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USAID/OTI Bolivia Success Stories Index

Photo of a Constituent Assembly delegate representing a rural indigenous community.   Helping the Drafters of Bolivia's New Magna Carta Make Informed Decisions - May 2007
Known by its Spanish acronym CIEDAC, the USAID/OTI-supported Constituent Assembly Technical Information Center is helping delegates to the Constituent Assembly (CA) make informed, technically grounded decisions about Bolivia's future. The center is informing Bolivia's ongoing constitutional debate by providing delegates and their assistants with access to an extensive, systemized library of legislative and technical information.
A Constituent Assembly delegate representing a rural indigenous community.
Photo of the U.S. Ambassador to Bolivia, Acting Permanent Representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, USAID/Bolivia Director, and the Governor of La Paz participate in a public inauguration of a high-speed Internet initiative.   Bridging the Digital Divide in Rural Indigenous Communities - April 2007
In the high plains of La Paz, the Catholic University of Bolivia (UCB) operates rural technical training academies (UACs) that school gifted indigenous youth in agricultural science, nursing, and business studies. Because of their remote location, the academies have, until now, paid extremely high prices for inadequate Internet connections or lacked Internet access altogether. In partnership with the Motorola Corporation, USAID/OTI is helping the Prefecture of La Paz and the UCB bring the latest in information technology to the cradle of the Aymara civilization.
U.S. Ambassador to Bolivia, Acting Permanent Representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, USAID/Bolivia Director, and the Governor of La Paz participate in a public inauguration of a high-speed Internet initiative.
Photo of Representatives from the Prefecture of Tarija's Human Development Division participate in a USAID/OTI-funded capacity-building workshop.   Leveraging Funds to Help Local Government Improve Public Services Delivery - March 2007
Located in the Andes in Bolivia's southeastern corner at an altitude of about 6,300 feet, the Department of Tarija is known for its vast petroleum deposits and export-quality wine. But like much of Bolivia, Tarija suffers from high rates of joblessness and an underdeveloped social services system. Two key technical assistance projects from USAID/Bolivia's Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) have helped build the Prefecture of Tarija's institutional capacity to carry out its responsibilities more effectively.
Representatives from the Prefecture of Tarija's Human Development Division participate in a USAID/OTI-funded capacity-building workshop.
Photo of OTI-trained official from the Prefecture of Cochabamba's Departmental Agricultural Service describes the menu of technical assistance services.   Building Local Government Support for Rural Economic Development - November 2006
With USAID/OTI technical assistance, the Prefecture of Cochabamba's support to the farmers of Morochata is already paying dividends. On the day that a public ceremony was held to celebrate the successful implementation of the project, dozens of farmers returned to Muñoz Cueva to purchase seed from the Association's now sustainable stock of seed. The association sold nearly 3,000 kilograms of seed with a value of $5000 in one day.
OTI-trained official from the Prefecture of Cochabamba's Departmental Agricultural Service describes the menu of technical assistance services.
Photo of Newly- trained personnel from the Prefecture of Cochabamba help self-employed artisans from the municipality of Punata.   Enhancing Information Flow Between Local Governments and Rural Stakeholders - November 2006
With OTI assistance, the Prefecture of Cochabamba's new Community Outreach and Economic Development Information Room (SIEC) has become an important source of knowledge for citizens. SIEC personnel have developed an economic development-related database of information about public works projects and regional market activity, and are providing dozens of reports to visiting stakeholders.
Newly- trained personnel from the Prefecture of Cochabamba help self-employed artisans from the municipality of Punata.
Photo of Ruben Costas speaks to local mayors and assembly representatives. at a planning session supported by OTI.   Benefiting Rural Areas through Decentralizationy - August 2006
The prefectura's newly developed strategic agenda, designed with support from OTI, outlines a number of new mechanisms for local leaders to contribute to department policy. The department government initiated this process within the first month of assuming office when it selected sub-prefects who were nominated by local leaders. With OTI support, the sub-prefectures have worked with mayors to form youth councils that foster leadership and represent their community's points of view.
Ruben Costas speaks to local mayors and assembly representatives. at a planning session supported by OTI.
Photo of Information Technology students install a new informational database into USAID-funded computers at the new Constituent Assembly Information Center.   Meeting the Informational Needs of Delegates to the Constituent Assembly - August 2006
Driven by a surge in national pride and its citizens' demands for political change, Bolivia initiated a Constituent Assembly, a mission to rewrite the fundamental components, procedures, laws and limitations that constitute its system of government. While the national dialogue surrounding this process has been understandably political, the 255 recently-elected delegates to the Constituent Assembly have the responsibility to treat not only the current Constitution's broader symbolic principles, but also the more complex technical statutes that underlie those principles. USAID/Bolivia's Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) is supporting efforts by a Bolivian public university to establish a technical information center in Sucre, the host site of the Constituent Assembly.
Information Technology students install a new informational database into USAID-funded computers at the new Constituent Assembly Information Center.
Photo of a civic education leadership training course led by a local, indigenous youth leader.   Democracy Workshops Support the Empowerment of Indigenous Youth - July 2006
OTI is supporting an alliance of five local organizations that have formed an agreement with local leaders to provide an intensive training course for 90 youth leaders. The subjects of study include democratic principles and values, and topics of national importance including decentralization and economic development. Once the youth leaders complete the course, they return to their communities for a second phase, applying what they have learned in the form of a community development project.
A civic education leadership training course led by a local, indigenous youth leader.
Photo of participants work and learn together at one of dozens of workshops.   Strengthening Ties between Citizens and Regional Governments - June 2006
OTI is supporting workshops to promote information exchange on regional implications of national political processes such as the Constituent Assembly and the Referendum on Autonomy. The workshops also inform prefects about citizen priorities, helping them better allocate human and financial resources. The forum also provides the prefects with an opportunity to connect with citizens from rural, indigenous communities that live far beyond the department capitals.
Participants work and learn together at one of dozens of workshops.
Photo of a member of one of the 17 youth recycling clubs in El Alto transports recycled material.   Local Recycling Initiative Creates Jobs and Helps the Environment - June 2006
USAID/OTI, together with the Vice Ministry of Small Business Producers, initiated a pilot waste recycling project that trained and generated immediate employment for 200 youth. The profits earned from resale of the waste to area businesses funded the creation of 17 youth-run microenterprises, in which 153 of the youths now participate. Every month, more types of materials beyond the classic recyclables - paper, glass, plastic and metals - are being collected in increasing quantities.
A member of one of the 17 youth recycling clubs in El Alto transports recycled material.

Year 2005 Success Stories

  • November 2005 - USAID/OTI improves the academic experience of public school students in the high plains of Bolivia
  • November 2005 - Supporting Bolivia's General Elections - OTI expands the reach of balanced information to rural, indigenous communities during lead-up to elections
  • July 2005 - DEMAND FAIRS: Transparency in Public Procurement
  • June 2005 - DEMAND FAIRS: Transparency in Public Procurement

Year 2004 Success Stories

For further information, please contact:
In Washington:  Russell Porter, Regional Team Leader, 202-712-5455,


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Mon, 06 Aug 2007 15:14:24 -0500