U.S. Census Bureau


Selected Characteristics of Persons 16 to 74: 2000

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old  With a Work Disability,                  1
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2000
(Numbers in thousands.)

                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  16 to 24 years old                34465       1393        4.0        542        1.6        851        2.5 
Less than 7th grade                   465         56       12.0          4        0.9         52       11.2 
7th to 8th grade                      783         56        7.1         13        1.7         43        5.5 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      12893        551        4.3        178        1.4        373        2.9 
High school graduate                 8095        415        5.1        166        2.1        249        3.1 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      10193        290        2.8        163        1.6        127        1.2 
Bachelor's degree or more            2035         26        1.3         19        0.9          7        0.3 
  25 to 34 years old                37498       2114        5.6        784        2.1       1329        3.5 
Less than 7th grade                   892         76        8.5         10        1.1         66        7.4 
7th to 8th grade                      529        111       21.0         23        4.4         88       16.7 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       3053        409       13.4        103        3.4        306       10.0 
High school graduate                11485        790        6.9        268        2.3        522        4.5 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      10554        529        5.0        274        2.6        255        2.4 
Bachelor's degree or more           10985        198        1.8        107        1.0         91        0.8 
  35 to 44 years old                44528       3840        8.6       1404        3.2       2436        5.5 
Less than 7th grade                  1167        186       16.0         22        1.9        165       14.1 
7th to 8th grade                      593        125       21.0         28        4.6         97       16.4 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       3338        610       18.3        148        4.4        463       13.9 
High school graduate                15078       1515       10.0        522        3.5        993        6.6 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      12362        986        8.0        445        3.6        541        4.4 
Bachelor's degree or more           11990        417        3.5        240        2.0        177        1.5 

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old  With a Work Disability,                  2
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2000
(Numbers in thousands.)

                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  45 to 54 years old                36574       4588       12.5       1601        4.4       2987        8.2 
Less than 7th grade                   983        203       20.7         19        1.9        184       18.8 
7th to 8th grade                      709        249       35.1         42        5.9        207       29.2 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       2363        630       26.7        118        5.0        513       21.7 
High school graduate                11358       1652       14.5        535        4.7       1117        9.8 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      10123       1239       12.2        513        5.1        726        7.2 
Bachelor's degree or more           11036        615        5.6        375        3.4        240        2.2 
  55 to 64 years old                23381       5154       22.0       1452        6.2       3702       15.8 
Less than 7th grade                  1018        451       44.3         56        5.5        396       38.8 
7th to 8th grade                      845        408       48.3         67        8.0        341       40.4 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       2417        873       36.1        120        5.0        753       31.1 
High school graduate                 8358       1823       21.8        566        6.8       1257       15.0 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       5249        987       18.8        361        6.9        626       11.9 
Bachelor's degree or more            5495        612       11.1        282        5.1        330        6.0 
  65 to 69 years old                 9352       2146       22.9       1375       14.7        771        8.2 
Less than 7th grade                   519        246       47.5         92       17.8        154       29.8 
7th to 8th grade                      568        211       37.2        108       19.0        103       18.2 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1212        409       33.7        251       20.7        158       13.1 
High school graduate                 3576        719       20.1        490       13.7        229        6.4 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       1747        300       17.1        236       13.5         64        3.7 
Bachelor's degree or more            1731        261       15.0        199       11.5         62        3.6 

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old  With a Work Disability,                  3
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2000
(Numbers in thousands.)

                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  70 to 74 years old                 8444       2143       25.4       1560       18.5        583        6.9 
Less than 7th grade                   496        213       43.0        110       22.2        103       20.8 
7th to 8th grade                      757        274       36.2        173       22.9        101       13.3 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1144        367       32.1        249       21.8        118       10.3 
High school graduate                 3073        752       24.5        582       18.9        170        5.5 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       1589        336       21.1        279       17.6         57        3.6 
Bachelor's degree or more            1385        201       14.5        166       12.0         35        2.5 
  16 to 74 years old               194242      21379       11.0       8719        4.5      12660        6.5 
Less than 7th grade                  5541       1433       25.9        312        5.6       1121       20.2 
7th to 8th grade                     4784       1434       30.0        454        9.5        980       20.5 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      26420       3849       14.6       1165        4.4       2684       10.2 
High school graduate                61023       7666       12.6       3128        5.1       4538        7.4 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      51817       4666        9.0       2272        4.4       2395        4.6 
Bachelor's degree or more           44658       2330        5.2       1388        3.1        942        2.1 
  16 to 64 years old               176446      17089        9.7       5784        3.3      11306        6.4 
Less than 7th grade                  4526        973       21.5        110        2.4        863       19.1 
7th to 8th grade                     3459        949       27.4        173        5.0        776       22.4 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      24064       3073       12.8        665        2.8       2408       10.0 
High school graduate                54374       6195       11.4       2056        3.8       4139        7.6 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      48481       4031        8.3       1757        3.6       2274        4.7 
Bachelor's degree or more           41542       1868        4.5       1023        2.5        846        2.0 

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old  With a Work Disability,                  4
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2000
(Numbers in thousands.)

