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July/August 2004

Read the July/August 2004 issue (PDF - 1.6 mb)

Image: Cover of the July/August 2004 issue of FrontLines - Click on image to download PDF

Additional Information

For more information on the stories in this month's issue, please visit the following:

  • Iraq Team Stays On Job As Embassy Opens Up
  • Mission of the Month: West Bank/Gaza: USAID Keyword - West Bank
  • MCA Aid Hopes Spark Reform: USAID Keyword - MCA
  • Food For Peace Saved Millions of Lives in 50 Years: USAID Keyword - Food For Peace
  • Malawi Works to Improve Schools Hit by AIDS: USAID Keyword - Malawi
  • New Species of Guanaco Found in Paraguay: USAID Keyword - Paraguay
  • New Jordanian Plant Will Purify Wastewater: USAID Keyword - Jordan
  • Azerbaijan Farmers Improve Potato Yields: USAID Keyword - Azerbaijan

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Tue, 01 Feb 2005 16:30:05 -0500