system in coastal California [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 33, no. 3, p. A-82.

Fitzgibbon, T.T., Phelps, G.A., and Jachens, R.C, 2001, GIS tools for the construction of 3D geologic models, Geological Society of America 2001 Abstracts with Programs v. 33, p. A-40.

Jachens, R.C., Wentworth, C.M., McLaughlin, R.J., Fitzgibbon, T.T., Phelps, G.A., Langenheim, V.E., Graymer, R.W., and Stanley, R.G., 2001, 3-dimensional geologic map of the Santa Clara ("Silicon") Valley, California, : Geological Society of America 2001 Abstracts with Programs v. 33, p. A-39.

Powell, C.L., II, and Allen, James, 2001, Invertebrate fossils from the Wilson Grove Formation (late Miocene - late Pliocene), Sonoma County, northern California., Abstracts, North American Paleontological Convention 2001

Powell, C.L., II, 2001, Paleontological notes on Tertiary rocks in the Spreckles 15' quadrangle, Monterey County, California. With description of an unusual faunule from the Monterey Formation and a new Lucinid bivalve from the Santa Margarita Formation


Task 1: Project Coordination and Umbrella Activities

Task Leaders:
Jachens, Robert C.
345 Middlefield Rd
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: (650)329-5300
FAX: (650)329-5133

Task Text Status: PROPOSED
Task priority: 1

Task Summary and Objectives:

Task 1 encompasses project leadership activities such as project design, scheduling, and sequencing, coordination of the activities of various project personnel under tasks 2-6, insuring communication amongst project personnel and between personnel and their clients and collaborators outside of the project, maintenance of links to related GD and other USGS projects, allocation of resources, preparation of project reports and continuing proposals, responses to requests for information, acquisition of reimbursable funds to enhance project activities, and other project janitorial functions. These activities will continue throughout the life of the project.

Work to be undertaken during the proposal year and a description of the methods and procedures

Work under this task includes standard Project Chief activities such as preparing for and attending project reviews, preparing continuing proposals, responding to inquiries and requests from internal and external customers and clients, monitoring progress of project participants, redirecting activities when they stray from project goals, holding project meetings to promote communication, putting out fires, orchestrating general project outreach activities, etc. Specific activities will include: 1. forming a steering committee from project participants, 2. investigating feasibility of a special project-related set of papers/posters at regional GSA/AGU meeting, 3. developing a project fact sheet, 4. developing a project web-site, and 5. developing 'stories' for the National Atlas.

Planned Outreach

This project retains the geologic mapping core of the former San Francisco Bay mapping project, a project that developed a strong community base of support that includes city and county geologists, engineers, and planners, other government agencies - most particularly the National Park Service, as well as the general public. Members of the project are regularly requested to address specific questions or to provide general information regarding regional relations. Most of these inquiries stemmed from the traditional 2-D surface mapping, and we anticipate that these requests will continue and that we will respond to them.

As we enter the 3-D phase of producing maps of the San Francisco Bay region, many new uses of the expanded geologic information will be possible and many new derivative products can be produced. These new uses and products, however, will not be familiar to our normal customers, and so an extensive outreach effort will be needed both to inform potential customers of the capabilities and utility of 3-D geology and to solicit their input concerning the needs they have for 3-D geology, the types of derivative products that would be most useful, and what elements, properties, and characteristics they would like to see included in the 3-D geologic maps.

Publications planned for this task, to be submitted for publication in current or future fiscal years.

Howell, D.G., Jachens, R.C., and others, 2001, Mapping the Santa Clara Valley, California, in 3-Dimensions

Jachens, R.C., Wentworth, C.M., Gautier, D.L., and Pack, S., 2001, 3D geologic maps and visualization: a new approach to the geology of the Santa Clara ('Silicon') Valley, California, in Soller, D.R., (ed.), Proceedings, Digital Mapping Techniques 2001 workshop

Geographic area of task:

United States, Western US, CA


Current year nonpublication accomplishments and outcomes:

* Built a preliminary project website, describing goals, plans, and strategies for accomplishing the project goals. This website continues under development. (URL XXX)

* Built an easily accessible internal website for rapid, convenient exchange and comparison of data and ideas related to constructing the 3D geologic map of the Santa Clara Valley.

* Applied for, and was granted authorization to recruit candidates for a USGS Mendenhall Post Doctoral Fellowship to investigate and develop a model for the sedimentary architecture of the Plio-Quaternary deposits of the Santa Clara Valley.

* Coordinated project activities with internal USGS and external projects including: 1) Geologic Division's Southern California Areal Mapping Project and Hydrogeologic Framework of Aquifer Systems in the Desert Southwestern United States Project, 2) Water Resource Division's 29 Palms MAGCC, San Bernardino/Rialto-Colton basin, and Santa Clara Valley cooperative ground water investigations, and 3) joint USGS/Stanford Project-The San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth, a project to drill and instrument a deep site in the seismogenic part of the San Andreas fault near Parkfield, California.

* Provided baseline geologic and geophysical information and interpretations for Bay bridge retrofit (J. Hamilton), Richmond-San Rafael bridge retrofit (AMEC Earth and Environmental), Santa Clara County Geologist (J. Baker), City of Los Gatos (J. Nolan and Assoc.), Lexington Reservoir mitigation, Santa Clara Valley Water District (R. Volpe and P. Frame), California Div. Mines and Geol. (K. Knudsen), Mid-Peninsula Open Space District (M. Freeman), and consulting geologist (J. Woodruff), Cal State U. Hayward fault study (Lettis and Associates), Bay Nature Magazine, Pescadero Watershed Advisory Comm., Hazard Zonation, San Jose and San Francisco (CDMG)

* Numerous internal and external lectures, demonstrations, and advisory meetings describing the project and its goals (see next section)

Highlights- summary of the most significant outcome:

The most significant outcome that has resulted from project management activities is the high degree of visibility and interest in the 3D Geologic Maps and Visualization Project already evident even though the project is only 8 months old. I and other project members have spent significant amounts of time responding to requests for lectures, briefings, demonstrations, and consultation both within and outside of the USGS, including:

Presentations to external entities

* San Francisco Bay region municipal water districts, users, and interested parties

* Digital Mapping Techniques 2001 Workshop (at request of representative from California Division of Mines and Geology)

* Incorporated Research Institutes for Seismology executive committee representatives

* Congressional staffer for local Representative

Presentations to USGS entities

* Water Resources Future Science Directions workshop

* National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program future science directions planning committee: recommendations on need for traditional geologic maps, 3D geologic maps, 3D models to support future process modeling

