A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Achieving the Goals: Goal 4 Teacher Professional Development - August 1996

U.S. Department of Agriculture

* - designates programs that have a particular usefulness at the school or school district level

Ag in the Classroom*

The Ag in the Classroom Program helps students gain a greater understanding of agriculture's role in the economy and society, and informs students about career opportunities in the food and agricultural sciences. While the Department of Agriculture provides national leadership, each state develops its own programs in cooperation with agribusiness, education, and government. Most states provide teacher in-service training, concentrating on math and science as it pertains to the food and fiber system. Information about state programs is available through the Washington, D.C., office. The Ag in the Classroom State Leader can provide details on state-level programs.

Ag in the Classroom
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Room 4307, South Building
Washington, DC 20250-0991
Phone: (202) 720-7925
Fax: (202) 690-0062

Distance Learning and Medical Link Grant Program*

Provides grants to rural schools, hospitals, and other organizations, to provide educational and medical benefits through distance learning and medical link projects in rural areas. The program finances facilities, such as classroom video equipment, that may be used to connect various rural sites together or to other urban sites through existing telecommunications networks. The program has developed a number of teacher professional development programs and tools. Organizations such as schools, libraries, hospitals, medical centers, or similar organizations, may apply. The requirement is that the applicants will be users of telecommunications, a computer network, or related advanced technology system to provide educational and/or medical benefits to rural residents.

Larry Byrant
Rural Development Assistance Staff
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Rural Electrification Administration
Washington, DC 20250
Phone: (202) 690-3594
e-mail: LBryant@RUS.USDA.Gov

Higher Education Challenge Grants*

This competitive grants program increases institutional capacity to respond to state, regional, national, or international education needs by strengthening college and university teaching programs in the food and agricultural sciences. All U.S. colleges and universities having a demonstrable capacity to teach the food and agricultural sciences are eligible.

Higher Education Programs
Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture, AG Box 2251
Washington, DC 20250-2251
Phone: (202) 720-1973
Fax: (202) 720-2030
e-mail: RGregory@REEUSDA.GOV

Infusing Aquaculture Into Agriculture Education*

Through congressional appropriations in 1990-1996, USDA initiated a pilot program, Infusing Aquaculture Into Agriculture Education, to develop materials, conduct field tests, and provide training in aquaculture for selected teachers across the country. The 1,100-page, 5-volume curriculum is proving valuable in teaching high school students the principles of science and mathematics related to aquatic organisms. The program is being adapted by some schools for middle and elementary students.

Gwendolyn Lewis, Director
Higher Education Programs
Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Ag Box 2251
Washington, DC 20250-2251
Phone: (202) 720-1973
Fax: (202) 720-2030

Institution Capacity Building Grants*

Builds the research and teaching capacities of the 1890 land-grant institutions and Tuskegee University through cooperative programs with federal and nonfederal entities. For teaching grants, funds may be used in the following target areas: (1) curricula design and materials development; (2) faculty preparation and enhancement for teaching; (3) instruction delivery systems; (4) scientific instrumentation for teaching; (5) student experiential learning; and (6) student recruitment and retention.

Higher Education Programs
Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Box 2251
Washington, DC 20250-2251
Phone: (202) 720-1973
FAX: (202) 720-2030

Multicultural Scholars Program

Increases the ethnic and cultural diversity of the food and agriculture scientific and professional work force, and advances the educational achievement of minority Americans. Institutions compete for grants that provide scholarships to outstanding students from traditionally underrepresented racial and ethnic groups to pursue baccalaureate degrees in the fields of agriculture, natural resources, forestry, veterinary medicine, home economics, and disciplines closely allied to the food and agricultural system.

Director, Higher Education Programs
Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Box 2251
Washington, DC 20250-2251
Telephone: (202) 720-1973
FAX: (202) 720-2030

National Networks for Action in Science and Technology

The National Network creates a stronger link of land-grant colleges and universities that provide technical assistance to the federally funded children, youth, and families at-risk sites. The network provides trainers with the information and skills necessary to return to their local communities and train others to implement science and technology curricula and processes. In addition, trainers learn how to recruit participants, promote programs, and establish advisory and planning groups.

Julie Chapin, Coordinator
National Network for Action and Science Technology
6H Berkey Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1117
Phone: (517) 355-0180
Fax: (517) 355-6748
e-mail: Chapin@MSUCES.CANR.MSU.EDU

Nutrition Education and Training Program

Grants are made to state agencies to provide for the nutritional training of educational and food service personnel, the food-service management training of school food service personnel, and the conduct of nutrition education activities in schools and child care institutions and institutions offering summer food service programs under Section 13 of the National School Lunch Act. State and territorial education agencies or alternate state agencies.

Pat Daniels, Chief
Nutrition and Technical Services Division
Food and Consumer Service
Department of Agriculture
3101 Park Center Drive, Room 609
Alexandria, Virginia 22302
Phone: (703) 305-2554
Fax: (703) 305-2549

Teachers' Research Fellowship Program*

The Teachers' Research Fellowship Program offers temporary employment to mathematics, biology, or physical science teachers at the junior or senior high school level. Teachers work under an Agricultural Research Service scientist on specific research problems tailored for completion within a given time period. The program provides teachers with first-hand agricultural and food-related research experience that can be transferred to students in the classroom.

Sharon Tally
Kansas State University
124 Bluemont Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
Phone: (913) 532-7946
Fax: (913) 532-7304

Program Manager
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Cooperative State Research,
Education, and Extension Service
Room 3345-S
14th Street and Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20250-2200
Phone: (202) 720-3511

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