Child Care in Louisiana:
A Short Report on
Subsidies, Affordability, and Supply

This report summarizes recent child care information for the state of Louisiana.  The first section provides new information on child care subsidies, based on eligibility estimates generated by the Urban Institute and state administrative data reported to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).  The second two parts, on affordability and supply, draw on state and local data collected by the Urban Institute during the summer of 1999 under contract with HHS.  A companion document to the national report entitled "Access to Child Care for Low-Income Working Families," the Louisiana report is one in a series of nine state reports.  [The other reports are:  California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Utah]

I.  Child Care Subsidies

Figure 1.  Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Eligibility and Receipt in Louisiana

Chart on children by family type

Sources:  Urban Institute simulations and state administrative data reported to the Child Care Bureau.

II.  Affordability5

Figure 2.  Child Care Prices and Co-Payments for a Hypothetical New Orleans,
Louisiana Family of Three Earning $15,000 with One Child in Care
Average Monthly Rates
(Full Time Care)
% of Income
(Family Income of $15,000 Annually)
Monthly Co-Payments*
(If receive subsidy)
% of Income**
(Family Income of $15,000 Annually)
INFANT (1 year)
Center-based $325 26.0% $29 2.3%
Accredited center-based $412 32.9% $29 2.3%
Family child care home $217 17.3% $22 1.7%
Center-based $303 24.3% $29 2.3%
Accredited center-based $390 31.2% $29 2.3%
Family child care home $217 17.3% $22 1.7%

*  State policy does not prevent providers from charging parents additional amounts, above the co-payment, if the providers’ rates exceed the state reimbursement level. Figures in this table represent the minimum co-payment.

**  Co-payments in Louisiana are based on a percentage of the cost of care, which was assumed equal to average monthly prices (shown in column 1) or maximum CCDF reimbursement rates, whichever was lower.

Source:  Data collected by the Urban Institute from the Agenda for Children-Child Care Resources, a child care resource and referral agency serving the area in and around New Orleans, summer 1999.

III.  Gaps in Child Care Supply7


1.  Estimate based on microsimulations using the Urban Institute's TRIM3 model, guidelines in the state's 1997-99 CCDF state plan, and three years of Current Population Survey data (calendar years 1995-97).  Back to text

2.  Ibid.  Back to text

3.  Estimates based on state administrative data reported to the Child Care Bureau and adjusted to reflect children funded through CCDF only.  1998 figures based on April-September 1998.  Back to text

4.  Waiting list data were obtained and compiled by the Urban Institute from the Louisiana Department of Social Services, the state child care agency.  Back to text

5.  Information in this section was obtained and compiled by the Urban Institute from Agenda for Children-Child Care Resources (AC-CCR) (a child care resource and referral agency in Louisiana).  AC-CCR covers 11 of the 64 parishes in the state:  Assumption, Jefferson, Orleans, Lafourche, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. James, St. John, St. Tammany, and Terrebone.  These 11 parishes are concentrated primarily in and around New Orleans.  Back to text

6.  State maximum rates were obtained and compiled by the Urban Institute from the Louisiana Department of Social Services, summer 1999.  Back to text

7.  Information in this section was obtained and compiled by the Urban Institute from Agenda for Children-Child Care Resources.  Back to text

*  Providers are accredited by national organizations based on criteria designed to measure quality.  Accreditation is one indication that a provider has a demonstrated commitment to providing quality care.  Back to text

Where to?

National Child Care Report ]
California | Connecticut | Delaware | Florida | Louisiana | Michigan | Pennsylvania | Texas | Utah ]

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