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U.S. Geological Survey Greater Everglades Science Program: 2002 Biennial Report (Open-File Report 03-54)


Section I: Get the Water Quantity Right
Section II: Get the Water Quality Right
Section III: Preserving Natural Habitats and Species
Section IV: Information Systems

Section I: Get the Water Quantity Right

Long-Term Data from the USGS/BRD Mangrove Hydrology Sampling Network in Everglades National Park
By Gordon H. Anderson and Thomas J. Smith III

Discharge from Caloosahatchee River that enters Estero Bay
By Michael J. Byrne

Monitoring and Mapping Salinity Patterns in Estero Bay, Southwestern Florida
By Michael J. Byrne

Do Surface and Groundwater Fluctuations Influence Sediment Surface Elevation in the Coastal Everglades Wetlands?
By Donald R. Cahoon, James C. Lynch, T. J. Smith III, Kevin R.T. Whelan, Gordon H. Anderson, and Christa Walker

Significance of Microtopography as a Control on Surface-Water Flow in Wetlands
By Jungyill Choi, Judson W. Harvey, and Jessica T. Newlin

Measuring and Mapping the Topography of the Florida Everglades for Ecosystem Restoration
By Greg Desmond

Progress and Future Direction in Topographic Modeling for ATLSS Models
By Scott M. Duke-Sylvester and Louis J. Gross

Evapotranspiration Rates from Two Different Sawgrass Communities in South Florida During Drought Conditions
By Edward R. German and David M. Sumner

Characterization of Microtopography in the Everglades
By Judson W. Harvey, Jessica T. Newlin, and Jungyill Choi

Estuarine Creek Responses to Extreme Hydrologic Events in Northeastern Florida Bay
By Clinton Hittle

Continuous Hydrologic Data in Florida Bay Channels
By Clinton Hittle and Grant Poole

Vegetative Habitats of Water Conservation Area-3A: Hydrologic Impacts of IOP
By Wiley M. Kitchens, Paul Wetzel, and Erik Powers

The Role of Seasonal Hydrology in the Dynamics of Fish Communities Inhabiting Karstic Refuges of the Florida Everglades
By Robert M. Kobza and William F. Loftus

The Effects of Hydroperiod on Life-History Parameters of two Species of Livebearing Fish (Poeciliidae) in the Florida Everglades
By Timothy Konnert, Joel C. Trexler, and William F. Loftus

Recharge and Discharge Measurements in the Everglades using Short-lived Radium Isotopes
By James M. Krest and Judson W. Harvey

Flows, Stages, and Salinities: How Accurate is the SICS Integrated Surface-Water/Ground-Water Flow and Transport Model?
By Christian Langevin, Eric Swain, and Melinda Wolfert

Quantifying Internal Canal Flows in South Florida
By Mitch Murray and Rick Solis

Hydrologic Information for Tidal Rivers along the Southwest Coast of Everglades National Park
By Eduardo Patino, Lars Soderqvist, and Craig Thompson

Inventory and Review of Aquifer Storage and Recovery in Southern Florida
By Ronald S. Reese

Impact of Water Management on Coastal Hydrology in Southeastern Florida
By Robert A. Renken, Joann Dixon, A. C. Lietz, Pamela Telis, Alyssa Dausman, Jeff Rogers, Steven Memberg, John Koehmstedt, Scott Ishman, and Richard Marella

Sheet Flow in Vegetated Wetlands of the Everglades
By Raymond W. Schaffranek and Ami L. Riscassi

Applications of a Numerical Model for Simulation of Flow and Transport in Connected Freshwater-Wetland and Coastal-Marine Ecosystems of the Southern Everglades
By Raymond W. Schaffranek, Harry L. Jenter, Ami L. Riscassi, Christian D. Langevin, Eric D. Swain, and Melinda Wolfert

Fire Effects on Flow in Vegetated Wetlands of the Everglades
By Raymond W. Schaffranek, Ami L. Riscassi, Nancy B. Rybicki, and Alfonso V. Lombana