* Internal workshop for science planning, EarthScope/USArray

* Water Resources western states District representatives

* Water Resources/Geologic Division ad hoc group for coordination of activities in arid southwestern United States

* Southern California Areal Mapping Project review

* San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth review

Task 2: Construct a 3-dimensional geologic map of the Santa Clara Valley (Silicon Valley), California, and surrounding hillsides

Task Leaders:
Jachens, Robert C.
345 Middlefield Rd
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: (650)329-5300
FAX: (650)329-5133

Task Text Status: PROPOSED
Task priority: 1

Task Summary and Objectives:

This task is the heart of the project. The 'ideal target' map will define a volume of the crust in which the geologic units, contacts, rock types, faults, folds, other structures, physical properties (seismic velocity and attenuation, density, magnetic susceptibility, porosity, permeability, etc.), earthquake hypocenters, and other quantities or parameters will be defined everywhere. In addition, uncertainties associated with these elements, quantities, and parameters will be included. It also will serve as a 3-D spatially-reference archive for the geological data and reasoning that form the foundation of the map. This obviously is an enormous task that will extend over many years, but we plan to release interim 3-D maps that satisfy subsets of the conditions described above, subsets that will satisfy specific modeling needs related to earthquake, groundwater, and contamination issues.

The study area has a number of advantages, both in terms of important problems whose solution will be enhanced with a 3-D geologic map, and in terms of the means needed to construct the 3-D map. Problems that will benefit from a 3-D geologic map include: 1. prediction of ground shaking from local earthquakes (an extremely important issue to Silicon Valley industries and the infrastructures that support them); 2. analysis of stress accumulation and interaction in 3-D on active faults, needed to better forecast the location and magnitude of future earthquakes; 3. accurate location of earthquake hypocenters; 4. ground water management and contaminant dispersion; 5. natural source contamination by Hg and asbestos. Map construction advantages include: 1. some initial work already done under NEHRP; 2. geologists who mapped and/or compiled geology are on project; 3. area is THE 'type' basin selected by NEHRP for shaking modeling; 4. area is target of new ground water flow model project-coop with GD, WRD, and Santa Clara Valley Water District (4 yr funding just approved)

Work to be undertaken during the proposal year and a description of the methods and procedures:

The fundamental architecture of the 3D geologic map of Santa Clara Valley has been defined (see Highlights) and consists of 11 major faults and the following geologic units (with associated properties and uncertainties): 1. a Mesozoic subduction-related basement made up of accreted terranes of Franciscan Complex rocks, Coast Range ophiolite, and forearc sedimentary sequences; 2. Mesozoic granitic and metamorphic basement SW of the San Andreas fault; 3. older Tertiary strata that fill 2 deep basins along the valley edges and the La Honda basin SW of the SAF; 4. Plio-Quaternary non-marine deposits; and 5. Holocene deposits. Efforts this past year have provided the experience base that allows us to define 1) the critical elements needed for the 3D map, and 2) the roadmap we should follow in quantifying them.

During this proposal year, we will focus on producing quantitative 3D representations of the most important surfaces and their associated uncertainties, and on understanding the sedimentary architecture of concealed units.

Subtask 2a. Map the Loma Prieta, Hayward, Calaveras, Monte Vista, and Monte Vista Basin Faults in 3-D. Gravity, magnetic, and surface geologic map data will be integrated with seismicity, sparse well data, results of a new seismic reflection/refraction profile, seismicity, and deformation modeling results to map the 3-D shape, location, and attitude of the faults. Hydrologic data and aeromagnetic data will be interpreted to define faults cutting the basin fill.

Subtask 2b. Analyze Older Tertiary Section within Cupertino Basin. Existing data on the Miocene and older deposits within the Santa Clara Valley have been synthesized and interpreted. New mapping planned for the Tertiary strata at Blossom Hill, will be integrated with results from the coincident seismic reflection/refraction and gravity profiles and other geophysical data to unravel the distribution, age, and internal and bounding structures of the deeper parts of the Cupertino basin.

Subtask 2c. Define Concealed Top of Franciscan Basement. New gravity data and a refined procedure for inverting gravity data to define the thickness of Cenozoic deposits (see Subtask 4c) will be used to recalculate the depth to Franciscan basement rocks concealed beneath the Santa Clara Valley, and to systematically assess the likely uncertainties associated with this constrained inversion of the gravity data.

Subtask 2d. Evaluate the Silver Creek fault and Evergreen Basin. Geologic mapping and potential field geophysical analysis will focus on resolving discrepancies between two disparate models for the relationship and nature of the Silver Creek fault relative to the Evergreen basin..

Subtask 2e. Analyze the Shape, Age, and Internal Architecture of the Plio-Quaternary Section. Work will continue in close cooperation with San Jose State University and the WRD/Earthquake Hazards/Santa Clara Valley Water District cooperative project to analyze well data, outcrop information, and geophysical logs to define the lithology, structure, and sedimentary architecture of the Plio-Quaternary Santa Clara Gravels and their counterparts buried beneath the valley. Paleomagnetic studies of cores will provide age data on the upper 300 m of basin fill.

Subtask 2f. Map 3D Shape and Location of Concealed Ophiolites. This year, we will begin to apply the magnetic inversion technique developed under subtask 4b to quantitatively define ophiolitic bodies beneath Santa Clara Valley. These bodies are important geologic elements, potential sources of natural contamination by asbestos and Hg, and tend to lie along major ancient faults that cut the Mesozoic basement. SW of the San Andreas fault, an enormous concealed body of ophiolitic (Logan) gabbro is a major structural element in the basement, and an important control on seismic wave propagation.

Planned Outreach:

Planned outreach under this task initially will be focussed on the process modelling community who will be the primary users of the initial model. These will include seismic wave propogation modelers who are estimating ground shaking, relocating earthquakes, studying earthquake source parameters, and investigating seismic wave focussing, tectonic modelers who are studying fault block interactions on the Hayward and Calaveras faults to understand fault creep, stress interactions, and 3-D stress accumulation in relation to earthquakes on the Hayward fault, and ground water hydrologists who are building a refined ground water flow model of the Santa Clara Valley. Contacts will be maintained to insure that the 3-D geologic map contains the critical information needed for the specific process models. Personal information feedback loops will be established with 3-D map users so that the results of process modelling can be used to guide modifications of the 3-D map, assess the validity of assigned uncertainties, and correct any errors. Special attention will be paid to maintaining these feedback loops because this type of interaction between map producer and map user is not the norm. The importance of these feedback loops on the quality and accuracy of the final 3-D geologic maps cannot be overestimated.

