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Development of an Integrated Geospatial Information Network for South America (GeoSur)

image The GeoSUR Program aims to develop adequate access mechanisms to access spatial information in support of policy development and decision making in South America. The difficulty a user faces when trying to locate or use spatial information in this region underlines the importance of developing data access tools that are easy to use by non-specialists and are available to the wider public on the internet.

GeoSUR is a collaborative effort of the the Pan American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH), the Corporacion Andina de Fomento (CAF), the Interamerican Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN), the U.S. Geological Survey and the national geographic institutes and environmental agencies of the region. Funding for this initiative is provided by CAF.

The Program will assist in the development of the following four data dissemination mechanisms/datasets: 1) A network of web map services, with nodes to be implemented in all participating institutions. 2) A geoportal, to be operated at a central location and providing access to all the participating web map services. 3) Regional elevation models and derivatives, to be built using the Shuttle Radar Topography Missions (SRTM) dataset. 4) Regional digital infrastructure maps.

Once the GeoSUR systems are fully operational, a user, seating in front of a computer with an internet connection, without the use of additional software, will have at his/her fingertips fully integrated and update digital maps of South America, ranging from the local scale to the continental scale.

Overall, GeoSUR will provide tangible benefits for the region. It will:
  • Support national and regional physical infrastructure planning.
  • Provide easy access to spatial information useful for development.
  • Generate added value to national and supra-national spatial information available for activities typically related to sustainable development.
  • Assist in the design and development of a regional spatial data infrastructure.
  • Foster the development of a network of spatial data specialists.