Developing a Computational Technique for Modeling Flow and Transport in a Density-Dependent Coastal Wetland/Aquifer System
By Eric Swain, Christian Langevin, and Melinda Wolfert

Everglades Tree-Island Response to Hydrologic Change
By Debra A. Willard, William H. Orem, Christopher Bernhardt, and Charles W. Holmes

Using Hydrologic Correlation as a Tool to Estimate Flow at Non-Instrumented Estuarine Creeks in Northeastern Florida Bay
By Mark Zucker

Section II: Get the Water Quality Right

Interactions of Dissolved Organic Matter with Mercury in the Florida Everglades
By George Aiken

Using Nitrogen and Carbon Isotopes to Explain Mercury Variability In Largemouth Bass
By Bryan E. Bemis, and Carol Kendall, Ted Lange, and Linda Campbell

Isotopic Evidence for Spatial and Temporal Changes in Everglades Food Web Structure
By Bryan E. Bemis, Carol Kendall, and Scott D. Wankel, Ted Lange, and David P. Krabbenhoft

Origins and Isotopic Characteristics of Dissolved Nitrogen Species in Ground Water, Imported Domestic Water, and Wastewater in the Florida Keys
By John Karl Bohlke, Eugene Shinn, Christopher Reich, and Ann Tihansky

Salinity History of Florida Bay: An Evaluation of Methods, Trends, and Causes
By T. M. Cronin, L. Wingard, J. H. Murray, G. Dwyer, and Mike Robblee

Estimating Water Quality Along the Southwest Florida Coast for Hydrologic Models Using Helicopter Electromagnetic Surveys
By David V. Fitterman and Maria Deszcz-Pan

Atrazine Exposure and the Occurrence of Reproductive Abnormalities in Field Caught Bufo marinus From South Florida
By Timothy S. Gross, Marisol Sepulveda, J. A. Carr, J.P. Giesy, A.J. Hosmer, R.J. Kendall, K. Solomon, E.E. Smith, and G. Van Der Kraak

Characterization of Solute and Fine-Particle Transport in Shark Slough, Everglades National Park by a Tracer Release in the Florida International University (FIU) In Situ Flumes
By Judson W. Harvey, James E. Saiers, James M. Krest, Steven Mylon, Jessica T. Newlin, Christine Taylor, and Evelyn E. Gaiser

Thermally-Driven Vertical Mixing in the Everglades
By Harry L. Jenter, Raymond W. Schaffranek, and Thomas J. Smith, III

Is Food Web Structure a Main Control on Mercury Concentrations in Fish in the Everglades?
By Carol Kendall, Bryan E. Bemis, Joel Trexler, Ted Lange, Q. Jerry Stober

Biogeochemical and Hydrologic Controls on Food Web Structure in the Everglades
By Carol Kendall, Bryan E. Bemis, and Scott D. Wankel, Ted Lange, and David P. Krabbenhoft

Unraveling the Complexities of Mercury Methylation in the Everglades: The Use of Mesocosms to Test the Effects of "New" Mercury, Sulfate, Phosphate, and Dissolved Organic Carbon
By David P. Krabbenhoft, William H. Orem, George Aiken, and Cynthia Gilmour

Water Quality in Big Cypress National Preserve and Everglades National Park---Trends and Spatial Characteristics of Selected Constituents
By Benjamin F. McPherson, Ronald L. Miller, Robert Sobczak, and Christine Bates

Whole-Ecosystem Phosphorus Budgets for Freshwater Everglades Wetlands
By Gregory B. Noe and Daniel L. Childers

Sulfur Contamination and Geochemistry of the Everglades
By William Orem, Harry Lerch, Anne Bates, Margo Corum, and Marisa Beck

Source Identification of Florida Bay's Methylmercury Problem: Mainland Runoff versus Atmospheric Deposition and In Situ Production
By Darren Rumbold, Larry Fink, Nicole Niemeyer, Angela Drummond, David Evans, David Krabbenhoft, and Mark Olson