                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  25 to 64 years old               141981      15696       11.1       5241        3.7      10455        7.4 
Less than 7th grade                  4061        917       22.6        106        2.6        811       20.0 
7th to 8th grade                     2676        893       33.4        160        6.0        733       27.4 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      11171       2522       22.6        488        4.4       2035       18.2 
High school graduate                46279       5780       12.5       1890        4.1       3890        8.4 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      38288       3741        9.8       1594        4.2       2148        5.6 
Bachelor's degree or more           39506       1843        4.7       1004        2.5        839        2.1 
  65 to 74 years old                17796       4289       24.1       2935       16.5       1354        7.6 
Less than 7th grade                  1015        460       45.3        202       19.9        258       25.4 
7th to 8th grade                     1325        485       36.6        281       21.2        204       15.4 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       2356        776       32.9        499       21.2        276       11.7 
High school graduate                 6649       1471       22.1       1072       16.1        399        6.0 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       3336        635       19.0        515       15.4        120        3.6 
Bachelor's degree or more            3116        461       14.8        365       11.7         96        3.1 

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,                   5
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2000
(Numbers in thousands.)


                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  16 to 24 years old                17366        660        3.8        258        1.5        402        2.3 
Less than 7th grade                   279         30       10.7          2        0.9         27        9.9 
7th to 8th grade                      461         28        6.0          8        1.8         20        4.3 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       6846        293        4.3         92        1.3        201        2.9 
High school graduate                 4130        180        4.4         72        1.7        109        2.6 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       4849        119        2.4         76        1.6         43        0.9 
Bachelor's degree or more             802         11        1.3          8        1.0          3        0.3 
  25 to 34 years old                18310        925        5.0        351        1.9        573        3.1 
Less than 7th grade                   475         34        7.2          4        0.8         30        6.4 
7th to 8th grade                      274         55       20.1          5        1.9         50       18.2 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1637        206       12.6         51        3.1        155        9.5 
High school graduate                 5933        341        5.7        117        2.0        224        3.8 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       4742        211        4.5        127        2.7         84        1.8 
Bachelor's degree or more            5248         77        1.5         47        0.9         30        0.6 
  35 to 44 years old                21878       2020        9.2        710        3.2       1310        6.0 
Less than 7th grade                   603         91       15.1          6        0.9         85       14.1 
7th to 8th grade                      309         70       22.8          9        2.9         61       19.9 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1710        316       18.5         63        3.7        254       14.8 
High school graduate                 7614        860       11.3        295        3.9        566        7.4 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       5689        487        8.6        219        3.9        268        4.7 
Bachelor's degree or more            5953        195        3.3        119        2.0         76        1.3 

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,                   6
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2000
(Numbers in thousands.)


                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  45 to 54 years old                17847       2404       13.5        896        5.0       1507        8.4 
Less than 7th grade                   493        115       23.2          7        1.5        107       21.7 
7th to 8th grade                      361        116       32.3         16        4.4        101       27.9 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1135        306       27.0         51        4.5        256       22.6 
High school graduate                 5193        870       16.8        296        5.7        574       11.1 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       4909        690       14.1        310        6.3        380        7.7 
Bachelor's degree or more            5756        306        5.3        216        3.8         89        1.6 
  55 to 64 years old                11131       2332       20.9        633        5.7       1699       15.3 
Less than 7th grade                   500        218       43.5         16        3.2        202       40.3 
7th to 8th grade                      436        181       41.6         41        9.3        141       32.3 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1060        353       33.3         36        3.4        317       29.9 
High school graduate                 3591        829       23.1        224        6.2        606       16.9 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       2436        468       19.2        178        7.3        290       11.9 
Bachelor's degree or more            3109        283        9.1        139        4.5        144        4.6 
  65 to 69 years old                 4376       1024       23.4        660       15.1        364        8.3 
Less than 7th grade                   248        122       49.0         41       16.4         81       32.6 
7th to 8th grade                      329        116       35.2         62       19.0         53       16.3 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)        498        177       35.6         97       19.4         81       16.2 
High school graduate                 1413        311       22.0        224       15.9         87        6.1 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree        863        147       17.0        124       14.3         23        2.7 
Bachelor's degree or more            1023        151       14.8        113       11.0         38        3.8 

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,                   7
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2000
(Numbers in thousands.)


