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USAID to Commemorate World Health Day at PAHO
Road Safety, Prevention of Traffic Injuries - April 7, 2004

Picture is linked to "Road safety is no accident. " World Health Day 04. The image reads "Click Here".


USAID Assistant Administrator Dr. E. Anne Peterson, Bureau for Global Health will join a select panel for a briefing on road safety and release of a new World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention, with experts from the Pan American Health Organization, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Transportation, the World Bank, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, the American Automobile Association, and other organizations. And its theme for 2004 is Road Safety.


Pan American Health Organization
525 23rd Street, NW
Room A, 2nd floor (at the corner of Virginia Ave., 4 blocks south of Foggy Bottom Metro).


Experts include:

  • Dr. Mirta Roses, PAHO Director;
  • Deputy Secretary Of Health And Human Services Claude Allen;
  • Deputy Secretary of Transportation Kirk Van Tine;
  • World Bank Vice President David De Ferranti;
  • Dr. Christina Beato, Acting Assistant Secretary for Health, Department of Health & Human Services;
  • E. Anne Peterson, Assistant Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development;
  • Stein Lundebye, Senior Transport Engineer, World Bank;
  • Alberto Concha-Eastman, Regional Advisor, PAHO;
  • Robert Darbelnet, President/CEO, American Automobile Association;
  • Martin Eichelberger; President, SafeKids;
  • Wendy J. Hamilton, President, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)


Heather Mills McCartney will receive a PAHO Champion of Health award for her humanitarian work.


More than 1.2 million people are killed on the road annually. Millions more are injured or disabled. Nearly 130,000 people die annually on the highways and byways of the Americas. About 44,000 of them die in the United States, where traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for Hispanics under 34 years of age. Globally, economic costs of road traffic injuries are estimated at US $518 billion per year. Half of road traffic fatalities worldwide involved young adults aged 15-44 years, many of whom were primary breadwinners for their families. This new report, prepared by the World Bank and the World Health Organization, details the burden of deaths and injuries from traffic crashes and calls for the launch of a new campaign to improve road safety by governments and other partners.

Click here for more information on World Health Day at PAHO.

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Fri, 11 Feb 2005 10:36:54 -0500