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Link to US Office in Pristina
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Profile of Kosovo

Map of Kosovo



Land area: 10,908 km² (smaller than New Jersey )
Terrain: Low flood plains throughout central Kosovo, surrounded by mountains to the north, west and south.
Highest elevation: Gjeravica 2,856m
Land Use
: 52% agriculture, 39% forests
Largest City
: Pristina - est. pop. 400,000


Population Description: approximately 1.8 million people. 42% urban / 58% rural
Population in Diaspora: 400,000 - 700,000 people living abroad. Remittances - estimated at 500 million dollars per year.
Religion: Predominately Muslim. Also Serbian Orthodox and Roman Catholic. Ethnicity: Albanian Kosovar 90%, Serbian Kosovar 8%, Other 2% Languages: Albanian, Serbian, English 

Economic Description

Currency: EURO (as of Jan. 1, 2002) GDP2002: €1,895 million (est.)
Per capita: €964 (est.) Employment: Private Enterprise 23%, Farming 15%
Employment in Diaspora 24%
Extreme poverty: 12%


United Nations Interim Adminsitration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK, est. 1999)
SRSG:  Soren Jessen-Petersen
Pillar I:  Police and Justice
Pillar II:  Civil Administration
Pillar III:  Democratization and Institution Building
Pillar IV:  Reconstruction and Economic Development

Provisional Institutions of Self-Government (PISG, est. 2002)
President:  Fatmir Sejdiu
Prime Minister:  Agim Ceku
Speaker of the Assembly: Kole Berisha
Local Government is represented by 30 municipalities.

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