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Preventing Falls Among Seniors


Older Adults Fire/Falls Prevention Program 
DUIP is collaborating with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), United States Fire Administration, National SAFE KIDS Campaign, Indian Health Service, Administration on Aging, and Head Start. These organizations have joined together to reduce injury from falls and fires. 

The target population for the collaborative effort are the states of Mississippi, Arkansas and Alaska, and the cities are Atlanta and Cleveland. Through this Healthy People 2000 residential fire prevention initiative, the group will (a) develop a fire prevention educational tool for use in communities; (b) evaluate the effectiveness of the educational tool; and (c) target smoke detector distribution programs to include older adults and children. 

The program will include two phases. Phase One includes the collection and review of materials that describe programs and research relating to older adults and the factors related to falls and fires. Focus groups will be used to gather information about what parts of a program would be most important to older adults and what seems to work best. Phase Two takes the information from Phase One and develops a comprehensive program which deals with changing the behavior and environments of older adults so that they incur fewer and less serious injuries. 

The program is an outstanding example of public/private partnership dedicated to improving the health and safety of citizens and is being jointly funded by the CDC, NFPA, and CPSC.

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This page last modified on August 28, 2002.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control