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Release of Earthquake Hazards Map of the Northeast

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On April 30th, Uri ten Brink and Debbie Hutchinson participated in a gathering at Boston College-Weston Observatory in Weston, MA, with Randy Updike (TCS) and Russ Wheeler (Central Earthquake Hazards Team), Dave Russ (Eastern Regional Geologist), and Jill McCarthy (deputy Program Coordinator for the Earthquake Program). They joined members of the Northeast States Emergency Consortium (NESEC) to hold a formal press release for the newly published map showing Earthquake Hazards for the Northeastern US. John Ebel, Director of Weston Observatory, hosted the event. The map shows locations and sizes of more than 1,000 earthquakes that were large enough to be felt by humans. It also identifies the many earthquakes that were large enough to have caused damage, including those that struck Boston, New York City, and other urban areas. The map carries a short, non-technical text, summaries of the effects of the most notable earthquakes, and selected newspaper headlines and damage photographs.

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Great Blue Hole of Belize

Channel Islands Cruise

Lake Mead Mapping

Research New Underwater Microscope System

Hurricane Display

Outreach Reston Open House

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Monterey Open House

School-to-Work Partnership

Acadiana Migratory Bird Day

Meetings SWICA-M³

Global Assessment of Geologically-Sourced Methane

Methane Hydrates

Metadata Workshop

Awards Sue Hunt—Recycling

Coastal Stewardship

GIS 2001: Logan

GIS 2001: Massachusetts Bay

Staff & Center News WHFC Visitors

Publications Northeast Earthquake Hazards Map

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)