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The Virtual Liver Project (v-Liver™):
A computational system for simulating chemical-induced injury in hepatic tissues

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v-Liver™ Concept

v-Liver™ is a large-scale computer model of the complex "wiring diagram" of dynamic liver processes. Building such a model requires an understanding of the essential components of liver function and their connecting circuitry. Scientists have been studying the liver for decades so some of the essential components and connections have been identified. In addition, (a) advances in biotechnology are yielding powerful tools to interrogate the components for uncovering new connections, and (b) rapid increases in computer hardware and software are making it feasible to simulate large models. In the long-term v-Liver™ will "simulate" the response of the human liver to chemicals, and to examine these effects in susceptible subpopulations, such as younger or older individuals, or those with variations (ie., polymorphisms) in the genes involved in metabolism. This will help scientists understand the importance of different factors leading to liver injury in humans. In addition, the project will develop tools that will be useful in modeling toxicity in other organs.

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