Publications delivered/completed for this Task:

Stanley, R.G., and Lillis, P. G., 2000, Oil-bearing rocks of Davenport and Pt. Reyes and offset along the San Gregorio and northern San Andreas faults [abs.], Stanford University, Stanford, Calif., 3rd Conference on Tectonic Problems of the San Andreas Fault System Program and Abstracts, September, 2000, unpaginated

Stanley, R.G., and Lillis, P. G., 2000, Oil-bearing rocks of the Davenport and Point Reyes areas and their implications for offset along the San Gregorio and northern San Andreas faults, in Bokelmann, Götz, and Kovach, R.L., eds., Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Tectonic Problems of the San Andreas Fault System: Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Publication Geological Sciences, v. 21, p. 371-384

Stanley, R.G., and Lillis, P. G., 2001, Tectonic disruption of a Miocene petroleum system in coastal California [abs.], Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 33, no. 3, p. A-82.

Jachens, R.C., Wentworth, C.M., McLaughlin, R.J., Fitzgibbon, T.T., Phelps, G.A., Langenheim, V.E., Graymer, R.W., and Stanley, R.G., 2001, 3-dimensional geologic map of the Santa Clara ("Silicon") Valley, California, : Geological Society of America 2001 Abstracts with Programs v. 33, p. A-39.

Publications planned for this task, to be submitted for publication in current or future fiscal years.

Stanley, R.G., Jachens, R.C., Lillis, P.G., McLaughlin, R.J., Kvenvolden, K.A., Hostettler, F.D., McDougall, K.A., and Magoon, L.B., 2001, Subsurface and petroleum geology of the southwestern Santa Clara Valley ("Silicon Valley"), California, U.S. Geological survey Professional Paper

Mankinen, E.A., 2001, Preliminary paleomagnetic results from the Coyote Creek Outdoor Classroom drill hole, Santa Clara valley, California , U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01-XXX

McLaughlin, R.J., Clark, J.C., Brabb, E.E., Helley, E.J., and Colon, C.J., , 2001, Geologic maps and structure sections of the southwestern Santa Clara Valley, and southern Santa Cruz Mountains, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz Counties, California, U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Investigation Report MF-____ , spatial database, digital web publication, Print on Demand format, 5 map sheets, 2 sheets of structure sections, explanation and figures, interpretive text pamphlet and separate database pamphlet

Wentworth, C.M., Hansen, R.T., and others, 2001, Preliminary description of cores, logs, and cuttings from the Coyote Creek Outdoor Classroom and Willow drill holes, Santa Clara Valley, California, U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 01-XXX

Roberts, C.W., Jachens, R.C., Langenheim, V.E., and others, 2002, Isostatic residual gravity map of the Santa Clara Valley and vicinity, California

Jachens, R.C., Langenheim, V.E., and others, 2002, Aeromagnetic map of the Santa Clara Valley and vicinity, California

Geographic area of task:

United States, Pacific Coastal States, CA
Polygon Lat/Long: -122.223 37.3189, -121.899 37.0668, -121.626 37.3629, -121.918 37.6097


Current year nonpublication accomplishments and outcomes:

Progress has been made on many aspects of constructing a 3D geologic map of the Santa Clara Valley, and the 8 months since the inception of the project have permitted us to begin many efforts, most of which will require more time to complete. To date, we have

* Contracted a new high-definition aeromagnetic survey to complete modern coverage of the valley.

* Compiled best digital position data for bedrock traces of the Hayward, Calaveras, San Andreas, Pilarcitos, Berrocal, and Monte Vista faults

* Defined preliminary 3D surfaces of the Hayward, Calaveras, and Loma Prieta faults, and an un-named fault beneath the Cupertino basin, based on a new high-resolution catalogue of earthquakes relocated by the double-difference technique, and compared these surfaces to mapped fault traces.

* Began reexamining hydrologic evidence for faults cutting alluvium in Cupertino basin.

* Began multi-pronged effort to refine the critical surface defining the base of the Tertiary rocks. Detailed gravity was collected along the new seismic reflection/refraction line along Los Gatos Creek and a new gravity survey of the Cupertino basin was launched to define possible thrust-related structures at the bottom of the basin. The new gravity work coupled with basin-depth constraints from the seismic profile and new, carefully logged wells (one of which bottomed in serpentinite) provide the basis for a significant refinement of the 3D preTertiary basement surface.

* Began gravity and geologic investigation to define local (pull-apart?) basin along Calaveras fault.

* In cooperation with Earthquake Hazards team, WRD, and Santa Clara Valley Water District, determined that the upper sections (810 and 1011 ft) in 2 new wells are entirely alluvial and probably were deposited within the past 0.5 Ma.

* Examined driller's logs of Holocene section throughout valley with regard to distribution of sand and gravel in 3D. No clear spatial pattern is evident.

Highlights- summary of the most significant outcome:

Our major accomplishment is the definition of the fundamental architecture of the Santa Clara Valley 3D map, and the construction of a 'strawman' map populated with approximate surrogates of the surfaces that will make up the final map (see current research). The map exists in the computer as a set of digital grids that define the critical geologic surfaces in 3D, and a set of instructions in earthVision® that specify how the surfaces interact when they encounter each other (i.e. which surfaces truncate against which). This digital map is represented in the flow diagram (see the 'real' 3D map), and the block diagrams (see current research) can be thought of as cartographic representations of the digital map. The map volume is divided into fault blocks by 11 major faults, and each fault block includes up to five major geologic units that will be subdivided to accommodate geologic complexity.

The present 3D map is in a wonderfully flexible format that permits progressive systematic refinement of the map without disrupting its fundamental architecture. It also permits the addressing of scientific issues with available 3D map information without having to wait for the final map. The progressive refinement takes place surface by surface. Whenever a specific geologic surface (e.g. the San Andreas fault) is defined to our satisfaction, we simply replace the surrogate digital grid in the computer with our new grid, activate the geologic-structure-building software, and, thus, produce a refined version of the 3D geologic map. Individual fault blocks or geologic units can be subdivided by additional faults and/or contacts simply by adding digital surfaces and interaction instructions, and again activating the geologic-structure-building software. We currently are focussing on refining surfaces defining the active faults, and the bases of the Holocene and Tertiary deposits.

