A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n


``(a) In General.--Each eligible entity desiring a grant or contract under this part shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and accompanied by such additional information as the Secretary may reasonably require. Each such application shall--
``(1) demonstrate that the eligible entity has demonstrated expertise in the fields of mathematics and science education;
``(2) demonstrate that the eligible entity shall implement and disseminate mathematics and science education instructional materials, teaching methods, and assessment tools through a consortium of the region's mathematics and science education organizations and agencies;
``(3) demonstrate that the eligible entity shall carry out the functions of the regional consortium;
``(4) demonstrate that emphasis will be given to programs and activities designed to meet the needs of groups that are underrepresented in, and underserved by, mathematics and science education;
``(5) demonstrate that the business community in the region served by the regional consortium will play an integral role in designing and supporting the regional consortium's work;
``(6) demonstrate that the eligible entity will consider the resources of telecommunications partnerships assisted under the Star Schools Program Assistance Act (as such Act was in effect on the day preceding the date of enactment of the Improving America's Schools Act of 1994) in carrying out the provisions of this part, where appropriate; and
``(7) assure that the entity will conduct its activities and supervise its personnel in a manner that effectively ensures compliance with the copyright laws of the United States under title 17, United States Code.
``(b) Approval of Application.--
``(1) In general.--The Secretary shall approve or disapprove applications submitted pursuant to subsection (a) in accordance with the criteria and procedures established under paragraph (2).
``(2) Procedures and criteria.--The Secretary shall develop procedures and criteria designed to ensure that grants or contracts are competitively awarded on the basis of merit determined under a peer review process.
``(3) National panel.--
``(A) The Secretary, in consultation with the Director, shall establish a national panel, or to the extent necessary, panels, to submit to the Secretary recommendations for awards of grants or contracts under this part. The Secretary shall appoint the members of such panel or panels.
``(B) Each panel appointed under subparagraph (A) shall include participation, to the extent feasible, from each region.

SEC. 13302. USE OF FUNDS. Table of Contents SEC. 13304. REGIONAL BOARDS.