A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n


(a) Establishment.--The Commissioner shall, with the advice of the National Assessment Governing Board established under section 412, and with the technical assistance of the Advisory Council established under section 407, carry out, through grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements with one or more qualified organizations, or consortia thereof, a National Assessment of Educational Progress (hereafter in this title referred to as the ``National Assessment'').
(b) Purpose; State Assessments.--
(1) Purpose.--The purpose of the National Assessment is to provide a fair and accurate presentation of educational achievement in reading, writing, and the other subjects included in the third National Education Goal, regarding student achievement and citizenship. The Commissioner, in carrying out the National Assessment, shall use sampling techniques that produce data that are representative on a national and regional basis, and on a State basis pursuant to paragraph (2). In addition, the Commissioner shall--
(A) collect and report data on a periodic basis, but at least once every two years, on students at ages 9, 13, and 17 and in grades 4, 8, and 12 in public and private schools;
(B) report achievement data on a basis that ensures valid and reliable trend reporting;
(C) include information on special groups, including, whenever feasible, information collected, cross-tabulated, analyzed, and reported by sex, race or ethnicity and socioeconomic status; and
(D) ensure that achievement data are made available on a timely basis following official reporting, in a manner that facilitates further analysis.
(2) State assessments.--
(A)(i) The Commissioner, in carrying out the National Assessment, may conduct State assessments of student achievement in grades 4, 8, and 12.
(ii) Each such State assessment, in each subject area and at eachgrade level, shall be conducted on a developmental basis until the Commissioner determines, as the result of an evaluation required by subsection (f), that such assessment produces high quality data that are valid and reliable.
(B)(i) States wishing to participate in State assessments shall enter into an agreement with the Secretary pursuant to subsection (d)(2).
(ii) Such agreement shall contain information sufficient to giveStates full information about the process for consensus decisionmaking on objectives to be tested, and the standards for sampling, test administration, test security, data collection, validation, and reporting.
(C) A participating State shall review and give permission for the release of results from any test of its students administered as a part of a State assessment prior to the release of such data. Refusal by a State to release its data shall not restrict the release of data from other States that have approved the release of such data.
(3) Prohibited data.--In carrying out the National Assessment, the Commissioner shall not collect any data that are not directly related to the appraisal of educational performance, achievement, and traditional demographic reporting variables, or to the fair andaccurate presentation of such information.
(4) Technical assistance.--In carrying out the National Assessment, the Commissioner may provide technical assistance to States, localities, and other parties.
(c) Access.--
(1) Public access.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), the public shall have access to all data, questions, and test instruments of the National Assessment.
(2) Personally identifiable information.--
(A) The Commissioner shall ensure that all personally identifiable information about students, their educational performance, and their families, and that information with respect to individual schools, remains confidential, in accordance with section 552a of title 5, United States Code.
(B) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Commissioner may decline to make available to the public for a period, not to exceed ten years after initial use, cognitive questions that the Commissioner intends to reuse in the future.
(d) Participation.--
(1) National and regional.--Participation in the national and regional assessments by State and local educational agencies shall be voluntary.
(2) State.--Participation in assessments made on a State basis shall be voluntary. The Commissioner shall enter into an agreement with any State that desires to carry out an assessment for the State under this subsection. Each such agreement shall contain provisions designed to ensure that the State will--
(A) participate in the assessment; and
(B) pay from non-Federal sources the non-Federal share of such participation.
(3) Non-federal share.--
(A) For each fiscal year, the non-Federal share for the purpose of paragraph (2)(B) shall be--
(i) the cost of conducting the assessment at the school level for all public schools in the State sample;
(ii) the cost of coordination within the State; and
(iii) other reasonable costs specified by the Secretary in the agreement described in paragraph (2), such as the cost of analyzing and reporting the data.
(B) The non-Federal share of payments under this paragraph may be in cash or in kind, fairly valued.
(C) The agreement described in paragraph (2) shall describe the manner in which the costs of administering the assessment to private nonprofit schools included in the State sample will be met.
(e) Student Performance Levels.--
(1) Performance levels.--The National Assessment Governing Board, established under section 412, shall develop appropriate student performance levels for each age and grade in each subject area to be tested under the National Assessment.
(2) Development of levels.--
(A) Such levels shall be--
(i) devised through a national consensus approach, providing for active participation of teachers, curriculum specialists, local school administrators, parents, and concerned members of the general public;
(ii) used on a developmental basis until the Commissioner determines, as the result of an evaluation under subsection (f), that such levels are reasonable, valid, and informative to the public; and
(iii) updated as appropriate.
(B) In using such levels on a developmental basis, the Commissioner and the Board shall ensure that reports that use such levels do so in a manner that makes clear the developmental status of such levels.
(3) Reporting.--After determining that such levels are reasonable, valid, and informative to the public, as the result of an evaluation under subsection (f), the Commissioner shall use such levels or other methods or indicators for reporting results of the National Assessment and State assessments.
(f) Review of National and State Assessments.--
(1) In general.--
(A) The Secretary shall provide for continuing review of the National Assessment, State assessments, and student performance levels, by one or more nationally recognized evaluation organizations, such as the National Academy of Education and the National Academy of Sciences.
(B) Such continuing review shall address--
(i) whether each developmental State assessment is properly administered, produces high quality data that are valid and reliable, and produces data on student achievement that are not otherwise available to the State (other than data comparing participating States to each other and the Nation); and
(ii) whether developmental student performance levels are reasonable, valid, and informative to the public.
(2) Report.--The Secretary shall report to the Congress, the President, and the Nation on the findings and recommendations of such reviews.
(3) Use of findings and recommendations.--The Commissioner shall consider the findings and recommendations of such reviews in designing the competition to select the organization, or organizations, through which the Commissioner carries out the National Assessment.
(g) Coverage Agreements.--
(1) Department of defense schools.--The Secretary and the Secretary of Defense may enter into an agreement, including such terms as are mutually satisfactory, to include in the National Assessment elementary and secondary schools operated by the Department of Defense.
(2) Bureau of indian affairs schools.--The Secretary and the Secretary of the Interior may enter into an agreement, including such terms as are mutually satisfactory, to include in the National Assessment schools for Indian children operated or supported by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
