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In December, members of the Child Survival Partnership including Joy Phumaphi, director of Family Health at the World Health Organization, Pascal Villeneuve, chief of child health at UNICEF, and Dr. E. Anne Peterson Assistant Administrator, Bureau of Global Health, USAID visited Ethiopia -- one of the six countries identified in the Lancet articles which together have half of the world’s deaths of children under age five.

The Child Survival partnership is a multi-agency effort to renew both global and national interest in child survival. During the visit, the group conducted an initial consultation with in-country partners and government officials to introduce the CS Partnership; conducted field visits with high-ranking representatives of national, regional, and local government; held a working meeting with donor partners; a working luncheon with the Minister of Health hosted by the U.S. Ambassador; and meetings with the Minister of Health, the Prime Minister, and the Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

Photo of the 'Live and Let Live' program in Shashemene. “Live and Let Live” program in Shashemene Photo of community health workers performing in Misha Woreda in southern Ethiopia. Community health workers perform in Misha Woreda in southern Ethiopia
Photo of vitamin A distribution in the Misha Woreda. Vitamin A distribution in the Misha Woreda Photo of supplementation distribution in the Misha Woreda. Supplementation distribution in the Misha Woreda
Photo of a young girl orphaned by HIV/AIDS. A young girl orphaned by HIV/AIDS Photo of children preparing for the skit at the community center. Children prepare for the skit at the community center
Photo of two men preparing makeshift torches. Two men prepare makeshift torches Photo of a weighing of a malnourished child. Weighing of a malnourished child
Photo of Dr. Peterson holding a child's hand. Dr. Peterson holding a child's hand Photo of a mother and her infant attending the community health promotion activity. A mother and her infant attend the community health promotion activity
Photo of two young boys sitting outside a community center. Two young boys sit outside a community center Photo of Dr. Peterson sitting with a father and child at a theraputic feeding center. Dr. Peterson sits with a father and child at a theraputic feeding center
Photo of children reciting the alphabet and learning English during a class at the Save the Children Children recite the alphabet during a class Photo of Dr. Peterson dipping a mosquito net at a demonstration. Dr. Peterson dips a mosquito net at a demonstration
Photo of a mosquito net use and care informational session. Mosquito net use and care informational session Photo of Dr. Al Bartlett and children in Shashemene following the HIV/AIDS skit through the “Live and Let Live” program. Dr. Al Bartlett and children in Shashemene at the “Live and Let Live” program
Photo of a mother and her child recovering at the therapeutic feeding center near Awassa. A mother and her child recover at the therapeutic feeding center near Awassa Photo of Ernest Loevinsohn, UNICEF's Ethiopia country director, pointing out the efficacy of a mosquito net. Dr. Bjorn Lungquist, UNICEF’s Ethiopia country director, points out the efficacy of a mosquito net
Photo of Joy Phumaphi and Pascal Villeneuve. Dr. Teshfanish and Pascal Villeneuve at Misha Woreda Photo of Dr. Peterson and Pascal Villeneuve. Dr. Peterson and Pascal Villeneuve following a community re-treatment session

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Thu, 17 Feb 2005 15:12:12 -0500