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Transition Initiatives Country Programs: West Bank and Gaza
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Fact Sheet - May 2007

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Transition Initiatives: West Bank and Gaza

Photo:  LHA volunteers cleaning a flooded home in Um an Naser in Gaza.   LHA volunteers cleaning a flooded home in Um an Naser in Gaza - March 2007
On March 27, 2007, a large wave of effluent from a sewage treatment plant in Northern Gaza flooded the nearby village of Um An Nasser, leaving houses damaged and destroyed. Following the flooding, the Life and Hope Association (LHA), a Gaza NGO, and its volunteers decided to take action. With in-kind support from USAID/OTI, the LHA mobilized more than 150 youth volunteers to assist 100 homeowners by cleaning debris and sand from their flooded homes.
Demonstrators march for peace in Gaza
Photo:  Demonstrators march for peace in Gaza.   LHA volunteers cleaning a flooded home in Um an Naser in Gaza - December 2005
Despite the cold and rain, 2,000 citizens peacefully gathered and marched on Dec. 20 at Al Muntada, the Presidential Office in Gaza City. The protesters demanded an end to violence and restoration of law and order. Arriving in 40 buses from every corner of the Gaza Strip, the participants represented all segments of the population: children, students, workers, women, men, and civic leaders. They all expressed in word and action their right to live in peace and safety.
Demonstrators march for peace in Gaza


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Fri, 22 Jun 2007 15:35:58 -0500