NHTSA: Older Driver Safety

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[ A-C ]

Assessing and Counseling Older Drivers .pdf version (posted 07/28/04)
This guide is to provide assistance to physicians to evaluate the abilities of their older patients to operate a motor vehicle safely as part of their everyday, personal activities.

[ D-F ]

Driving Safely While Aging Gracefully
This booklet, developed by the USAA Educational Foundation, AARP, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, outlines the physical changes associated with aging, as well as tips on coping with them so that older drivers can remain safe drivers.

Driving When You Have Cataracts (posted 07-03-03)
This brochure includes information about symptoms of Cataracts and how this condition may affect driving, suggested steps drivers could take to increase their driving safety if they have this condition, and relevant resources for such drivers

Driving When You Have Glaucoma (posted 07-03-03)
This brochure includes information about symptoms of Glaucoma and how this condition may affect driving, suggested steps drivers could take to increase their driving safety if they have this condition, and relevant resources for such drivers.

Driving When You Have Macular Degeneration (posted 07-03-03)
This brochure includes information about symptoms of Macular Degeneration and how this condition may affect driving, suggested steps drivers could take to increase their driving safety if they have this condition, and relevant resources for such drivers.

[ G-I ]

Hey! Older pedestrians need more time than that to cross the street
This article focuses on the need for longer traffic walk lights, zoning, and education for the older pedestrian population.

Ice, Snow, and Slippery Sidewalks: For Many Seniors, Winter is "Hip Season"
This article focuses on hazardous winter walking conditions and the effect they have on the senior population.

[ J-L ]

[ M-O ]
Older Drivers: Cues for Law Enforcement
The purpose of this pamphlet is to provide law enforcement officers cues for determining the safe operational needs of older drivers.

[ P-R ]

[ S-U ]

Stepping Out - Mature Adults: Be Healthy, Walk Safety (posted 07-02-03)
Stepping Out was developed to fill the need for pedestrian safety materials for older adults, age 65 and above. This booklet is not just a compilation of safety information for older people. The intent is to promote safe walking as an easy way to maintain ones' health. (PDF Version)

[ V-Z ]

Walking as a way of life
This article stresses the importance of regular exercise for seniors, which can be gained through walking. This activity provides numerous health benefits to the senior such as a stronger heart, a positive mental outlook, and a feeling of independence.

Zone Guide for Pedestrian Safety
This Traffic Tech summarizes a guidebook describing a systematic, or "zoning" process to improve pedestrian safety in a cost-effective manner. The zoning process identifies small geographic areas where a large proportion of pedestrian crashes occur, and then targets countermeasures to those areas.