New Directions or Major Changes for Proposal Year:

The project and this task will continue in the direction outlined in the initial proposal. Because the Santa Clara Valley 3D geologic map is solidly on course, and because many of the 'startup' problems for a 3D geologic map have been successfully addressed, we propose to begin a modest effort constructing a 3D geologic map of the San Bernardino basin and vicinity in southern California. This basin straddles the highly active San Jacinto fault and is thus subject to potentially devastating shaking from local earthquakes on the San Jacinto and San Andreas faults. Also, the basin has critical ground water issues related to contamination, water banking, and resource usage. Therefore, a 3D geologic map is needed on which to base estimates of ground shaking and on which to design a new ground water flow model. OneD and 2D maps are not adequate. We will work closely with members of the Southern California Areal Mapping Project and with the San Diego Project Office of WRD to construct this 3D geologic map.

Task 3: Santa Rosa-Healdsburg Corridor and North Bay Geologic Mapping and Umbrella Activities

Task Leaders:
McLaughlin, Robert J
345 Middlefield Rd
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: (650)329-4945
FAX: (650)329-4936

Task Text Status: PROPOSED
Task priority: 1

Task Summary and Objectives:

The new, three dimensional model of geologic mapping will require ongoing mapping of geologic materials and structures at the Earth's surface. In fact, construction of 3D geologic maps will almost certainly require collecting an expanded set of surface observations to enable accurate projection into the subsurface. Furthermore, because human interaction with the Earth happens primarily at the surface, accurate surface geologic map databases are a valuable resource.

The goal of this task is acquisition of modern geologic maps of the Santa Rosa-Healdsburg corridor and adjacent areas of the northern San Francisco Bay region. Geologic mapping here is critical both from the perspective of human/Earth interaction and for understanding the structure and tectonic evolution of the Pacific-North American strike-slip plate boundary. The area is located at the suburban fringe expanding rapidly outward from the central San Francisco Bay region and thus needs modern geologic maps for hazard evaluation and land-use planning. Development is rapidly obscuring critical geologic information, so postponing the mapping is not an option. The area also straddles the Rodgers Creek-Healdsburg-Maacama fault system which not only poses a significant potential hazard, but also is a key element in understanding the San Andreas fault system and its evolution with time. Modern geologic maps are needed to unravel the slip history on these faults and to understand the right-stepping development of the plate margin. This work ties directly with paleoseismologic and related work being conducted by the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program.

Work to be undertaken during the proposal year and a description of the methods and procedures:

The work outlined under this task extends that outlined under Task 3 of the project work proposal for FY01. The new geologic map data are composed of previously published and unpublished maps augmented with newly collected geologic information in critical areas. The new and compiled mapping is integrated into geologic map databases in Arc/Info using standard methodology developed by the previous San Francisco Bay Geologic Mapping Project. High quality digital geologic maps are produced from the databases via ArcPlot. FGDC Metadata are produced to accompany each map database. Maps and map databases are published as MF series maps via the Internet and USGS Map-on-Demand.

Subtask 3a. Continuation of new geologic mapping of the Santa Rosa, Mark West Springs, Healdsburg, Jimtown, Geyserville, Mount St. Helena, Asti and The Geysers 24k quadrangles, in conjunction with compilation of other new mapping for the Healdsburg 30' X 60' quadrangle. New mapping in the Santa Rosa 24k quadrangle will contribute to a compilation of the Napa 30' X 60' quadrangle by the California Division of Mines and Geology for use in their earthquake hazards zonation. Geologic maps of the Jimtown and Mark West Springs 7.5'quadrangles, that include most of the southern Maacama fault, will be completed in FY 01 and submitted to western publications in FY02. The Geysers, Healdsburg and Santa Rosa 24k quadrangles will be completed and submitted to team review in FY02

Subtask 3b The new 24k scale mapping under Subtask 3a will provide a stand-alone geologic framework to complement an ongoing earthquake hazards investigation by McLaughlin and Sarna-Wojcicki, of the active Rodgers Creek, Healdsburg, and Maacama fault zones, which underlie the rapidly urbanizing Santa Rosa area. The mapping focuses on the stratigraphy and structure of Miocene to Holocene basins along active faults in the northern San Francisco Bay area. Sedimentologic and geochronologic data are also collected during the geologic mapping, for use in determining Pleistocene to Holocene slip rates and segmentation characteristics of the strike-slip faults, and rates of contractional deformation of well dated deformed datums. These data also are used to assess the likelihood of active blind thrust faults beneath the area. Data on paleoflow from late Tertiary and Quaternary fluvial gravels is integrated with the distributions of geochemically distinct obsidian clasts in the gravels . Amounts of strike-slip displacement across the Rodgers Creek., Healdsburg and Maacama faults are then inferred from estimates of displacement of the obsidian clasts from in-situ source areas. Ar/Ar age dates and tephrachronology of the late Tertiary volcanic rocks are used to independently constrain offset across the strike-slip faults. Fossil data, where present, and other isotopic methods, including radiocarbon, thermoluminesence and cosmogenic radionuclides, may be employed where appropriate, to date the Pleistocene-Holocene deposits and the timing of fault slip.

Subtask 3c In FY02 subsurface data assembled from water and oil well logs from west of and surrounding Santa Rosa will be tabulated and entered into a 3D model, in earthVision®, in conjunction with construction of structure sections across the map area. The geology will be integrated with gravity and aeromagnetic data to model the thickness, configuration and depth to the top of well dated Late Tertiary volcanic rock units, to constrain rates of shortening and uplift.

Subtask 3d Cooperation will continue with the Earthquake Hazards Team (C. Prentice and D Schwartz) in providing geologic data for locating and evaluating potential sites for trenching investigations on the Healdsburg segments of the Rodgers Creek fault and on the Maacama fault.

Planned Outreach:

* The project web page, SFGEO, continues to be an easy conduit for public access to our geologic maps and related efforts. New for 2000 are a clickable index map, "what's new" updates, and revised graphics.

* Involvement will continue with FEMA Project Impact efforts. Berkeley is the current Impact community, and linkage with that effort has been established. Geologic map databases will be provided for hazard analysis efforts by USGS and California Division of Mines and Geology collaborators.

* New 24k geologic map databases will be provided for use in other earthquake hazard studies by USGS (C.Prentice, D. Schwartz) and CDMG (D. Wagner, K. Knudsen) collaborators.

* Discussions with geothermal operators (Thomas Box, Calpine; and William Smith, Northern California Power Agency) at The Geysers geothermal field will continue, to explore availability of deep drill hole data.

* Some vineyard operators (T. Spence, Jordan Vineyards) are interested in potential uses of geologic map databases for integration of geology, soil distribution and topography.

