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USAID Weekly

ISSUE XVI • November 7, 2007

Top Story

USAID Assists Flood Recovery in the Dominican Republic

The American people, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), are providing $600,000 to the Dominican Republic for the local purchase and transport of shelter materials and water as well as for other emergency relief activities after heavy rainfall and flooding in the wake of Tropical Storm Noel.

USAID is also airlifting commodities to the capital of Santo Domingo for arrival within the next 12 hours. The commodities will include 6,000 each of water containers, blankets and hygiene kits that will benefit an estimated 30,000 people. The total value of these commodities is more than $147,000, including transport.

An eight-person assessment team has also been deployed by USAID to the affected area and will coordinate with the U.S. Embassy and USAID/Dominican Republic. The USAID team is working alongside local officials to conduct disaster assessments that will help identify needs and determine if additional assistance is necessary.

(Full Release) (Additional Relief) (Disaster at a Glance)
Top Story

USAID and Johns Hopkins Launch “Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers”

Photo: From the left] panelists David Oot (Save the Children), Jim Shelton (USAID), and Ellen Starbird (USAID) launch 'Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers' with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Source: Lauren Strange/USAID USAID and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health launched the newly updated publication “Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers” at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, D.C.

“Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers” offers clinic-based health care professionals in developing countries the latest guidance on providing contraceptive methods. One of the World Heath Organization’s Four Cornerstones of Family Planning Guidance, the book was prepared through a unique collaboration between Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USAID, and more than 30 organizations around the world.

(Full Release) (Download book)
USAID World News
Map of North and Central America with Mexico highlighted

USAID Provides Flood Recovery Assistance to Mexico
USAID is providing $300,000 in emergency relief assistance for those impacted by heavy rains and severe flooding in Mexico's Tabasco and Chiapas states…

Vlade Divac with NBA friends Chris Webber and Scott Pollard at the opening of the basketball museum in Prijepolje, to which he donated his trophies and memories from his 16-year basketball career

USAID, Divac Teams Up To Promote Town’s Investment Potential
In 2006, USAID spent $53,000 to help fund a Citizens’ Assistance Center in Prijepolje, a recognized tool for local economic development…

Map of Afghanistan

USAID, Roshan partnership creates innovative approach to economic and social development
An initial 500 Public Call Offices will be established in Kabul, Nangarhar, Herat, Badakshan and Kandahar, creating over 1,000 jobs for women…

Journalists committed to highlighting the needs of marginalized communities tour an IDP camp near Khartoum.

First Sudanese Independent Media Center Established
After decades of violent conflict, Sudan’s hope for a peaceful future has been renewed by the signing of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement …

In The News

Combating Forced Marriage through FM Radio Programming in Eastern Chad
The stations are part of the Internews Humanitarian Information Service, a project designed to provide critical news and information to refugees from Darfur…

USAID Launches e-Newsletter on International Development Opportunities
The free, monthly e-newsletter will be sent the last Monday of every month and will provide readers with the latest information on new funding programs and upcoming grant deadlines, as well as general information for all grant seekers…

Telling Our Story

Villages Improve Disaster Response

A member of a Community Emergency Response Team takes a call in the Scarborough response center in Tobago.
Photo: USAID/Denise Lawrence

Regional disaster response officials are discussing the possibility of replicating the USAID-sponsored CERT program in other Caribbean countries.

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Thu, 08 Nov 2007 14:48:53 -0500