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Housing Characteristics Data Tables

Statistical Significance Testing of Data

Housing Unit Characteristics


Household Characteristics

Space Heating


About the Data

Tables HC1:Housing Unit Characteristics, Million U.S. Households 2001 (Entire Section PDF - 49 pages, 201 kb)

Climate Zone  PDF

Year of Construction     PDF
Household Income    PDF
Type of Housing Unit     PDF
Type of Owner-Occupied Housing Unit   PDF
Type of Rented Housing Unit     PDF
Four Most Populated States    PDF
Urban/Rural Location     PDF
Northeast Census Region   PDF
Midwest Census Region     PDF
South Census Region  PDF
West Census Region      PDF

Tables HC2: Household Characteristics, Million U.S. Households 2001 (Entire Section PDF - 13 pages, 93 kb)

Climate Zone      PDF

Year of Construction    PDF
Household Income  PDF
Type of Housing Unit     PDF
Type of Owner-Occupied Housing Unit  PDF
Type of Rented Housing Unit    PDF
Four Most Populated States     PDF
Urban/Rural Location    PDF
Northeast Census Region   PDF
Midwest Census Region   PDF
South Census Region   PDF
West Census Region   PDF

Tables HC3: Space Heating, Million U.S. Households, 2001 (Entire Section PDF - 25 pages, 119 kb)

Climate Zone    PDF

Year of Construction   PDF
Household Income     PDF
Type of Housing Unit   PDF
Type of Owner-Occupied Housing Unit    PDF
Type of Rented Housing Unit    PDF
Four Most Populated States    PDF
Urban/Rural Location   PDF
Northeast Census Region   PDF
Midwest Census Region   PDF
South Census Region    PDF
West Census Region    PDF

Tables HC4: Air-Conditioning, Million U.S. Households, 2001 (Entire Section PDF - 25 pages, 87 kb)

Climate Zone    PDF

Year of Construction     PDF
Household Income     PDF
Type of Housing Unit   PDF
Type of Owner-Occupied Housing Unit  PDF
Type of Rented Housing Unit    PDF
Four Most Populated States     PDF
Urban/Rural Location     PDF
Northeast Census Region     PDF
Midwest Census Region   PDF
South Census Region      PDF
West Census Region     PDF

Tables HC5: Appliances, Million U.S. Households, 2001 (Entire Section PDF - 61 pages, 190 kb)

Climate Zone     PDF

Year of Construction   PDF
Household Income     PDF
Type of Housing Unit   PDF
Type of Owner-Occupied Housing Unit    PDF
Type of Rented Housing Unit   PDF
Four Most Populated States     PDF
Urban/Rural Location    PDF
Northeast Census Region    PDF
Midwest Census Region   PDF
South Census Region    PDF   
West Census Region    PDF

Tables HC6: Usage Indicators, Million U.S. Households, 2001 (Entire Section PDF - 61 pages, 194 kb)

Climate Zone      PDF

Year of Construction    PDF
Household Income    PDF
Type of Housing Unit  PDF
Type of Owner-Occupied Housing Unit     PDF
Type of Rented Housing Unit  PDF
Four Most Populated States PDF
Urban/Rural Location    PDF
Northeast Census Region     PDF
Midwest Census Region  PDF
South Census Region         PDF
West Census Region    PDF

Tables HC7: Home Office Equipment, Million U.S. Households, 2001 (Entire Section PDF - 13 pages, 88 kb)

Climate Zone  PDF

Year of Construction  PDF
Household Income  PDF
Type of Housing Unit  PDF
Type of Owner-Occupied Housing Unit    PDF
Type of Rented Housing Unit     PDF
Four Most Populated States    PDF
Urban/Rural Location     PDF
Northeast Census Region     PDF
Midwest Census Region     PDF
South Census Region          PDF
West Census Region  PDF
For specific questions about the "Housing Characteristics Tables of Data", please contact:

     RECS Survey Manager
Phone: (202) 586-1122
Fax: (202) 586-0018

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