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Photo of: USAID employees that were recognized for a year of hard work at the 2004 Annual Awards Ceremony.

Some of the USAID employees were recognized for a year of hard work at the 2004 Annual Awards Ceremony held November 1 in Washington, D.C

Global Development Alliance Excellence

The award for an outstanding example of the Global Development Alliance model, which brings together the complementary strengths of the public, private, and non-profit sectors for the benefit of the people of developing countries, recognizes an outstanding alliance that works to bring stability and development to the citizens of Angola. ChevronTexaco and Non-Profit Partners, Angola Alliance

Award for Heroism

For bravery, leadership, innovation, and endless hours of hard work under dangerous and unpredictable war-like conditions in Kuwait and Iraq while putting together the USAID/Iraq program and mission, one of the most successful and largest postwar reconstruction programs in the history of the United States.
Earl Gast, Deputy Mission Director, USAID/Iraq
Lewis Lucke, Mission Director, USAID/Iraq

Administrator’s Distinguished Career Service Award

This is the Agency’s highest award. It recognizes exceptionally distinguished careers, and is only presented upon retirement. Donald W. Boyd Jr, Deputy Assistant Administrator, LAC
Keith E. Brown, Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator, AFR
Letitia K. Butler, Director, Office of Policy Planning, PPC
Bette R. Cook, Congressional Liaison Officer, LPA
Rose Marie Depp, Director, Office for Human Resources
Corbett Michael Flannery, Director, Office of Security
Robert M. Lester, Assistant General Counsel
Everett Mosley, Inspector General
Carole S. Palma, USAID Chair, Industrial College of the Armed Forces

Outstanding Career Achievement Award

The award recognizes outstanding service in the federal government. It is the second highest award presented upon retirement.
Mary A. Ackourey, Information Technology Senior Advisor, Office of Security
E. Cecile Adams, Regional Controller USAID/Budapest
Gerald Christensen, Physical Security Programs Team Leader, Office of Security
Lawrence Garber, Mission Director, USAID/West Bank and Gaza
Peter F. Kranstover, LAC
Peter B. Lapera, Supervisory Regional Development Officer, ANE
Kenneth P. Luephang, Contracting Officer, USAID/Nigeria
Hugo Osorio, General Services Specialist, USAID/Peru

Distinguished Honor Award

For his outstanding contribution to improving the Office of Procurement’s operations and his tireless efforts, professionalism, and leadership in meeting an unprecedented number of complex, highly visible requirements for Iraq, Afghanistan, the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, and Global Development Alliance.
Timothy T. Beans,
Director, Office of Acquisition and Assistance, M

Administrator’s Implementation Award

In recognition of his extraordinary management, implementation, and monitoring of highly creative small business and agribusiness job-creation programs in South Africa.
Joel Kolker,
Team Leader, AFR

Michael K. White Memorial Award

In recognition of her contributions—through advocacy, dedication, and innovation—to the health and welfare of women and children in Egypt.
Nahed G. Matta, Program Management Specialist, ANE

Science and Technology Award

In recognition of his extraordinary leadership in advancing key U.S. foreign policy interest in developing energy markets throughout the Europe and Eurasia region.
Robert F.
Ichord, Supervisory Physical Scientist, E&E

Administrator’s Management Improvement Award

In recognition of his successful efforts to design, improve, and manage the Bureau for Europe and Eurasia’s Data Resource Center and prepare it for Agency-wide replication.
Andrew Kim,
Program Activity Database Manager, E&E


C. Herbert Rees Memorial Award

For exceptional dedication and creativity in supporting the Presidential Initiatives and U.S. policy objectives in Indonesia and the Middle East.
Theresa G. Tuano, Natural Resources Officer, ANE


George C. Marshall Award

For his dedication, leadership, and hard work, which have improved operations at missions and USAID headquarters.
Gregory C. Gottlieb, Deputy Director, DCHA

