A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n


``(a) Purposes.--The purposes of this section are--
``(1) to increase the number of qualified Indian individuals in professions that serve Indian people;
``(2) to provide training to qualified Indian individuals to enable such individuals to become teachers, administrators, teacher aides, social workers, and ancillary educational personnel; and
``(3) to improve the skills of qualified Indian individuals who serve in the capacities described in paragraph (2).
``(b) Eligible Entities.--For the purpose of this section, the term `eligible entity' means--
``(1) an institution of higher education, including an Indian institution of higher education;
``(2) a State or local educational agency, in consortium with an institution of higher education; and
``(3) an Indian tribe or organization, in consortium with an institution of higher education.
``(c) Program Authorized.--The Secretary is authorized to award grants to eligible entities having applications approved under this section to enable such entities to carry out the activities described in subsection (d).
``(d) Authorized Activities.--
``(1) In general.--Grant funds under this section shall be used to provide support and training for Indian individuals in a manner consistent with the purposes of this section. Such activities may include but are not limited to, continuing programs, symposia, workshops, conferences, and direct financial support.
``(2) Special rules.--
``(A) For education personnel, the training received pursuant to a grant under this section may be inservice or preservice training.
``(B) For individuals who are being trained to enter any field other than education, the training received pursuant to a grant under this section shall be in a program that results in a graduate degree.
``(e) Application.--
``(1) In general.--Each eligible entity desiring a grant under this section shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner and accompanied by such information, as the Secretary may reasonably require.
``(2) Preference.--In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall give preference to applications describing programs that train Indian individuals.
``(f) Special Rule.--In making grants under this section, the Secretary--
``(1) shall consider the prior performance of the eligible entity; and
``(2) may not limit eligibility to receive a grant under this section on the basis of--
``(A) the number of previous grants the Secretary has awarded such entity; or
``(B) the length of any period during which such entity received such grants.
``(g) Grant Period.--Each grant under this section shall be awarded for a program of not more than 5 years.
``(h) Service Obligation.--
``(1) In general.--The Secretary shall require, by regulation, that an individual who receives training pursuant to a grant made under this section--
``(A) perform work--
``(i) related to the training received under this section; and
``(ii) that benefits Indian people; or
``(B) repay all or a prorated part of the assistance received.
``(2) Reporting.--The Secretary shall establish, by regulation, a reporting procedure under which a grant recipient under this section shall, not later than 12 months after the date of completion of the training, and periodically thereafter, provide information concerning the compliance of such recipient with the work requirement under paragraph (1).

Subpart 2--Special Programs and Projects To Improve Educational Opportunities for Indian Children Table of Contents SEC. 9123. FELLOWSHIPS FOR INDIAN STUDENTS.