. Rural Development, Business and Cooperative Programs
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Business and Industry Guaranteed Loan Programs

Outline of Need:
Aztec Environmental is an environmental remediation (asbestos and lead abatement; microbial and remediation) company formed in 1993. The company has experienced very rapid growth in recent years, particularly in military and other government contracts.

How Rural Development Helped:
The loan of $994,450 is being used for working capital to fund the increase in government contracts and some refinancing of short term debt. This type of business generates substantial and sustainable jobs as well as increasing economic activity in this rural part of Florida.

The Results:
This business is locally owned and operated in addition to being environmentally friendly. Hazardous materials extracted through the remediation contracts are disposed of or recycled in strict compliance with federal, state and local standards. 134 jobs were saved/created as a result of this loan.

Rural Business Enterprise Grant:

Outline of Need:
The Tri-County potato growing region of northeast Florida consists of approximately 21,000 acres of unique farmland in St. Johns, Putnam and Flagler counties. The climate allows growers to harvest potatoes early in the year, March and April, and into the winter months in some years. Over a period of time, the technology for potato storage has improved, meaning that growers cannot compete relying solely on the freshness of their product. Additionally, the number of buyers has dwindled contributing to the decline of the industry.

How Rural Development Helped:
The Sun Fresh of Florida Marketing Cooperative project is a Rural Development RBEG and technical assistance project aimed at assisting in reestablishing the Tri-County area as the Potato Capital of Florida. Rural Development provided assistance in development of the cooperative as a marketing organization. In addition, an RBEG was provided to assist with the initial marketing rollout for the new variety of potato that is higher in vitamin C, lower in carbohydrates, and higher in proteins than an equivalent russet potato. A grant in the amount of $95,000 was awarded to the Floridian RC&D Council who will provide technical assistance to Sun Fresh.

Rural Development’s Florida staff provided technical assistance in the initial development of the cooperative in addition to the grant to the Floridian RC&D. Partners in the project include the University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS). IFAS provided research, testing and other technical assistance. FDACS provided extensive assistance in developing the marketing program logo, labeling and in coordinating the initial marketing activities.

The Results:
Sun Fresh has exclusive rights to the potato, and the cooperative began marketing efforts in January 2005. The potato’s low carbohydrate and high protein characteristics, as well as an appealing appearance, distinguish it from other table potatoes. Branded as the SunLite potato, the product is marketed as a fresh, high in vitamin C, low carbohydrate, and high protein premium table potato to the health conscious consumer. The product branding has established the Sunlite potato as unique and discernable from other table potatoes and provides a product identity to Florida and Tri-County potatoes, where no identify existed previously. This program created or saved 60 jobs in the area.

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