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Risk Management Program

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Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act (CAA) requires covered facilities (referred to as stationary sources) to develop risk management programs to prevent accidental releases of dangerous chemicals. Covered stationary sources are those that have certain regulated substances present in excess of applicable thresholds. Each covered stationary source must prepare and implement a risk management program and maintain documentation of the program on site in the form of a risk management plan (RMP). The risk management program will include an analysis of the potential offsite consequences of an accidental release, a five-year accident history, a prevention program, and an emergency response program.

Facilities are required to submit RMPs to EPA. RMPs will be available to state and local governments and citizens to help them understand potential local chemical hazards and take steps to prevent accidents. The risk management program regulations are administered by EPA's Office of Emergency Management (OEM).

RMP links include:

RMP Information Web Page
RMP*Submit Web Page
RMP*Submit 2004 User's Manual (PDF) (97 pp, 664K)
RMP*Submit 2004 User's Manual Appendices (PDF) (46 pp, 571K)
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