                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  70 to 74 years old                 3673       1022       27.8        783       21.3        239        6.5 
Less than 7th grade                   250        109       43.6         68       27.1         41       16.4 
7th to 8th grade                      372        147       39.6        103       27.6         45       12.0 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)        476        164       34.5        111       23.3         53       11.2 
High school graduate                 1098        331       30.2        274       24.9         58        5.3 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree        657        160       24.4        137       20.9         23        3.5 
Bachelor's degree or more             821        110       13.4         91       11.1         19        2.3 
  16 to 74 years old                94581      10386       11.0       4293        4.5       6094        6.4 
Less than 7th grade                  2849        718       25.2        144        5.1        574       20.2 
7th to 8th grade                     2541        714       28.1        244        9.6        470       18.5 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      13361       1816       13.6        499        3.7       1317        9.9 
High school graduate                28972       3723       12.9       1501        5.2       2222        7.7 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      24145       2283        9.5       1172        4.9       1111        4.6 
Bachelor's degree or more           22712       1132        5.0        733        3.2        399        1.8 
  16 to 64 years old                86532       8340        9.6       2849        3.3       5491        6.3 
Less than 7th grade                  2351        488       20.7         35        1.5        452       19.2 
7th to 8th grade                     1840        451       24.5         79        4.3        372       20.2 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      12387       1474       11.9        292        2.4       1183        9.5 
High school graduate                26461       3081       11.6       1004        3.8       2078        7.9 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      22625       1975        8.7        911        4.0       1065        4.7 
Bachelor's degree or more           20868        871        4.2        529        2.5        342        1.6 

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,                   8
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2000
(Numbers in thousands.)


                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  25 to 64 years old                69166       7680       11.1       2591        3.7       5089        7.4 
Less than 7th grade                  2072        458       22.1         33        1.6        425       20.5 
7th to 8th grade                     1379        423       30.7         71        5.1        353       25.6 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       5541       1181       21.3        200        3.6        982       17.7 
High school graduate                22332       2901       13.0        932        4.2       1969        8.8 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      17776       1857       10.4        834        4.7       1022        5.7 
Bachelor's degree or more           20066        860        4.3        521        2.6        339        1.7 
  65 to 74 years old                 8049       2046       25.4       1444       17.9        602        7.5 
Less than 7th grade                   498        231       46.3        109       21.8        122       24.5 
7th to 8th grade                      701        263       37.5        165       23.5         98       14.0 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)        974        342       35.1        207       21.3        134       13.8 
High school graduate                 2511        642       25.6        498       19.8        144        5.8 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       1520        308       20.2        261       17.2         46        3.1 
Bachelor's degree or more            1844        261       14.1        204       11.0         57        3.1 

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,                   9
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2000
(Numbers in thousands.)


                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  16 to 24 years old                17099        733        4.3        284        1.7        449        2.6 
Less than 7th grade                   186         26       14.0          2        0.8         25       13.2 
7th to 8th grade                      322         28        8.7          5        1.5         23        7.2 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       6047        258        4.3         86        1.4        172        2.8 
High school graduate                 3965        235        5.9         94        2.4        140        3.5 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       5344        171        3.2         87        1.6         84        1.6 
Bachelor's degree or more            1234         15        1.2         10        0.8          4        0.4 
  25 to 34 years old                19188       1189        6.2        433        2.3        756        3.9 
Less than 7th grade                   417         42       10.0          6        1.4         36        8.6 
7th to 8th grade                      255         56       22.0         18        7.0         38       15.0 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1415        202       14.3         52        3.6        151       10.7 
High school graduate                 5552        449        8.1        151        2.7        299        5.4 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       5812        318        5.5        147        2.5        172        3.0 
Bachelor's degree or more            5737        121        2.1         60        1.0         61        1.1 
  35 to 44 years old                22650       1820        8.0        694        3.1       1126        5.0 
Less than 7th grade                   564         96       17.0         16        2.9         79       14.1 
7th to 8th grade                      285         55       19.2         19        6.5         36       12.6 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1628        294       18.1         85        5.2        209       12.8 
High school graduate                 7463        655        8.8        227        3.0        428        5.7 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       6672        499        7.5        226        3.4        273        4.1 
Bachelor's degree or more            6037        222        3.7        121        2.0        102        1.7 

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,                  10
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2000
(Numbers in thousands.)


