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Afghanistan Fact Sheet: USAID Funds Afghan Ministry Of Mines and Industry & Ministry Of Planning

Kabul - On October 1, The United States Government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), held two signing ceremonies for grants to the Afghanistan Ministry of Mines and Industry and Ministry of Planning. The grants provide an estimated $100,000 for public building rehabilitation. Present at the ceremonies were U.S. Ambassador Robert Finn, USAID Director Craig Buck, Minister of Mines and Industries Eng. Joma M. Mohamadi, and Minister of Planning Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq.

Photo: US Ambassador Robert Finn, Minister of Mines and Industries Joma M. Mohamadi, and USAID Director Craig Buck sign a USAID grant to rehabilitate the Ministry's heating system and kitchen, enabling the ministry to function during the winter months.
US Ambassador Robert Finn, Minister of Mines and Industries Joma M. Mohamadi, and USAID Director Craig Buck sign a USAID grant to rehabilitate the Ministry's heating system and kitchen, enabling the ministry to function during the winter months. Photo: Karma Lively

These grants help the new Transitional Government of Afghanistan promote job opportunities for local Afghan contractor employees, and to create a better working environment for government employees. U.S. support for Afghan kindergartens increases the participation of women in government work.

Minister Mohamadi, who was visibly pleased at the rapid support, stated that his plans are to "generate revenue from the country's mines and other industries", while at the same time "minimizing government involvement and encouraging privatization. USAID is repairing the Ministry's heating system and kitchen - both identified by Minister Joma M. Mohamadi as priority needs for his building in Kabul. By refurbishing the kindergarten, females, particularly widows, will be able to return to work.

USAID provides a range of direct support to 26 Afghan government entities in Kabul, Balkh, Faryab, and Maimana, totaling $1.9 million. Besides building refurbishment, many grants enable government offices to provide critical services to the Afghan public. Several grants to the Ministry of Water and Power, for example, provided electricity and electrical repair services for thousands of residents before the start of the Loya Jirga. A grant to the Central Bank is enabling Afghanistan to begin legitimate banking transactions with the outside world, as well as establish communications with regional banks within the country.

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Mon, 12 Sep 2005 13:32:41 -0500