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Research Programs: Contaminated Sediments
Research Approach

Contaminated Sediments

The scientific problems addressed by the contaminated sediments research program demand both field and modeling approaches.

Field Studies

Photograph of diver taking sediment cores

Field studies produce valuable data in real world settings and are valuable when the conditions at sites for which data are needed are either unknown or too complex to be recreated in the laboratory. In addition, research goals often require development or testing of an approach for field use or development of an understanding of field conditions to guide further problem solving. The contaminated sediments research program utilizes field studies at both marine and freshwater sites where persistent bioaccumulative contamination is present. This research facilitates the development of better research tools and models.


Photograph of an EPA scientist working with a modeling program

Even among sediment sites where the agents of primary concern are persistent bioaccumulative toxicants, each site differs sufficiently to render direct comparisons with previously studied sites inadequate. Consequently, in this research program scientists rely on models to assist them in making extrapolations for different contaminants, species, ecosystems, and changes over time.

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