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Map of Jordan and surrounding region.

Date of independence: 1946
Capital: Amman
Population: 5.4 million (2005)
Annual income per person: $2,500
Source: World Bank Development Indicators


Mission Director
Jay Knott
USAID, c/o American Embassy
P.O. Box 354
Amman 11118, Jordan
Tel: 962-6-590-6000

Desk Officer
Margaret Dula
Tel: (202) 712-1533

Photo of Jordanian youths working with a laptop
USAID is helping ready Jordanian youth for the modern workplace. These youth will go on to help realize Jordan's aspirations to become the regional hub for information technology – a sector that can have a great impact upon women's livelihoods. (Photo: USAID/Jordan)


The United States and Jordan have been partners in Jordan’s development for over 50 years. The United States is committed to helping Jordan meet its goal of economic prosperity for all citizens. Within the region, Jordan's comparative advantage rests with its young, well-educated population; world class tourist attractions; and commitment to political and economic reform. Since the U.S.– Jordan partnership began in 1952, USAID has devoted more than $4.7 billion to its work there. Today, USAID focuses on water resources, economic growth, health care, education and good governance.


Economic Growth
Rapid population growth places enormous burdens on Jordan, where jobs are not created fast enough to absorb a growing workforce. Regional events also have had a negative impact on the economy. Jordan embarked on economic and social reforms with broad public and private support, which has led to overall economic growth over the last several years. This included improvements to commercial laws, reform of the financial and capital markets, support for small- and medium-sized businesses, and strengthening the information and communications technology (ICT) sector. Jordan, a World Trade Organization member, has signed a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States. Nonetheless, poverty and unemployment remain a great challenge for Jordan, threatening its economic and political stability.

USAID works with the government and businesses to improve their efficiency, increase trade and investment, and create more jobs and higher incomes. Programs are designed to promote entrepreneurship, encourage innovation and improve productivity, and help companies take advantage of the FTA and increase exports. Initiatives also aim at improving tax administration and public expenditure system, increasing financial services to small and medium enterprises, streamlining business licensing and registration, and spreading good governance practices.

Investing In People
Jordan’s social reform efforts are focused on addressing challenges related to population growth, chronic diseases, educating students for the workplace, and lack of water. USAID is supporting Jordan in all of these areas. Improving and expanding access to high quality family planning and health services at all of Jordan’s public hospitals and health centers is helping serve the poor – especially women and youth. Education programs focus on building 30 schools and renovating 100 more, training teachers, and providing students with the skills (especially information technology) necessary to succeed in today’s job market. Working to increase availability of water, promote good sanitation practices, encourage reuse of wastewater in industry and agriculture, and overall improve water use efficiency is a high priority that will enhance the quality of life for Jordanians.

Governing Justly And Democratically
Political reforms play a big part in Jordan’s efforts to becoming a player in the global economy, and USAID is supporting these efforts. Specifically, USAID is increasing transparency and accountability in the judicial and legislative branches by modernizing the civil court system and strengthening the capacity of Parliament. USAID also works to improve the professionalism of the media sector, and promotes political party development. Increasing civic participation in the democratic process is also a key element in USAID’s initiatives through creating a more vibrant local government and empowering civil society and women. USAID works on improving Jordan’s public sector executive function to enhance its strategic planning, policy making, and service delivery functions.

Peace and Security
Effective anti-money laundering legislation and ensuring financial integrity are key to Jordan’s stability and economic prosperity. To this end, USAID and other USG agencies are helping the Central Bank of Jordan establish a Financial Intelligence Unit to help maintain public confidence in Jordan’s financial institutions. USAID will also work on anti-money laundering and combating financial terrorism within financial institutions.

Cash Transfer
USAID leverages policy reforms through providing dollars to help Jordan pay down its external, non-military debt. In return, the Government of Jordan provides an equal amount of money in Jordanian dinars to support development programs in Jordan. These programs are designed jointly by the government and USAID.

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Wed, 28 Nov 2007 21:22:32 -0500