Effects of Microhabitats on Stable Isotopic Composition of Biota in the Florida Everglades
By Scott D. Wankel, and Carol Kendall, Paul McCormick, and Robert Shuford

Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Isotopic Composition of Aquatic Organisms at Everglades Nutrient Removal Project Sites
By Scott D. Wankel, and Carol Kendall

An Evaluation of Contaminant Exposures and Potential Effects on Health and Endocrine Status for Alligators in the Greater Everglades Ecosystem
By Jon J. Wiebe, Ken Rice, Carla M. Wieser, and Timothy S. Gross

An Evaluation of Contaminant Exposures and Potential Effects on Health and Endocrine Status for Largemouth Bass in the Greater Everglades Ecosystem
By Carla M. Wieser, Jon J. Wiebe, D. Shane Ruessler, Timothy S. Gross, and Ted Lange

Long-Term Water-Quality and Streamflow Monitoring in the Lake Okeechobee Watershed
By Molly S. Wood and Pamela A. Telis

Surface Water Geochemical Surveys in Florida Bay
By Kimberly Yates, Iuri Herzfeld, Nathan Smiley, and Chris Dufore

Section III: Preserving Natural Habitats and Species

Development and Stability of the Everglades Ridge and Slough Landscape
By Christopher E. Bernhardt, Debra A. Willard, and Charles W. Holmes

Functional Response of Three Wading Bird Species to Prey Density
By Erynn Call and Dale E. Gawlik

Northern Everglades Canals: Alligator Population Sources or Sinks?
By Matthew D. Chopp, H. Franklin Percival, and Kenneth G. Rice

Postlarval Transport of Pink Shrimp into Florida Bay
By Maria M. Criales, John Wang, Joan A. Browder, Thomas Jackson, Mike Robblee, and Clinton Hittle

The Effect of Plant Community Structure on Apple Snail Abundance in the Everglades
By Phil Darby, Laksiri Karunaratne, and Robert E. Bennetts

Overview of the Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) Program: Model Development, Field Study Support, Validation, Documentation, and Application
By D.L. DeAngelis

SELVA-MANGRO--Integrated Landscape and Stand-Level Model of Mangrove Forest Response to Sea-Level Rise and Hydrologic Restoration of the Everglades
By Thomas W. Doyle, Kenneth W. Krauss, Marcus Melder, and Jason Sullivan

ATLSS Vegetation Succession Model Project
By Scott M. Duke-Sylvester, Louis J. Gross, and Paul R. Wetzel

Using Strip-Transect Aerial Surveys to Estimate Manatee Abundance and Population Trend in the Ten Thousand Islands Region of Southwest Florida
By Dean E. Easton, Lynn W. Lefebvre, and Terry J. Doyle

Shifts in the Position of the Marsh/Mangrove Ecotone in the Western Florida Everglades
By Ann M. Foster and Thomas J. Smith III

ATLSS PanTrack Telemetry Visualization Tool
By Louis J. Gross and E. Jane Comiskey

Evaluation and Calibration of ATLSS SESI Models
By Louis Gross, Jane Comiskey, Mark Palmer, and Donald DeAngelis

Pulley Ridge--The United States' Deepest Coral Reef?
By Robert B. Halley, Virginia E. Garrison, Katherine T. Ciembronowicz, Randy Edwards, Walter C. Jaap, Gail Mead, Sylvia Earle, Albert C. Hine, Bret Jarret, Stan D. Locker, David F. Naar, Brian Donahue, George D. Dennis, and David C. Twichell

Distribution, Abundance, and Population Structure of a Broadly Distributed Indicator Species, the Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin), in the Mangrove-Dominated Big Sable Creek Complex of Southwest Florida, Everglades National Park
By Kristen M. Hart, Carole C. McIvor, and Gary L. Hill

