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Re: Bug for llnl.dat database?

The error message  indicates that the program ran out of memory. Unless you
have only a few megabytes of memory, this should not have happened. I'll
have to check with Brian Marshall (he compiled the Mac version) to see if
he has any ideas, but the examples worked on his machine. However, example
1 is normally run with the phreeqc.dat database, so llnl.dat may not have
been tested.

A couple things you could do (1) run  example 1 with the phreeqc.dat
database, and (2) attach the ex1.out files for both the phreeqc.dat and
llnl.dat runs to an email.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention, hopefully we can find the


David Parkhurst (dlpark@xxxxxxxx)
U.S. Geological Survey
Box 25046, MS 413
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225

                      Michele Y Crouse                                                                               
                                               To:      David L Parkhurst/WRD/USGS/DOI@xxxx                          
                      01/14/02 09:14           cc:      gs-w_h2osoft@xxxxxxxx                                        
In-Reply-To: <OF4B967CB5.D892FF6B-ON85256B41.00592AF8@xxxxxxxx>
                      AM                       Subject: Bug for llnl.dat database?                                   

----- Forwarded by Michele Y Crouse/WRD/USGS/DOI on 01/14/02 11:13 a.m.
                      Colin Walker                                                                                    
                      <colin.walker@xxx         To:      h2osoft@xxxxxxxx                                             
                      stol.ac.uk>               cc:                                                                   
In-Reply-To: <OF4B967CB5.D892FF6B-ON85256B41.00592AF8@xxxxxxxx>
                                                Subject: Bug for llnl.dat database?                                   
                      01/14/02 04:38                                                                                  

To whom it may concern,

I have recently downloaded Phreeqc 2.5 for the macintosh and can't get the
llnl.dat database to work with it. I get the following error message as

SIOUX state: application has terminated

Input file: ex1

Output file: ex1.out

Database file: llnl.dat


ERROR: NULL pointer returned from malloc or realloc.
ERROR: Program terminating.

Is there a problem with the database or am I missing something obvious?

Yours faithfully,

Colin Walker
Univeristy of Bristol

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