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External Quality-Assurance Results for the National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network and Mercury Deposition Network, 2004 (2006).
USGS report summarizing results from the USGS-operated quality assurance project in support of the National Atmospheric Deposition Program.

Atmospheric Deposition Maps for the Rocky Mountains (2003).
USGS analysis provides high resolution maps of estimated atmospheric deposition of nitrate, sulfate, and acidity to the Rocky Mountain region by integrating environmental data sets using spatial statistical techniques.

Changes in the Chemistry of Lakes and Precipitation in High-elevation National Parks in the Western United States, 1985-1999 (2003).
Update on the status and trends in precipitation and lake chemistry in several Western national parks since the last major survey in 1985.

The Effects of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition in the Rocky Mountain of Colorado and Southern Wyoming (2002).
Updated synthesis and critical assessment of published results on the effects of nitrogen deposition in the Rocky Mountain region. Report also appeared during 2003 in Atmospheric Environment.

Acid Rain - Are the problems solved? (2001)
Center for Environmental Information, Inc. (CEI) Conference, co-sponsored by the USGS, provided a national scale update on the science and policy of acidic deposition in the U.S. The conference proceedings include summary papers for each of the presentations.

Acid Rain Revisited (2001).
An updated assessment of causes and effects of acidic deposition in the Northeastern United States.

Atmospheric Deposition Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (2000).
Summary of the current USGS program to measure atmospheric deposition and evaluate its effects.

Inside Rain: Working with Precipitation Chemistry Data (2000).
A science activity package released by the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), developed with support from the USGS.

Trends in Precipitation and Stream-water Chemistry in the Northeastern United States (1999).
USGS scientists compare and contrast changes in precipitation chemistry to stream chemistry at long term USGS water quality monitoring stations.

The Role of Monitoring Networks in the Management of the Nation's Air Quality (1999).
National Science and Technology Council's report describing major air quality and atmospheric deposition networks and their relevance to the nation's air quality research strategy.

Soil-Calcium Depletion Linked to Acid Rain and Forest Growth in the Eastern United States (1999).
Summary of recent findings on the role of acid rain in forest ecosystems and on the potential for recovery of acidified surface waters.

National Acidic Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP) Biennial Report to Congress (1998).
A comprehensive integrated assessment of acidic deposition in the United States including updated information on atmospheric emissions and deposition, aquatic effects, forest effects, visibility, human health, and cost/benefit analysis of the Acid Rain Control Program.

USGS report on the effects of the Clean Air Act Amendments on Acid Rain (1996).
Analysis of NADP/NTN data showing reduced severity of acid rain due to power plant emission reductions as mandated by Title 4 of the Clean Air Act Amendments.

Acid Rain and our Nation's Capital -- A Guide to Effects on Buildings and Monuments (1997).
This report defines acid rain, explains its effects on marble and limestone buildings, and shows, on a walking tour, places in our Nation's capital affected by acid precipitation.

Uses of NADP/NTN Data for Science Education and Environmental Problem Solving (1997).
A description of nearly 500 applications of NADP/NTN data for science education and nearly 600 uses in environmental problem solving, spurred by the availability of NADP/NTN data on the Internet beginning in 1995.

USGS Tracks Acid Rain (1995).
Primer on acid rain - how it is measured, and its effects.


Mark Nilles

