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Transition Initiatives Country Programs: Afghanistan

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USAID/OTI Direct Support to the Government of Afghanistan

In addition to assisting or facilitating linkages between local, regional and national governments with communities and NGOs in various priority regions of Afghanistan, USAID has also been providing direct support to the new Government of Afghanistan.

To date, USAID's Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) has provided 50 small grants to over 26 different Afghanistan Government ministries and offices, totaling an estimated $1.9 million.

This support includes small, quick impact assistance to help essential Government offices begin working again, and to assist with jump starting rehabilitation of buildings and schools, so female employees can return to work. To ensure that the Afghan public is aware of this support, all efforts are coordinated with the US Embassy Public Affairs Office, which invites media to grant signings and ribbon cutting ceremonies.

USAID has provided additional support to the government by funding key consultants to President Karzai's office (Public Information Officer), the Ministry of Women's Affairs (Special Consultant to the Minister), and the Ministry of Agriculture (through implementing partner consultancies). To support Afghan Government priorities, USAID has funded small grants, which have engaged local, regional, or national government offices or ministries. These have included critical small, but high impact infrastructure projects around the country, such as schools, bridges, and clinics. Specific examples include the following:

  • Loya Jirga Commission: Provision of a production unit for the public information office of the Loya Jirga Commission to enable the Commission to produce and broadcast relevant programming about the Loya Jirga.

  • Radio Afghanistan: Procurement of a satellite communications system and short-wave airtime to enable radio broadcast coverage throughout Afghanistan, as well as in neighboring countries with significant Afghan populations.

  • Support for 13 Afghan Ministries: Support to the Ministries of Agriculture and Livestock, Commerce, Communications, Foreign Affairs, Information and Culture, Irrigation, Justice, Planning, Public Health, Reconstruction, Rural Development, Water and Power, and Women's Affairs.

  • Central Bank of Afghanistan: Technical support for the Bank's membership in the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) to allow for the transfer of money between Afghanistan and the international financial community. This includes the provision of a communications link between the Bank's headquarters in Kabul and regional banking centers in Herat, Khandahar, Nangahar, and Mazar-e-Sharif. The communications link is supported by in-kind assistance, in the form of computers and related equipment, as well as training for bank staff in using the new system.

  • Ministry of Water and Power: Provision of electrical cable to replace damaged cable that has been injuring Afghans in Kabul, procurement of transformers to provide electricity for 22,000 people in Kabul, and vehicles to support roving electrical repairs throughout the city (this was especially crucial during the Loya Jirga).

  • Ministry of Women's Affairs: Support for a Women's Resource Center at the Ministry, through the provision of supplies, equipment, information-technology technical assistance, and translation assistance.

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Thu, 24 Feb 2005 12:34:16 -0500