Molly Kux Environmental Award

In recognition for her exceptional and outstanding contributions to environmentally sound development of the Red Sea Governorate, Egypt.
Holly Ferrette, Natural Resources Officer, ANE

Award for Ethics

In recognition for her outstanding work in providing the new Iraqi government with the tools needed to create a strong, effective, and transparent government ethics program.
Sharon E. Isralow, Chief, Conflict Prevention, Democracy, and Governance Division, AFR

Outstanding Support Staff Award

In recognition of her invaluable work in support of USAID/Afghanistan and for training foreign service national support staff under dangerous conditions.
Barbara K. Smither, Secretary, USAID/Cairo

The Global Development Alliance Leaders Award

For pioneering USAID’s first efforts to build public-private alliances into mainstream solicitations documents, resulting in more than $75 million of additional funding for USAID/Mali programs.
Marcus A. Johnson, Contracting Officer, USAID/Mali, AFR

Foreign Service Nationals of the Year

Henry R. Alexis, Motor Pool Supervisor, USAID/Haiti
Elena Gurvich, Project Management Specialist, USAID/Russia
Lidija Hajko, Executive Officer Assistant, USAID/Croatia
Hailu Kebede, Supply Supervisor, USAID/Ethiopia
Anil Liyanage, Computer Systems Manager, USAID/Sri Lanka
Victor Mangidula, Senior Program Specialist, USAID/Democratic Republic of Congo
Rosa Maura Mayorga, Director, Earthquake Reconstruction Office, USAID/El Salvador Bernadette P. Ricardo, Administrative Assistance, USAID/Philippines

Certificate of Appreciation

In recognition of her outstanding legal advice and review of program documentation.
Karen J. Doswell, Private Enterprise Officer, Office of the General Counsel

Administrator’s Management Assessment Team

For their precedent-setting efforts in improving LAC Bureau and regional missions’ internal operations and management and serving as a model implementor of the Administrator’s management reform principles.
LAC Mission Management Assessment Team, LAC

Distinguished Unit Award

For outstanding teamwork and cooperation between the Office of the Inspector General and USAID in completing the 2003 Government Management Reform Act Audit on an accelerated schedule.
Government Management Reform Act Team, Office of Audit, OIG

OIG Achievement Award

For outstanding initiative, commitment, and leadership in promoting integrity in USAID programs by clarifying and strengthening the role of the Cognizant Technical Officers who administer multi-million dollar contracts in furtherance of the implementation of USAID programs in Ukraine.
Karen Hillard, Joakim Parker, Donella Russell, Cognizant Technical Officers, USAID/Ukraine

Minority Service Institutions Extra Mile Award

In recognition of the cross-office Afro-Colombian Working Group for enabling a successful Howard University/University of Choco linkage that will strengthen efforts to support and assist long-neglected Afro-Colombians in the region.
Cristina Barrera, Thomas E. Johnson, Andrew Krefft, USAID/Colombia

Group Certificate of Certification

For the outstanding support provided during the visit of the USAID Deputy Administrator and Special Assistant in Bangladesh.
Deputy Administrator Bangladesh Team, USAID/Bangladesh For outstanding commitment in carrying out U.S. government policy by assisting the people of Afghanistan to reconstruct Phase I of the Kabul-Kandahar Highway
Kabul to Kandahar Highway Team, LPA

For outstanding development analysis and policy leadership in articulating a new vision for aid effectiveness and policy coherence in the White Paper on Strategic Reform.
Strategic Reform Policy Team (White Paper), PPC

39 Superior Honor Awards

given to employees throughout the Agency in recognition of significant acts and services materially affect the successful accomplishments of USAID projects.

201 Meritorious Honor Awards

given to employees for outstanding service. Workers get these awards based on recommendation from assistant administrators, directors of independent offices, or mission directors.

52 Superior Unit Citations and Meritorious Unit Citations

recognize missions, offices, teams, and programs for performing their duties in a manner far and beyond what is expected.

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Tue, 01 Feb 2005 15:38:24 -0500