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USGS Citizen Soldier on the Move!

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employees from Patrick Marasco's office help Patrick's wife and 2-year-old son move into an apartment
Above: USGS employees from Patrick Marasco's office in Tampa, Fla., help Patrick's wife and 2-year-old son move into an apartment while the family builds a new home during Patrick's tour of duty in Iraq with the Florida Army National Guard. [larger version]

Since joining the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in January 2000 as a Hydrologic Aid GS-3 at the USGS Florida Integrated Science Center office in Tampa, Fla., Patrick Marasco has accomplished much. He graduated from the University of South Florida, married his college sweetheart, and is the proud father of a 2-year-old son. In June 2001, Patrick received an appointment as a Hydrologic Technician GS-4, and he is now a GS-7 in the Tampa Data Section.

But Patrick has an additional role—that of Sergeant First Class in the Florida Army National Guard. Patrick joined his unit in Arcadia, Fla., more than 9 years ago and has risen through the ranks because of his competent leadership and organizational skills. Since 1636, the National Guard has brought glory and honor upon itself and its soldiers through quiet and selfless service, traits that Patrick certainly exemplifies in his everyday living.

Today, Patrick finds himself serving our country in Iraq. He is in his first few weeks of a more-than-1-year deployment as a military policeman. He has had only a few hours off since beginning his tour of duty, which entails transporting detainees all around Iraq and providing convoy escort security.

Adding to his already-busy schedule, Patrick and his family are building a new house. Recently, an energetic group of USGS employees from Patrick's office helped his wife and son move from their old home into an apartment, where they will live until the new home is finished. The Tampa office has not only assisted in this move but also frequently provides other assistance to help Patrick's family adjust to his absence.

Although Patrick's presence in the Tampa office is truly missed, he can rest assured that his USGS friends are here for his family during his deployment in Iraq.

About the author: Paul F. Boetcher is a USGS Hydrologic Technician and a Master Sergeant (Retired) of the Florida Air National Guard.

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Staff USGS Citizen Soldier on the Move!

Native-Plant Landscaping in Florida

Publications New Book on Benthic Habitats and the Effects of Fishing

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (JSS)