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Part 382: Controlled Substances and Alcohol Use and Testing

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Part 382: Controlled Substances and Alcohol Use and Testing

Part Regulation Guidance
Subpart A - General
382.101  Purpose  
382.103  Applicability Yes  
382.105  Testing procedures Yes  
382.107  Definitions Yes  
382.109  Preemption of State and local laws Yes  
382.111  Other requirements imposed by employers  
382.113  Requirement for notice Yes  
382.115  Starting date for testing programs Yes  
382.117  Public interest exclusion  
382.119  Stand-down waiver provision  
382.121  Employee admission of alcohol or controlled substances use Yes  
Subpart B - Prohibitions
382.201  Alcohol concentration  
382.205  On-duty use Yes  
382.207  Pre-duty use  
382.209  Use following an accident  
382.211  Refusal to submit to a required alcohol or controlled substances test  
382.213  Controlled substances use Yes  
382.215  Controlled substances testing  
Subpart C - Tests Required
382.301  Pre-employment testing Yes  
382.303  Post-accident testing Yes  
382.305  Random testing Yes  
382.307  Reasonable suspicion testing Yes  
382.309  Return-to-duty testing Yes  
382.311  Follow-up testing  
Subpart D - Handling Of Test Results, Record Retention, and Confidentiality
382.401  Retention of records Yes  
382.403  Reporting of results in a management information system Yes  
382.405  Access to facilities and records Yes  
382.407  Medical review officer notifications to the employer  
382.409  Medical review officer record retention for controlled substances  
382.411  Employer notifications  
382.413  Inquiries for alcohol and controlled substances information from previous employers Yes  
Subpart E - Consequences For Drivers Engaging In Substance Use-Related Conduct
382.501  Removal from safety-sensitive function Yes  
382.503  Required evaluation and testing Yes  
382.505  Other alcohol-related conduct  
382.507  Penalties Yes  
Subpart F - Alcohol Misuse and Controlled Substances Use Information, Training, and Referral
382.601  Employer obligation to promulgate a policy on the misuse of alcohol and use of controlled substances Yes  
382.603  Training for supervisors Yes  
382.605  Referral, evaluation, and treatment Yes  
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