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USAID Provides Assistance to Indonesia Flood Victims

January 11, 2006
Press Office: 202-712-4320
Public Information: 202-712-4810

WASHINGTON, DC - Due to the ongoing monsoon-related flooding in Indonesia, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has provided $50,000 to the Indonesia Red Cross to support emergency response activities in the flood-affected areas.

On January 1st, after three days of torrential downpours and the overflow of the Dinoyo River, severe flash flooding and landslides occurred in three districts of Jember Regency, East Java Province. According to the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, the flooding and landslides in East Java have killed 63 people, displaced 6,700 people, and damaged more than 2,500 homes. Damage to local infrastructure has hampered rescue efforts and isolated many communities from adequate food, shelter, and emergency relief supplies.

In addition, international media sources reported that flash floods and landslides in central Indonesia buried approximately 100 homes in the village of Cijeruk on January 4. An estimated 200 villagers remain missing and are feared dead. With additional heavy rains and flooding expected in the coming days, the death toll and damage estimates are expected to rise in the affected areas.

USAID will continue to monitor the situation and provide additional updates as necessary.

The U.S. Agency for International Development has provided economic and humanitarian assistance worldwide for more than 40 years.

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Thu, 12 Jan 2006 18:43:53 -0500