                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  45 to 54 years old                18726       2185       11.7        705        3.8       1480        7.9 
Less than 7th grade                   490         89       18.1         11        2.3         77       15.8 
7th to 8th grade                      349        132       38.0         26        7.5        106       30.5 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1229        324       26.4         67        5.4        257       20.9 
High school graduate                 6166        781       12.7        238        3.9        543        8.8 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       5214        549       10.5        204        3.9        345        6.6 
Bachelor's degree or more            5280        310        5.9        159        3.0        151        2.9 
  55 to 64 years old                12250       2823       23.0        819        6.7       2004       16.4 
Less than 7th grade                   518        233       45.0         39        7.6        194       37.4 
7th to 8th grade                      409        227       55.5         27        6.5        200       49.0 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1357        520       38.3         85        6.2        436       32.1 
High school graduate                 4767        994       20.9        342        7.2        652       13.7 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       2814        519       18.4        183        6.5        336       11.9 
Bachelor's degree or more            2386        329       13.8        143        6.0        186        7.8 
  65 to 69 years old                 4976       1122       22.5        715       14.4        407        8.2 
Less than 7th grade                   270        125       46.1         51       19.0         73       27.1 
7th to 8th grade                      239         95       39.9         45       19.0         50       20.8 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)        714        232       32.4        154       21.6         78       10.9 
High school graduate                 2162        408       18.9        266       12.3        143        6.6 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree        883        152       17.3        112       12.7         41        4.6 
Bachelor's degree or more             708        110       15.5         86       12.2         23        3.3 

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,                  11
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2000
(Numbers in thousands.)


                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  70 to 74 years old                 4771       1121       23.5        777       16.3        345        7.2 
Less than 7th grade                   246        104       42.4         42       17.1         62       25.3 
7th to 8th grade                      385        127       33.0         71       18.4         56       14.6 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)        668        203       30.3        138       20.7         65        9.7 
High school graduate                 1975        421       21.3        308       15.6        112        5.7 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree        932        175       18.8        142       15.3         33        3.6 
Bachelor's degree or more             564         91       16.1         75       13.3         16        2.8 
  16 to 74 years old                99661      10993       11.0       4426        4.4       6566        6.6 
Less than 7th grade                  2692        714       26.5        168        6.2        546       20.3 
7th to 8th grade                     2243        720       32.1        210        9.4        510       22.7 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      13059       2033       15.6        666        5.1       1367       10.5 
High school graduate                32050       3943       12.3       1627        5.1       2316        7.2 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      27672       2384        8.6       1100        4.0       1283        4.6 
Bachelor's degree or more           21946       1198        5.5        655        3.0        543        2.5 
  16 to 64 years old                89913       8749        9.7       2935        3.3       5814        6.5 
Less than 7th grade                  2175        485       22.3         74        3.4        411       18.9 
7th to 8th grade                     1619        498       30.8         94        5.8        404       24.9 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      11676       1599       13.7        374        3.2       1225       10.5 
High school graduate                27913       3114       11.2       1053        3.8       2061        7.4 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      25856       2056        8.0        846        3.3       1210        4.7 
Bachelor's degree or more           20673        997        4.8        494        2.4        504        2.4 

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,                  12
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2000
(Numbers in thousands.)


                                           -------------------- With a work disability -------------------- 
                                           ------ Total -------  ---- Not severe ----  ------ Severe ------ 
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent 
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total 
  25 to 64 years old                72815       8016       11.0       2651        3.6       5366        7.4 
Less than 7th grade                  1989        459       23.1         73        3.7        386       19.4 
7th to 8th grade                     1297        470       36.2         89        6.9        381       29.4 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       5629       1341       23.8        288        5.1       1053       18.7 
High school graduate                23948       2879       12.0        958        4.0       1921        8.0 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree      20512       1885        9.2        759        3.7       1126        5.5 
Bachelor's degree or more           19440        982        5.1        483        2.5        499        2.6 
  65 to 74 years old                 9747       2243       23.0       1491       15.3        752        7.7 
Less than 7th grade                   517        229       44.4         94       18.1        136       26.3 
7th to 8th grade                      624        222       35.6        116       18.6        106       17.0 
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)       1382        434       31.4        292       21.1        142       10.3 
High school graduate                 4138        829       20.0        574       13.9        255        6.2 
Associate's degree                                                                                          
or some college with no degree       1815        328       18.1        254       14.0         74        4.1 
Bachelor's degree or more            1272        201       15.8        161       12.7         39        3.1 

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division
Last Revised: December 13, 2004