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Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS)

Land Cover Products Description Search/Order
National Land Cover Dataset 1992 (NLCD 92) A U.S. land cover classification product based primarily on 1992 Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data.

Land Cover Characterization Program (NLCD 92)

Seamless Data Distribution System Enhanced

MRLC2001 (Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics 2001) Selected ETM+ and TM scenes (Landsats 7 and 5) from the National Land Cover Characterization 2001 project.
Land Cover Characterization Program (MRLC2001)
Land Use and Land Cover Data (LULC) Historical U.S. land use and land cover data derived from 1970`s and 1980`s aerial photography.
USGS Geographic Data Download
Global Land Cover Characterization (GLCC) A global land cover database primarily derived from 1992 to 1993 1-km AVHRR data.
AVHRR NDVI Composites Weekly and biweekly NDVI composites based on 1-km AVHRR data (1989 to present).

EDC Image Gallery
A special collection of images that record events of historic significance,
beautiful sights or images that stir the imagination.
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