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USAID Summer Seminars

Session 4

KfDThe Bureau for Policy and Program Coordination, in coordination with the Knowledge for Development Subcommittee, is pleased to present USAID 2004 Summer Seminars. Click under “Materials” below for more information. Visit our WebBoard (new page will open).

Date Session #. Title Materials
July 20, 2004 4. Passing the Baton: How State and USAID Transfer Knowledge (or don't) in Iraq and Afghanistan Notes and
Presentation, PPT 705kb
Organizer: Bruce Burton, Office of eDiplomacy, Dept. of State. Presenters: James Bever, former Director, USAID Mission to Afghanistan; John Finney, Political Advisor Coordinator, Dept of State; David Sedney, former Deputy Chief of Mission, Kabul Embassy; Ross Wherry, Senior Reconstruction Advisor, ANE, USAID

Many organizations face the challenge of transferring knowledge from outgoing to incoming personnel and from one generation to the next. For State and USAID, the challenge has been particularly acute regarding the hundreds of personnel who have served short-term rotations in Iraq and Afghanistan. State and USAID personnel assigned to either post quickly need to understand operating procedures, people, culture, political and economic circumstances, security, and development and humanitarian needs. The learning curve has had to be short and the stakes—for individuals, managers and for the success of the mission—are very high.

This seminar featured a discussion among veterans of service in Iraq and Afghanistan about how their organizations dealt with the challenge of preparing new people to do their jobs, often in dangerous and harsh conditions, and to pass on their learning to their replacements. The panel highlighted what worked and where gaps remain between needs and solutions, and looked to the audience to suggest ideas for meeting those needs.


WHEN: Each Tuesday, 9:00 to 11:00 AM through September 14

WHERE: The Center for Association Leadership at the Marriott Learning Complex is located in the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW. Main entrances to the Ronald Reagan Building are located on 14th Street and along Woodrow Wilson Plaza at 13th and Pennsylvania Avenue. The Center for Association Leadership is located on the Concourse Level (one floor below street level) near the Metro entrance to the Ronald Reagan Building. The Center is on your left before the Metro passageway. If taking Metro, the Federal Triangle metro stop (blue and orange lines) is connected to the Ronald Reagan Building by a covered passageway. The Center will be immediately on your right as you enter.

OTHER: A photo ID is needed to enter the Ronald Reagan Building.

REGISTRATION: No pre-registration, but we recommend that you arrive at least 20 minutes early to pass building security and to get a good seat.

QUESTIONS: For additional information, please contact Cindy Arciaga at 202-661-5859 or by e-mail at CArciaga@DIS.CDIE.ORG. Information will be available on the web at:

Point of Contact: Any questions concerning USAID Summer Seminars may be directed to Judy Light, PPC/DEI/DI, 202-712-0761, or Joe Lieberson, PPC/DEI/ESPA, 202-712-4704.

To view descriptions for the upcoming 2004 seminars, please click here.

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Wed, 04 Aug 2004 10:33:15 -0500