A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n


``A State agency that provides free public education for children and youth in an institution for neglected or delinquent children (other than an adult correctional institution) or attending a community-day program for such children may use funds received under this part to serve all children in, and upgrade the entire educational effort of, that institution or program if the State agency has developed, and the State educational agency has approved, a comprehensive plan for that institution or program that--
``(1) provides for a comprehensive assessment of the educational needs of all youth in the institution or program serving juveniles;
``(2) provides for a comprehensive assessment of the educational needs of youth aged 20 and younger in adult facilities who are expected to complete incarceration within a two-year period;
``(3) describes the steps the State agency has taken, or will take, to provide all children under age 21 with the opportunity to meet challenging State content standards and challenging State student performance standards in order to improve the likelihood that the students will complete secondary school, attain secondary diploma or its recognized equivalent, or find employment after leaving the institution;
``(4) describes the instructional program, pupil services, and procedures that will be used to meet the needs described in paragraph (1), including, to the extent feasible, the provision of mentors for students;
``(5) specifically describes how such funds will be used;
``(6) describes the measures and procedures that will be used to assess student progress;
``(7) describes how the agency has planned, and will implement and evaluate, the institution-wide or program-wide project in consultation with personnel providing direct instructional services and support services in institutions or community-day programs for neglected or delinquent children and personnel from the State educational agency; and
``(8) includes an assurance that the State agency has provided for appropriate training for teachers and other instructional and administrative personnel to enable such teachers and personnel to carry out the project effectively.
