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USAID: From The American People Asia and the Near East School�s rehabilitation in Egypt means healthier place for children to learn - Click to read this story
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Program Areas in Asia and the Near East

This vast and diverse region faces many challenges, including terrorism, instability, an exploding youth population, high unemployment, corruption, poor education systems, HIV/AIDS and environmental degradation. USAID’s programs focus on:



To address rural poverty and strengthen economies in the region, USAID invests in agriculture.  Research has shown that higher incomes for farmers mean more money spent in rural areas, providing jobs and increasing the incomes of those who provide services and goods to farmers.  This leads to higher living standards for rural areas.

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Photo of Neighborhood chiefs from one of the five subdistricts of the Babel Governorate in Iraq

Democracy and Governance

USAID programming in democracy and governance will bolster democratic institutions, strengthen US efforts to mitigate the appeal of extremist ideologies, help combat corruption and contribute to long term development across the region.

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Neighborhood chiefs from one of the five subdistricts of the Babel Governorate in Iraq
Photo of a schoolgirl in the Philippines


Education challenges in the ANE region vary widely from inadequately trained teachers and administrators to low levels of community participation, poor school governance, a lack of access to schools, outdated or irrelevant curriculum, a large number of out-of-school youth, and high illiteracy rates, particularly for females. ANE education programs focus on increasing equitable access to quality educational opportunities.

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In the Philippines, USAID is mainstreaming peace education in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Photo of Afghan women working in a USAID-funded bakery

Economic Growth

High poverty rates plague most of the Asia and Near East Region. This is largely the result of slow economic growth, which, in turn, is the result of poor economic institutions, limited access to technology, high rates of unemployment and low rates of investment. USAID undertakes economic growth programs in the region to help overcome these problems. Economic growth is an integral part of U.S. foreign policy goals.

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These women are part of a USAID program that provides work opportunities for women in Afghanistan.
Photo of a Cambodian community leader helping villagers identify their property boundaries


The continued social and economic development of the ANE region rests on responsible stewardship and sustainable use of its natural resources. The challenge is great – demands on natural resources and environmental systems are intensifying due to population growth, inequitable national policies, poverty and corruption.

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In Cambodia, a community leader helps villagers identify their property boundaries to protect their property from illegal logging and poachers.
Photo of ex-combatants from the Moro National Liberation Front

Integrating Gender

USAID integrates gender within its overall development strategies and goals. It ensures that gender equity is at the core of all fields – health, education, agriculture, economic growth and democracy and governance. The Asia and Near East region has made enormous strides in reducing gender inequity in school enrollments, reducing maternal and infant mortality rates, increasing training and support for women’s political and economic participation and improving literacy.

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USAID has been working to reintegrate ex-combatants from the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) into peaceful occupations.
Photo of a trained counselor providing family planning advice to women at a Sun Quality Health clinic in Nepal.

Health & Nutrition

About half of the world's maternal and child deaths take place in the Asia and the Near East (ANE) region.  HIV/AIDS is a growing threat and tuberculosis, malaria, and avian influenza remain a critical concern.

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A trained counselor provides family planning advice to women at a Sun Quality Health clinic in Nepal.


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Wed, 28 Nov 2007 21:23:05 -0500