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Slovak-American Development Partnership 1990-2000

Table of Contents

I. Slovak-American Development Partnership

II. Slovakia’s Transition and the USAID Program

III. Our Assistance Legacy

  1. Building Democracy - People and Institutions
  2. Developing Enterprises - Private Sector Growth
  3. Investing in the Environment - Long-term Resources
  4. Improving Social Conditions - Health Sector Development
  5. Multi-sector Training Support

IV. Slovak-American Economic Cooperation in the Future

USAID Legacy Institutions in Slovakia: 1990-2000 and Beyond

IV. Slovak-American Economic Cooperation in the Future

"The problems of victory are more agreeable than the problems of defeat, but no less difficult." -- Winston Churchill

Slovakia and the United States have much in common. Both benefited from the Slovak-Americans who promoted Slovak independence almost a century ago; these outstanding people contributed to our common history. Both countries long struggled to achieve their independence and find their places in the modern world. Both are democracies trying to extend the fruits of political freedom and material progress to all of their citizens. And now, they have shared a decade of intense cooperation in building the modern Slovakia. The country’s transition is still incomplete, just as building democracy in the United States is a never-ending quest. But no one can doubt that today Slovakia is a free, private sector-led country on its way to integration into key international systems and Western institutions.

The United States and Slovakia have entered a new partnership, one in which relations will continue to deepen and mature. Several SEED Act-funded activities will be available after the closing of the USAID office to continue contributing to Slovakia’s advancement to accession to institutions of European and western cooperation and unity. In addition, the full range of normal bilateral economic cooperation and cultural interchange mechanisms will continue in place.

Other Bilateral Cooperation Facilities

The Embassy will maintain U.S. cooperation with the Slovak government on its anti-corruption and anti-crime programs. In addition to continuing resident cooperation from the U.S. Department of Justice, Slovakia will be eligible to send participants to training programs at the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation’s International Law Enforcement Academy in Budapest.

The Embassy will provide the full range of Public Diplomacy programs in Slovakia, including the Fulbright scholarship programs, as well as the International Visitor, University Affiliation, and Citizen Exchange activities. Information is available through the U.S. Embassy public diplomacy office.

The Export-Import Bank of the United States and the Trade and Development Agency will maintain economic and financial cooperation in their specialized areas. Information on these programs is available through the U.S. Embassy’s commercial office, as is information on the agricultural cooperation (Cochran Fellows and export guarantees) offered through the Foreign Agriculture Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

In addition, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will, from time to time, offer its cooperation in resolving priority environmental challenges in Slovakia and other Central and Eastern European countries.
