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Public Participation Process

EPA is strongly committed to involving stakeholders and the public in its development of pesticide reregistration and tolerance reassessment decisions. The Agency's public participation process provides a dynamic framework for public involvement and consultation during the conduct of these programs.

Because all pesticides do not present the same degree of risk or complexity of issues, the public participation process provides options for conducting a full 6 phase process, modified 4 phase process, or streamlined low risk process, as appropriate. Using this tailored approach, EPA promotes robust public involvement while making timely pesticide regulatory decisions, to meet statutory deadlines and program goals.

Factors Considered in Choosing a 6 Phase, 4 Phase, or Low Risk Process


Public Participation Schedule

Public Participation Process for Tolerance Reassessment and Reregistration, Federal Register Notice, May 14, 2004

SMART Meetings -- EPA usually begins the reregistration process for a pesticide by holding a SMART meeting, to obtain information about the pesticide's current uses. Updated use information is vital to the Agency in developing accurate pesticide exposure and risk assessments.

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