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Disaster Assistance at a Glance

Recent Disaster Declarations:
Drought, yellow fever

OFDA Response:
Relief commodities, health

OFDA Preparedness:
Disaster preparedness, capacity building

Latest OFDA Report:
LAC Preparedness and Mitigation Fact Sheet #1 (76kb PDF)

Map of Paraguay

Most Recent Disaster Declaration:
Drought, 09-10-2008

High temperatures and lack of adequate rainfall since March 2008 have led to drought conditions in rural areas of Presidente Hayes, Alto Paraguay, and Boquerón departments in western Paraguay. The drought has caused severe crop damage, destroyed pasture, and limited the availability of safe drinking water. According to the Government of Paraguay, the drought has placed approximately 18,000 individuals in a total of 199 communities at risk. On September 9, President Fernando Lugo declared a state of emergency for the region and requested international assistance.

On September 10, U.S. Ambassador Liliana Ayalde issued a disaster declaration for drought in Paraguay.  In response, USAID/OFDA provided $50,000 through USAID/Paraguay to the Paraguayan Red Cross for the local purchase and transport of emergency relief supplies.

Additional Disaster Declaration:
Yellow Fever Outbreak, 2-19-2008

Beginning February 8, Paraguay has been under an epidemiological alert for a Yellow Fever outbreak. As of February 19, the Government of Paraguay (GOP) Ministry of Health (MOH) had confirmed six cases of Yellow Fever and received reports of a total of 58 cases, including three that resulted in death. Public concern over the outbreak and shortage of vaccinations resulted in demonstrations, highway blockades, and long queues outside hospitals in order to receive the vaccine. The GOP issued a national emergency declaration on February 15 and appealed for additional doses of the vaccine.

On February 19, U.S. Ambassador James C. Cason declared a disaster due to the Yellow Fever outbreak and shortage of vaccine. In response, USAID/OFDA provided $50,000 through USAID/Paraguay to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). With this funding and contributions from other donors, PAHO is working with the GOP MOH to assist with Yellow Fever vaccination activities, provide laboratory diagnosis, and support critical management of cases.

For information on additional USAID disaster responses, please see OFDA Annual Reports.

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Thu, 18 Sep 2008 10:10:51 -0500