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Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

The Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program is a research program that is designed to monitor and assess the status and trends of national ecological resources. EMAP's goal is to develop the scientific understanding for translating environmental monitoring data into assessments of ecological condition and forecasts of the future risks to the sustainability of our natural resources.

In EPA Region 8, EMAP's Western Pilot is focused on landscape conditions and aquatic resources with the goal of extending probability-based sampling to all streams, estuaries, and coastal waters across the western United States. EPA Region 8 is the focus of this assessment along with EPA Regions 9 and 10.

EMAP is "a new way of doing business." It addresses the larger scale, longer term environmental problems occurring at regional and national scales. Instead of taking the traditional single-chemical or single-site approach to environmental assessment, EMAP adopts a comprehensive, mULtimedia perspective of the environment to answer questions about overall ecological condition. EMAP has been designed to serve ULtimately as "America's Ecological Report Card."

The Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program assesses ecological conditions of coastal waters, waters on land, and land areas across large portions of the United States.

map showing western emap area and epa regionsWestern EMAP Pilot Documents and Information


Region 8 EMAP home page

EMAP West home page

EMAP West-Metric Browser : Access information on indicators and other metrics related to ecological condtions and stressors.


Note: many of the documents below are VERY LARGE Adobe PDF documents
About PDF files

EMAP Contacts

Regional EMAP Coordinators:

EPA Region 8
Karl Hermann (303) 312-6628

EPA Region 9
Janet Hashimoto (415) 744-1933

EPA Region 10
Gretchen Hayslip (206) 553-1685


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