* Interaction with Sonoma State U., (Dr. Terry Wright; Dr. Thomas Anderson) will continue. Invited talks on the local geology are attended by students, faculty, local geotechnical companies, retired oil and geothermal industry geologists and some property owners. Wright is a USGS Volunteer for Science, contributing to the geologic mapping.

* A major cooperative effort with the CDMG (David Wagner, Keith Knudsen) was initiated in FY 01, with the beginning (7/1/01) of a new project by the State to produce upgraded 24k scale geologic maps for use in their earthquake hazards zoning. Meetings with David Wagner resulted in informal agreements to provide CDMG with our 24k scale geologic mapping in the Napa and Healdsburg 30' X 60' quadrangles. The CDMG will contribute support for geochronologic and tephrachronologic work.

Publications delivered/completed for this Task:

Powell, C.L., II, 2000, Age and paleoenvironment suggested by mollusks from the Purisima Formation and related rocks (late Miocene and Pliocene), San Francisco Bay area, central California, Western Society of Malacologists, Annual Report, v. 32, p. 20-22

McLaughlin, R.J., Sarna-Wojcicki, A., Fleck, R.J., Jachens, R.C., Graymer, R.W., Walker, J.P., Valin, Z.C., and Nilsen, T.H, 2000, Evolution of the San Francisco Bay structural block and northeastward migration of the San Andreas fault system, Proceedings, 3d Conference on Tectonic Problems of the San Andreas Fault System, Bokelmann, G., and Kovach, R. L., eds, Stanford University Publication, Geological Sciences v.21, p. 370.

Powell, C.L., II, and Allen, James, 2001, Invertebrate fossils from the Wilson Grove Formation (late Miocene - late Pliocene), Sonoma County, northern California., Abstracts, North American Paleontological Convention 2001

Powell, C.L., II, 2001, Paleontological notes on Tertiary rocks in the Spreckles 15' quadrangle, Monterey County, California. With description of an unusual faunule from the Monterey Formation and a new Lucinid bivalve from the Santa Margarita Formation

Publications planned for this task, to be submitted for publication in current or future fiscal years.

Graymer, R.W., Jones, D.L., Brabb, E.E., Barnes, J., Stamski, R.E., and Nicholson, R.S, 2001, Geologic map and map database of eastern Sonoma and western Napa Counties, California, U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies MF-XXXX

Graymer, R., Brabb, E., Jones, D., and others, 2002, Geologic map and map database of the Sacramento 30'X60' quadrangle, California

Graymer, R.W., Jones, D.L. and Brabb, E.E., 2001, Geologic map and map database of Solano and eastern Napa Counties, California, U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies MF-XXXX

McLaughlin, R.J., and others, 2002, Geology and structure sections of the Jimtown 1:24,000 quadrangle, Sonoma County, California

McLaughlin, R.J., and others, 2002, Geology and structure sections of the Mark West Springs 1:24,000 quadrangle, Sonoma County, California

Blake, M.C., Graymer, R.W., and Stamski, R.E, 2001, Geologic map and map database of western Sonoma, northermost Marin, and southernmost Mendocino Counties, California, U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies MF-XXXX

Graymer, R.W., Knudsen, K., and Mills, S., 2001, Geologic map and map database of the Stockton 30'X60' quadrangle, California, Graymer, R.W., Knudsen, K., and Mills, S

Graymer, R.W., Sarna-Wojcicki, A.M., Walker, J.P., and McLaughlin, R.J., 2001, Controls on timing and amount of right-lateral offset on the East Bay Fault System, California

McLaughlin, R.J., Sarna-Wojcicki, A.M., Fleck, R.J., Jachens, R.C., Graymer, R.W., Nilsen, T.H., Walker, J.P., and Valin, Z.C., 2002, Evolution of Pliocene-Quaternary faulting at the northeast side of San Francisco Bay structural block: its bearing on eastward migration of the Pacific-North American Plate boundary

McLaughlin, R.J., and others , 2003, Geologic map, structure sections and map database for Healdsburg 7.5'quadrangle, Sonoma County, California, U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-XXXX.

McLaughlin, R.J., and others , 2003, Geologic map, structure sections and map database for the Santa Rosa 7.5'quadrangle, Sonoma County, California, : U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-XXXX.

McLaughlin, R.J, 2003, Geologic map, structure sections and map database for The Geysers 7.5'quadrangle, Sonoma County, California, U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-XXXX.

McLaughlin, R.J., 2003, Geologic maps, structure sections and map databases for Asti, Mount St. Helena and Calistoga 7.5' quadrangles, Sonoma County, C, U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-XXXX.

McLaughlin, R.J., 2005, Geologic map of the Healdsburg 30' X 60' quadrangle, California, U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-XXXX.

Valin, Z.C. and others, 2002, A Deep and shallow well database from oil and water wells, for basins west of and surrounding Santa Rosa, California: a digital database.

Graymer, R.W., 2001, East Bay geology, including the Hayward fault, landslides, and ancient volcanoes, National Association of Geology Teachers, Far West Section Field Trip Guidebook to the San Francisco Bay Region

Geographic area of task:

United States, Pacific Coastal States, CA
Polygon Lat/Long: 39/123, 39/122, 38 30/123, 38 30/122

United States, Pacific Coastal States, CA
Polygon Lat/Long: 38 30/123, 38 30/122, 38/123, 38/122

United States, Pacific Coastal States, CA
Polygon Lat/Long: 39/122, 39/121, 38 30/122, 38 30/121


Current year nonpublication accomplishments and outcomes:

* Field trip/Workshop to address Earthquake Hazards and Crustal structure issues in the northern San Francisco Bay region (6/19/01-6/20/01). A two day workshop organized by the 3-D Geologic maps and Visualization project(WESP) jointly with San Francisco Bay Region Earthquake Hazards Project (NEHP). Field trip included geologic mappers, geophysicists, paleoseismologists, and seismologists from Western Earth Surface Processes and Earthquake Hazards teams, the California Division of Mines and Geology, the geotechnical community and faculty and graduate students from San Francisco State and San Jose State Universities. The workshop emphasized an integrated scientific approach to understanding earthquake hazards and crustal structure in the northern San Francisco Bay region.

* New cooperation was initiated with California Division of Mines and Geology, with their new earthquake hazards mapping work in the northern San Francisco Bay region

* Digital geologic map files for the Jimtown, Mark West Springs, Santa Rosa and Healdsburg 7.5'quadrangles were established. Geologic mapping in Jimtown and Mark West Springs quadrangles will be completed FY 01 and published in FY02.