Environmental Fluctuation and Population Dynamics of Two Species of Freshwater Crayfish (Procambarus spp.) in the Florida Everglades
By A. Noble Hendrix, Joel Trexler, and William F. Loftus

Southern Biscayne Bay Nearshore Fish and Invertebrate Community Structure
By David Kieckbusch, Michael Robblee, André Daniels, Joan Browder, and Jeremy Hall

Landscape Analysis of Gramminoid Habitats to Water Quality and Hydrology in Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge
By Wiley M. Kitchens

Woody Debris in South Florida Mangrove Wetlands
By Kenneth W. Krauss, Thomas W. Doyle, K.R.T. Whelan, and R.R. Twilley

Recent Fish Introductions into Southern Florida Freshwaters, with Implications for the Greater Everglades Region
By William F. Loftus, Leo G. Nico, Jeffrey Kline, Sue A. Perry, and Joel C. Trexler

Fish Community Colonization Patterns in the Rocky Glades Wetlands of Southern Florida
By William F. Loftus, Robert M. Kobza, Delissa Padilla, and Joel C. Trexler

Population Dynamics of the Snail Kite in Florida
By Julien Martin, Wiley M. Kitchens, and W.M. Mooij

The Relationship of Seagrass-Associated Fish and Crustacean Communities to Habitat Gradients in Florida Bay
By R.E. Matheson, David Camp, Mike Robblee, Gordon Thayer, Dave Meyer, and Lawrence Rozas

Status of the American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) in Southern Florida and its Role in Measuring Restoration Success in the Everglades
By Frank J. Mazzotti, Michael S. Cherkiss, Mark W. Parry, Kenneth G. Rice, Laura A. Brandt, and Clarence L. Ambercrombie

Fish Assemblages of Tidally Flooded Mangrove Forested Habitat Along a Salinity Gradient in Shark River
By Carole C. McIvor, Noah Silverman, Gary L. Hill, and Katie Kuss

Assessing the Consequence of Hurricane-Induced Conversion of Mangroves to Mudflats on Fish and Decapod Crustacean Assemblages in the Big Sable Creek Complex of Southwest Florida
By Carole C. McIvor and Noah Silverman

Projecting Future Population Dynamics of the Florida Snail Kite in Relation to Hydrology by Means of a Suite of Models
By W.M. Mooij and D.L. DeAngelis

Habitat Selection and Home Range of American Alligators in the Greater Everglades
By Michael L. Phillips, Kenneth G. Rice, Cory R. Morea, H. Franklin Percival, and Stanley R. Howarter

Movements and Habitat Requirements of Radio Tagged Manatees in Southwest Florida--Implications for Restoration Assessment
By James P. Reid, Susan M. Butler, Dean E. Easton, and Brad Stith

Inventory and Monitoring of the Amphibians and Reptiles of Biscayne National Park
By Kenneth G. Rice, Amber D. Dove, Marquette E. Crockett, and J. Hardin Waddle

The Effects of the Cuban Treefrog (Osteopilus septentrionalis) on Native Treefrog Populations within Everglades National Park
By Kenneth G. Rice, J. Hardin Waddle, Marquette E. Crockett, and Amber D. Dove

Impacts of Off-Road Vehicle Use on Wildlife in the Prairie Ecosystem of Big Cypress National Preserve
By Kenneth G. Rice, J. Hardin Waddle, and Frank J. Mazzotti

Using Proportion of Area Occupied to Estimate Abundance of Amphibians in Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve
By Kenneth G. Rice, J. Hardin Waddle, and H. Franklin Percival

Evaluating the Effect of Salinity on a Simulated American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) Population
By Paul M. Richards, Wolf M. Mooij, and Donald L. DeAngelis

Fish and Shrimp in Relation to Seagrass Habitat Change in Johnson Key Basin, Western Florida Bay (1985-1995)
By Michael B. Robblee and André Daniels

The ATLSS American Alligator Population Model: Results from Restoration Alternatives
By Daniel H. Slone, Kenneth G. Rice, Jon C. Allen, and H. Franklin Percival

