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U.S. Department of Justice
Justice Management Division
Personnel Staff                      

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Washington, D.C. 20530

October 16, 2002


FROM:            Debra A. Tomchek
                         Director, Personnel Staff
                         Justice Management Division

SUBJECT:      SES Forum Series Seminar: Elections 2002 - Congress and States

This memorandum announces the Senior Executive Service Forum Series: "Elections 2002 - Congress and States" event to be held on November 7, 2002 at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. Please share this memorandum with senior executives in your organization.

This full-day briefing will equip the attendees with the best intelligence available on the impact of the fall 2002 elections, both in Washington, DC and in the state capitals. Participants will receive the Congressional Quarterly Daily Monitor New Member Guide, profiling every newly elected member of Congress. Speakers include Dr. Norman Ornstein, American Enterprise Institute, and Thomas Mann, the Brookings Institute. A copy of the agenda for the program is attached.

Senior executives can attend the program at no-cost by registering by October 30, 2002. Seating is limited and registration will be on a first-come, first served basis. Participants can register for the event by sending an email to or phoning Chuck Howell on (202) 616-3726. All confirmed participants will be notified when they are on the roster.

This program is the first in a series of SES Forum Series programs that the Department of Justice will provide to DOJ SES members during FY 2003. The SES Forum Series is a consortium of several Federal agencies including the Department of Justice. DOJ participates as part of our continuing effort to provide premium development opportunities to executives and to maintain the high quality of Department leadership.



SES Forum Series - November 7, 2002
Elections 2002 - Congress and States

Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center - Washington, DC

8:00 to 9:00 a.m. Registration and continental breakfast - Amphitheater Foyer
9:00 to 10:15 a.m.

What's the Mandate?

Panel:   Bob Benenson (moderator) Ron Faucheux, Connie Campanella, Doug Pinkham, Peter Harkness

Discussion:   Top pollsters and election analysts from CQ, Campaigns & Elections and Stateside Associates review the results of the midterm elections for U.S. House and Senate, and for state legislatures and gubernatorial races. They will answer the question, what do the voters, by their choices in this election, say they want from Federal and state government in the next two to four years?

10:30 to 11:45 a.m.

Election's Impact on the 108th Congress and the States.

Panel:    David Rapp (moderator): Norm Ornstein, Tom Mann, Alan Ehrenhalt

Discussion:   How will the results of this election drive the agenda in Congress and the White House in January, and in statehouses next year? Experts identify the key leaders who will emerge in the reconfigured House and Senate, and the many new players moving into power in the states.

12:00 p.m.

Luncheon Speaker: Andrew Kohut, Pew Research Center - Atrium Ballroom

How will the presidential candidates for 2004 read the results of this midterm election? The race for the Democratic nomination begins today, and may well be decided by February 2004.

2:00 to 3:15 p.m.

The Leadership Structure: Congress and the Statehouses

Panel:    Norm Ornstein, Mann, Ehrenhalt, David Hawkings (moderator)

Discussion:   A committee by committee and state by state breakdown of the new lineup in Washington and the states. Our experts dissect the changes -- who's in, who's out -- and what that means for key interest groups and their agendas.

3:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Breakout Sessions

Federal Legislative Agenda 2003-2004 - Health Care, Taxes and Fiscal Policy, National and Homeland Security

Panel:   CQ Staff Writers: Mary Agnes Carey, Rebecca Adams, Jill Barshay, Pat Towell and Adriel Bettelheim

Discussion:    A committee by committee preview of the 108th Congress and how each issue will be affected by the election results. What will happen with Medicare, transportation and the environment, taxes and trade, defense spending and the entire homeland security initiative? How will the 2004 presidential race shape the legislative agenda in 2003.

Agendas in the States 2003-2006

Panel:   Alan Greenbaltt, Penny Lemov, Michele Mariani (Governing)
Stateside Associates: Kate Paleczny, Pam Phillips Sam Witt, and Mark Anderson

Discussion:   Tax Reform, Medicaid, Healthcare, Education, Corporate Governance, Tort Reform, Environmental Regulation, Homeland Security and Privacy

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Page created: October 17, 2002