* A digital database was begun of water and oil well locations.

* Undated late Tertiary volcanic rocks in fault blocks respectively SW of the Healdsburg fault, and SW and NE of the Maacama fault, were sampled for Ar/Ar dating. Northwestward-and eastward younging age progressions in the volcanic rocks in each fault block should allow us to separately constrain the amounts of displacement across the Healdsburg-Rodgers Creek and Maacama faults.

Highlights- summary of the most significant outcome:

Our estimate of long term slip on the Maacama fault, based on the offset of obsidian clast lithofacies in Plio-Pliestocene gravels since 2.5 MA yielded a rate of 6.2+/- 1.0 mm/yr. For the Healdsburg-Rodgers Ck fault zone obsidian clast lithofacies offset yielded a slip rate of 5.8+/- 1.8mm/yr since 2.5 MA. Aggregate slip across the Healdsburg-Rodgers Creek and Maacama faults based on obsidian clast provenance is 12 +/- 0.9mm/yr. In 1992 a Holocene slip rate of 8 +/- 2 mm/yr since 750 YBP was determined by D. Schwartz and others for the Rodgers Creek fault southeast of Santa Rosa.

A separate estimate of slip across the Maacama fault, based on the offset of 2.5-3.1 MA volcanic rocks, yields a maximum rate of 9.2+/- 0.9 mm/yr. Ar/Ar dating underway will further constrain this rate.

Preliminary SW-NE structure sections across the Healdsburg and Mark West Springs 7.5' quadrangles, were constructed for estimating rates of late Pliocene and younger contraction across the Healdsburg-Rodgers Creek and Maacama faults. Preliminary results indicate shortening of 0.1-0.2 mm/yr between the Healdsburg and Maacama faults since 3.1 MA.

New Directions or Major Changes for Proposal Year:

A significant FY01 effort under Task 3 was devoted to completing regional mapping and compilation of regional geologic map databases to complete the preliminary map database of the San Francisco Bay region, primarily in the north Bay. This work largely will be completed this fiscal year. Therefore, some of the resources devoted to Task 3 this year will be redirected next year to geologic mapping over the expanding San Francisco Bay region suburban fringe to the south, in the Salinas-Monterey area. These plans are detailed in Task 6 of the present proposal.

Task 4: Develop New Quantitative Techniques for Producing 3-D Geologic Maps

Task Leader:
Jachens, Robert C.
345 Middlefield Rd
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: (650)329-5300
FAX: (650)329-5133

Task Text Status: PROPOSED
Task priority: 1

Task Summary and Objectives:

Traditional geologic maps contain explicit information about the subsurface in the form of strikes, dips, fold axes, cross sections, fault traces and attitudes, etc. and implicit information like distribution and apparent thickness of units, and contacts on topography. This information generally is unevenly distributed and not suited to creating a fully 3-D map. Quantitative techniques for projecting surface geologic information into the subsurface need to be developed.

Gravity and magnetic surveys will cover most study areas, and these data contain direct information about geology and structure in 3-D. 3-D methods are needed for automatic depth estimation from potential field anomalies, compact body determination, direct fault geometry determination, inversion with explicit and 'fuzzy' constraints, ideal body theory, joint gravity and magnetic inversion, and basin analysis.

Direct geologic information about the subsurface (from well core, well logs, excavations, seismic profiling, etc.) will be sparse for most areas. These data need to apply throughout 3-D maps, but brute force interpolations by surface fitting will seldom yield adequate results. 'Smart' procedures that interpolate sparse data according to a priori geologic principles, remote geophysical constraints, statistical representations of properties, self-educating algorithms, or other methods are desperately needed.

For many process modeling applications (e.g. ground water flow, reservoir response, ground shaking estimation), geologic properties may often be represented better statistically than deterministically. Even where deterministic representations are preferable, often the data available will not permit a sufficiently realistic deterministic representation. To satisfy these cases, research is needed on methods to define the statistical distributions of properties such as permeability, fracture density and orientation, elastic properties, magnetic properties, and many others.

Work to be undertaken during the proposal year and a description of the methods and procedures:

The subtasks given below are essentially those in last year's proposal. These subtasks address extremely complex and difficult problems, problems which will not be solved in a year. Although some progress already has been made on most subtasks, work will continue on all.

Subtask 4a. Develop quantitative techniques for projecting geologic information. We will develop a prototype geologic map cross-section software kit in Arc8. It will focus on building quantitative, locally compatible, suites of cross-sections for subsequent assembly (with uncertainties and provenance) into fully 3-D maps. It will simultaneously display the geologic map and each cross-section along with toolbars grouping object creation (profiles, fold axial surfaces, data projection), edit (draw, morph), and validation (stereonet, fold style) tools. A desired element will be the capability to extract comparable cross-sections from completed 3-D maps. Existing software will be reviewed as part of this task. Tool kit will be applied in Santa Clara Valley (task 2).

Subtask 4b. Develop 3-D inversion techniques for gravity and magnetic data. The first year we will analyze and develop automated 3-D source-depth estimators for magnetic bodies. We will inventory available techniques and develop targeted procedures for differentiating reliable Euler Depth estimators in 3 dimensions from the overwhelming cloud of spurious estimators. A successful procedure will have widespread application to the Santa Clara Valley 3-D geologic map construction effort (task 2) because not only are magnetic ophiolitic bodies a common component of the Mesozoic basement beneath the valley, they also tend to occur along and define suture zones between different nonmagnetic Franciscan terranes. Thus, quantitative inversion of the magnetic data in 3-D will give both lithologic and structural information.

Subtask 4c. Develop 'smart' interpolation procedures for subsurface data. We are admittedly poorly informed about the tools that are available under this general heading, and so an important effort this year will be to inventory the current state of the science. One procedure that has become the workhorse of 3-D geologic studies related to mapping, volume property definition, aquifer studies, and diapir specification, is the mapping of interfaces between bodies with different densities by interpolation between sparsely distributed 'pinned' points constrained by surface gravity measurements. The present procedure is cumbersome, somewhat limited in its ability to simulate actual geology, and artificially inflexible. This first year we intend to totally rework this procedure to dramatically increase its suitability for solving realistic geologic problems. This will be directly applicable to the Santa Clara Valley 3-D map task (task2) because the marked density interface between the Cenozoic and Mesozoic rocks is a critical element in ground shaking studies, earthquake relocations, ground water flow modeling, tectonic reconstructions, and numerous other process investigations.