Mangrove Die-Off in Florida Bay: A Recurring Natural Event?
By Thomas J. Smith III, Lenore Fahrig, Paul W. Carlson, Thomas V. Armentano, and Gina M. Peery

A Decade of Mangrove Forest Change Following Hurricane Andrew
By Thomas J. Smith III, Kevin R.T. Whelan, Gordon H. Anderson, Christa L. Walker, Jeffrey S. Dismukes, and Thomas W. Doyle

Invasive Exotic Plant Management at the Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, an Integrated Approach
By Allison G. Snow, William Thomas, Jr., and Laura A. Brandt

Clipping as a Substitute for Fire to Study Seasonal Fire Effects on Muhly Grass (Muhlenbergia capillaris var. filipes)
By James R. Snyder

Modeling Manatee Response to Restoration in the Everglades and Ten Thousand Islands
By Bradley M. Stith, Jim Reid, Dean Easton, and Susan Butler

Abundance and Diet of Rana grylio Across South Florida Wetlands
By Cristina A. Ugarte and Kenneth G. Rice

Short-Term Dynamics of Vegetation Change Across a Mangrove-Marsh Ecotone in the Southwest Coastal Everglades: Storms, Sea-Level, Fire, and Freeze
By Christa L. Walker, Thomas J. Smith III, and Kevin R.T. Whelan

Characteristics of Lightning Gaps in the Mangrove Forests of Everglades National Park
By Kevin R. T. Whelan and Thomas J. Smith III

Ecosystem History of Central Biscayne Bay Based on Sediment Core Analyses
By G.L. Wingard, T.C. Cronin, D.A. Willard, J.B. Murray, R. Stamm, C.W. Holmes, G.S. Dwyer, S.E. Ishman, and C. Williams

Evidence of Freshwater Influx into Rankin Basin, Central Florida Bay, Everglades National Park, Prior to 1900
By G. Lynn Wingard, Thomas M. Cronin, William Orem, Charles W. Holmes, Eugene Shinn, and Gary S. Dwyer

Molluscan Shells as Recorders of Environmental Change in South Florida
By G.L. Wingard, R. Stamm, and J.B. Murray

Patterns of Movement of Florida Gar (Lepisosteus platyrhincus) in the Everglades Revealed by Radio Telemetry
By Lawrence F. Wolski, Joel C. Trexler, Jason Knouft, Carl Ruetz III, and William F. Loftus

Body Condition Analysis for the American Alligator for Use in Everglades Restoration
By Christa L. Zweig, Frank J. Mazzotti, Kenneth G. Rice, Laura A. Brandt, and Clarence L. Abercrombie

Section IV: Information Systems

Development of Digital Aerial Photography Archives for the Greater Everglades of South Florida
By Peter R. Briere, Thomas J. Smith III, Ann M. Foster, Alisa W. Coffin, Ken Rutchey, John W. Jones, Carson Van Arsdall, and William B. Perry

Creation of a Geodatabase of the Digital Aerial Photography Archives for the Greater Everglades of South Florida and the Southern Inland and Coastal System
By Alisa W. Coffin, Heather Henkel, Heather Mounts, Peter R. Briere, Ann M. Foster, Thomas J. Smith, and Robert R. Wertz

Data in the Key of ZZZ: Development of a Network to Establish Vertical Reference Datum for Research Stations in the Southwest Coastal Everglades
By Nancy T. DeWitt, B.J. Reynolds, Thomas J. Smith III, and Gordon H. Anderson

The South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) Website
By Heather S. Henkel

The South Florida Satellite Image Map Series: A Tool for Research, Monitoring, and Education
By John W. Jones, Jean-Claude Thomas, Angel Gonzalez, and Heather Henkel

South Florida Information Access System (SOFIA)
By Roy S. Sonenshein

Metadata for the U.S. Geological Survey Greater Everglades Place-Based Studies
By Jo Anne Stapleton

Next: Section V: Facts and Flyers >

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