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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Location: Gardens Unit

2007 Annual Report

1a.Objectives (from AD-416)
To determine the adaptability of Wollemia nobilis to different climate and soil conditions.

1b.Approach (from AD-416)
The sponsoring organization is working with a nursery in Australia to propagate the Wollemi pine. Small plants will be shipped to the U.S. National Arboretum for distribution throughout the United States and for evaluation on the grounds of the USNA to determine its adaptability.

3.Progress Report
This report documents research conducted under a non-funded cooperative agreement between ARS and Wollemi Australia Pty. was established to coordinate trials of the rare and protected Wollemia nobilis in the United States. Additional results of the research can be found in the report for the parent project "Establish public display gardens for woody and herbaceous landscape plants." Wollemia nobilis was known only in the fossil record until a small population of living plants was discovered in the 1990’s. The Conifer Curator arranged for import permits and assisted in selecting cooperating Institutions and Nurseries, and ultimately more than 300 plants were distributed. This year, a shipment of 30 plants was made to the USNA for growing on and evaluation. Several plants were planted in various locations and it appears that this species is near the northern limits of its hardiness here in Washington, D.C. Remaining trees will be grown in containers and will be planted out over the years to determine if the size of the plant has an impact on ultimate hardiness and performance. The objectives of this work are to test the adaptability of this species and evaluate its performance as a landscape plant in the U.S.


Project Team
Aker, Scott
Project Annual Reports
  FY 2007
  FY 2006
  FY 2005
Related National Programs
  Plant Genetic Resources, Genomics and Genetic Improvement (301)
Last Modified: 10/17/2008
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