Subtask4d. Develop or identify and apply statistical vs deterministic representations of geology and rock properties. Working from well-constrained interpretations based upon well logs, outcrop information, and geophysical data, develop probabilistic models of the distribution of sedimentary rocks and selected properties of those rocks (e.g. grain size, porosity, density, seismic wave velocity, hydrologic permeability, etc.) Resulting representations should capture and fully express both the most likely, expected values of critical properties of sedimentary rocks at any specified location, and the range of possibilities and inherent uncertainties. Consequences of model uncertainties are to be tested for relevance to principal objectives of the 3-D geologic model.

Planned Outreach:

This task is charged with developing the fundamental tools and procedures upon which construction of a 3-D geologic map will depend. Most of the subtasks require cutting edge research. The outreach specifically connected with this task will mostly take the form of colleague interaction between researchers engaged in related studies. No other formal outreach is planned for this task.

Publications delivered/completed for this Task:

Fitzgibbon, T.T., Phelps, G.A., and Jachens, R.C, 2001, GIS tools for the construction of 3D geologic models, Geological Society of America 2001 Abstracts with Programs v. 33, p. A-40.

Publications planned for this task, to be submitted for publication in current or future fiscal years.

Blakely, R.J., and others, 2002, A method for estimating depth and shape of tabular, curvilinear contacts from gravity and magnetic anomalies

2002, Joint inversion of gravity and magnetic anomalies


Current year nonpublication accomplishments and outcomes:

Progress was made on many aspects of this task, although much work remains to be done. Specific interim accomplishments include:

* development of procedures and techniques to make use of new earthquake catalogues to define active fault surfaces in 3D (see Highlights)

* initial redesign of gravity inversion scheme for determining 3D configuration of basins to explicitly incorporate, as constraints, wells that do not reach basement. Began fundamental redesign of procedure to eliminate instabilities caused by background noise in the gravity data and abrupt lateral changes in the assumed density distribution.

* experimentation and development of procedures to define the uncertainties in the basin gravity inversion scheme resulting from uncertainties in the assumed density distributions

* conceptual design and initial tests of a 3D Euler deconvolution procedure to estimate the depth and shape of tabular, curvilinear magnetic bodies from aeromagnetic data, and to apply geologically intelligent clustering alorithms to refine the estimates

* conceptual design of a prototype geologic map cross-section software kit in Arc8 for building quantitative, locally compatible, suites of cross-sections for subsequent assembly (with uncertainties and provenance) into fully 3-D maps. The geologic map (plan view and draped on 3D topography) and each cross-section will be live-linked and work with toolbars grouping object creation (profiles, fold axial surfaces, data projection), edit (draw, morph), and validation (stereonet, fold style) tools.

Highlights- summary of the most significant outcome:

The most significant outcome from this task is the development of techniques and procedures to define 3D fault surfaces from distributions of seismicity. Researchers in the Earthquake Hazards Team have recently developed a new, precise method for determining 3D earthquake locations (the double difference technique) and have produced a refined earthquake catalogue for the San Francisco Bay region. This new catalogue defines many of the active faults with remarkable clarity. We have developed clustering, surface fitting, and successive overlapping cross section techniques that use these earthquake locations to define faults. We also have examined the relationship between fault surfaces defined by earthquakes and surface traces defined by geologic mapping and find them generally to be compatible. Also, initial tests indicate that, where examined, the present-day seismicity lies along lithologic boundaries that represent the long-term locations of the fault surfaces. So far, we have preliminary surfaces defining the Hayward, Calaveras, and Loma Prieta faults, have concluded that no separate 'Mission' fault is required to account for the migration of seismicity from the Calaveras to the Hayward fault, and have tentatively identified a completely concealed, probable reverse fault that intersects the bottom of the Cupertino basin and dips SW toward the San Andreas fault. This fault is of particular interest to me because my house appears to be nearly above its concealed tip.

Task 5: Visualization and Release of 3-D Geologic Maps

Task Leaders:

Task Text Status: PROPOSED
Task priority: 1

Task Summary and Objectives:

The ultimate generic product of this project is a 3-dimensional geologic map. Rather than being a 'hard copy', however, the 3-D geologic map will exist in a computer as a series of interrelated spatially referenced databases, interpolation and extrapolation rules, geologic relationships, physical property assignments, and metadata catalogues. The map will be a 'living' entity, upgraded as new information is obtained, rather than a static entity current only to the time of its release. The purpose of this task is to design and develop a visualization, access, and delivery system by which users can interact with the 3-D map.

We intend for the 3-D maps to be multipurpose entities, and thus anticipate that few potential users will want the entire 3-D map, nor will most have the hardware and software capabilities to handle it. Rather, we foresee two general types of users; 1) those who want a specific component of the entire map (e.g. the seismic wave propagation modeler who needs velocities and densities everywhere), and 2) those who need local quantitative information (e.g. the consultant interested in a few specific cross sections or critical interfaces).

Through the visualization and release system, the user must be able to: 1) examine the map in 3-dimensions, 2) extract visual renditions for publications, presentations, and public relations, 3) extract quantitative volumetric information for process modeling, 4) examine and extract partial map information such as quantitative cross sections, point information with associated metadata, critical surfaces such as faults, depositional surfaces, unconformities, local properties, volume estimates, etc., all with associated uncertainties, and 5) accommodate the huge dynamic range capabilities of digital systems, for example in providing highly detailed information at or near the ground surface while also including less detailed information in the deeper parts of the crust.

Work to be undertaken during the proposal year and a description of the methods and procedures:

Most of the work on this task will be postponed to later years because many of the critical details that will need to be incorporated into this visualization, access, and delivery system will not be known with any precision before we have an actual, prototype 3-D geologic map in place. There are a few efforts we plan to initiate this year, however, to insure that when we have a prototype 3-D map in place, we will be ready to develop the user interface

The primary software platforms that we will use to develop the 3-D geologic maps will be earthVision® (Dynamic Graphics, Inc.), and ArcView, Arc/Info (ESRI). These software packages have many visualization and interactive capabilities and are continually being enhanced. One of the efforts this year will be to maintain close contacts with the developers of these software packages in order to be aware of planned changes and expanded capabilities of these systems so that we can be ready to take advantage of the changes, and also to make these developers aware of our specific needs. Dynamic Graphics, Inc., has been very responsive to our suggestions in the past, and has actively sought our input into the planning for future software modifications.

