Operation Day's Work
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2004 - 05 Calendar & Requirements


There are only a few requirements for ODW:
  1. ODW members must work with an advisor.
  2. ODW members must educate themselves about ODW and the project country.
  3. ODW members must take part in voting to select the project that money will be raised for.
  4. ODW members must do their best to educate other students, school officials, and members of the community about ODW and what we're doing together to help young people around the world.
  5. ODW members must have at least one workday to raise money for the project that is selected.
  6. Schools must include any of grades 7-12.
December 3, 2004:
ODW Request for Applications (RFA) e-mailed out.
January 5, 2005:
Deadline for Application Submissions from non-profit organizations
January 6, 2005:
Applications Distributed to ODW schools via e-mail
January 6 – 26, 2005:
Review and debate Application Submissions
January 27, 2005:
VOTING DEADLINE, one vote per school.
January 28, 2005:
Voting Results Posted on ODW website


Form school committee
Discuss Plans for Coming Year
ODW Request for Applications sent via e-mail to non-profit organizations
Continue Discussion of Plans for School Year

Receive ODW Project Applications via e-mail
Review and Discuss all Project Applications
Vote on Applications and Submit Result to USAID
Make list of potential business contacts
Research Project Country
Draft letter to businesses explaining ODW and asking for support/jobs
Annual Project Logo Contest
Send Letters to Potential Businesses
Make ODW posters for your school - Build Excitement for the Program
Start planning International Day
Follow-up business letters with a phone call to the managers
Build up excitement in your school
Create flyers for the community, asking for jobs
March (International Month):
Continue researching project country
Workday planning begins
Continue calling businesses
Continue planning International Day
Sign-up students for the Workday
Send 2nd letter out to businesses hiring students, giving them details
Write press release
April and May:
Send out press releases
(Youth Service Day)
International Day!
Send thank-you notes to businesses and other supporters
Yearly Evaluation (sent, received, and published/posted)