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Transition Initiatives Country Programs: Angola

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USAID/OTI Angola Field Report

March 2004

FY 2004 Budget - $3,800,000


The situation in Angola changed dramatically during 2002, with UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi’s unexpected death quickly followed by a ceasefire, a renewed commitment to the peace process, and the rapid demobilization of UNITA forces. After nearly thirty years of civil war, these developments present a unique opportunity to invigorate Angola’s stalled democratic transition. For the first time in the history of Angolan independence, the government no longer has a wartime or national security justification for poor governance. In addition, a nascent political transformation now appears to be underway, with elections anticipated for 2006. However, indigenous pro-democracy forces are weak and scattered. A fast, flexible small-grants program targeting civil society advo-cacy, information dissemination and grassroots-level community engagement will help ensure that the cessation of civil conflict results in a political transition to better governance, more equitable access to Angola’s considerable wealth, and a lasting peace.

Program Goals and Objectives

USAID/OTI’s goal in Angola is to use the increased stability of Angola’s transition from war to peace to promote a more open and participatory democratic society. USAID/OTI works in close coordination with USAID’s ongoing Democracy and Governance programs in Angola as it deploys a flexible, short-term small-grants program. The program supports activities that spread and strengthen participatory democratic practices and promote greater political competition, account-ability, and transparency. USAID/OTI’s initial objectives are to:

  • Strengthen Media and Access to Information;
  • Increase/Improve Civil Society Organizations’ Capacity to Advocate on Key Issues;
  • Increase Citizens’ and Local Authorities’ Engagement to Address Community Problems.

Illustrative Activities

  • Sponsor media programming/articles dealing with key transition issues, including status of reintegration, land tenure, access to education, and Constitutional reform;
  • Organize workshops, discussion groups and information campaigns to promote national dia-logue on critical issues;
  • Support civil society organizations to strengthen analytical and advocacy capacity;
  • Promote organizational and communication linkages between Luanda and the rest of the country.

For further information, please contact:
In Washington: Angela Martin at 202-712-5434,

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Thu, 24 Feb 2005 12:34:01 -0500