A significant component of the new 3-D products will involve design. A 3-D data set offers an array of possible products: static prints of cross sections, serial sections, block and fence diagrams; web-based displays of the latter as well as programmed dynamic models; and high-end interactive models that are query based. Designing these visualization products involve honoring the integrity of the data, utilizing the power of the visualization tools that are available, and embedding the essence of aesthetic presentation to insure a complete understanding and a widespread use of the information. A host of products will be designed from the 3-D data sets. These preliminary products will be floated before various audiences in order to determine appeal and usefulness. Potential styles and venues include paper fact sheets, digital fact sheets, a website, "stories" for the national atlas, as well as processed data sets in earthVision® and ARC formats.

Planned Outreach:

Everything about this task is fundamentally outreach. The focus of all the efforts will be to deliver a useful and effective product to the customers.


Current year nonpublication accomplishments and outcomes:

* By the end of FY2001, we will produce 4 science stories that will provide a view of the geologic evolution of the San Francisco Bay area in general and the Santa Clara Valley in particular. These stories will provide the background for subsequent stories that will focus on the process of 3D mapping and its uses. The stories are intended to be animations that will add a 4th dimension to the 3D maps, and will be included on the project website and likely in the National Atlas.

* We worked with Skip Pack of Dynamic Graphics, Inc., exploring methods for 3D display of uncertainties associated with surfaces. Several methods are possible, with a 'peg-board' display (the length of the peg normal to the surface reflecting the uncertainty) seem very promising.

* We began evaluating GeoExpress 2000, a proprietary 3D visualization and data manipulation package built on medical imaging technology. It has a very flexible interface that allows the user to place point, line, surface, cross-section, or volume data into a projected 3D viewing space. Constructing a view is like building a circuit diagram for the flow of data into a frame. The circuit is built of modules that typically have one or more input and output ports. This system seems to have the potential to allow users of the 3D geologic maps to extract personally tailored subsets of the full 3D map.

Task 6: Salinas Valley Neogene basin analysis

Task Leader:
Graymer, Russell W.
345 Middlefield Rd
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: (650)329-4988
FAX: (650)329-4936

Task Text Status: PROPOSED
Task priority: 1

Task Summary and Objectives:

Northern California is the type area for many plate tectonic models now generally accepted (arc-forearc systems, accreted terranes, transform-fault systems). However, fundamental questions remain about the tectonic system, especially the dynamics of the plate margin, the shaping of the landscape, past and present, and the relation between the dynamic system and geologic hazards. Furthermore, Northern California contains a unique intersection of resources, urban expansion, economic importance, and geologic processes, yet basic geologic data sets are fatally outdated in much of the area. The Salinas Valley region provides the perfect site to address both scientific and societal issues. Northern Salinas Valley is rapidly urbanizing, the central and southern parts hold known and potential oil fields, and the basin as a whole typifies the plate margin. Petroleum production has generated a wealth of well data and seismic profiles. Dwindling groundwater resources are utilized for agriculture and the growing population. The region is bounded on the northeast by the San Andreas Fault, on the southwest by the less-studied Rinconada and Nacimiento faults. The hillsides surrounding much of the valley are underlain by Miocene and younger sedimentary rocks similar to those known to be susceptible to landslides in the San Francisco Bay region. The young rocks and fault zones also make the region an excellent laboratory for addressing the scientific questions associated with transpressional plate margin. Fossils in the Salinas Valley area crop out extensively but have been little studied. These fossils will give insight into stratigraphy, fault movement, and paleogeography of the Valley. An important problem of Quaternary history of the area is the nature of the major drainage change that took place from the Great Valley of California to the Pacific Ocean in middle Pleistocene time, controlled by both movement on the San Andreas Fault and Pleistocene climate change.

Work to be undertaken during the proposal year and a description of the methods and procedures:

Because the Salinas Valley region is roughly equivalent in size to the San Francisco Bay region, a multi-year effort is proposed, including 2- and 3-D geologic mapping, basin analysis, surficial deposits mapping, paleontological studies, and structural analyses. The initial year's effort will combine regional geologic mapping and paleontological studies. A new geologic map and map database of the region will be made, composed of newly collected geologic information in critical areas augmented by published and unpublished previous work. New and compiled data will be integrated into geologic map databases in Arc/Info using standard methodology developed by the San Francisco Bay Geologic Mapping Project. High quality digital geologic maps will be produced from the databases via ArcPlot. FGDC Metadata will be produced to accompany each map database. Maps and map databases will be published as MF series maps via the Internet and USGS Map-on-Demand. The new work will continue the collaborative work of Graymer with USGS emeritus scientists Brabb, Clark, and Jones, and will include new structural, tectonic, and stratigraphic interpretations. These maps will also continue our work to address questions of development and ongoing activity of the San Andreas Fault System in the region. Paleontological studies will focus on poorly studied Neogene strata, which should record a major restructuring of the Pacific/NA plate margin and movement along the San Andreas Fault. Existing and new molluscan and microfossil data will be compiled and analyzed, and preliminary reports in the OF series will be produced. Biostratigraphic data will be combined with structural data collected in geologic map studies to produce a structural framework for the Salinas Valley basin analysis.

In FY03 we will propose to build on the regional framework developed in FY02 to build a 3-D geologic map and basin analysis. We envision the integration of subsurface data from petroleum exploration, potential field geophysical data, and Quaternary surficial deposits mapping with ongoing geologic mapping and paleontologic studies.

Planned Outreach:

The web-page developed for the San Francisco Bay region Project (SFGEO) will be expanded to include the geology of the Salinas Valley region. This website continues to provide easy access to our geologic map products to academic, private, and government collaborators and customers, as well as a variety of materials designed for the general public (e.g. a web version of a pamphlet on how to read a geologic map originally designed for the Menlo Park Open-House).

Ties will be sought with the Northern California Landslide Working Group to pursue landslide hazard analyses. Ongoing collaboration with the Earthquake Hazards Team to pursue earthquake hazard analyses established in the San Francisco Bay region will be extended to the Salinas Valley area. Furthermore, ties will be pursued with the academic community pursuing research in the area (e.g. Steve Graham, Stanford Univ.).

Task scientists will also continue to provide consultation and advice on geologic and paleontologic questions to the academic and private sector and the general public via e-mail and phone contact and field trips.

Publications planned for this task, to be submitted for publication in current or future fiscal years.

Langenheim, V.E., and others, 2002, Isostatic residual gravity map of the Monterey 30' X 60' quadrangle, California

Geographic area of task:

United States, Pacific Coastal States, CA
Polygon Lat/Long: 37/122 35.75/120.75

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This page last updated October 27, 2002
