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USGS at Open House Highlighting Collaborations in Monterey Bay

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Alisha Halter Kage talks about her sea-otter research
Alisha Halter Kage (BRD, Santa Cruz) tells a vistor about her sea-otter research.
Mary McGann shows off sand samples
Mary McGann shows Cub Scouts some sand samples from Monterey Bay beaches.
Nicholas Degnan crews the handout rack
Volunteer Nicholas Degnan helps a young visitor select handouts.

free USGS brown bags were a hit
Hot item: Our most successful outreach items may have been brown paper bags imprinted with the USGS visual identifier. They were snapped up eagerly by visitors and also by the emcee for a speaker session. The USGS got a plug after each talk, when the emcee presented speakers with USGS bags in which he had put tokens of appreciation for their participation.
On April 21st, CMG staffed a big USGS booth at an open house hosted by the U.S. Navy's Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center in Monterey, CA. Fleet Numerical is the Department of Defense's center for global meteorological and oceanographic forecasting. The open house invited the public to "Come and Explore Community Collaborations in the Oceans, Weather, Science and Technology." It showcased Fleet Numerical and highlighted collaborations among other institutions, such as USGS, that conduct research in and around Monterey Bay. The event included facility tours, talks, refreshments, and informational booths.

CMG participants Carolynn Box, Mike Carr, Carolyn Degnan, Nicholas Degnan (volunteer), Helen Gibbons, Pat Helton (volunteer), Mary McGann, Jane Reid, and Bruce Rogers attended the Open House. Alisha Halter Kage (BRD), who conducts sea otter research with Jim Estes (BRD) and other colleagues at University of California, Santa Cruz, joined them. The crowd was estimated at more than 1,000 and included U.S. Congressman Sam Farr (D-Santa Cruz) and a camera crew from a local television station. The USGS group distributed hundreds of information sheets, enjoyed scores of conversations with interested visitors, and even helped some scouts earn science merit badges.

Related Web Sites
Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center
U.S. Navy

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)