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Photo Credit: USAID's EDEM program
Mr. Xhevit Hysenaj(right), owner of Xherdo Herbs and Spice Co. met with French businessmen at this year’s IFEAT conference in Budapest. Based on such meetings, Xherdo signed eight contracts worth more than €500,000, with prospects for more.

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Value-Added Investments Open New Markets
International Conference Promises Big Business for Albania’s Essential Oil Producers

Business could not be better for Albanian businessman, Mr. Xhevit Hysenaj [Jev-IT Hoo-SANE-neye], owner of the Xherdo [Jer-DO] Herb and Spice Essences Company, based in Skrapar. With a new order for a 1 ton shipment of essential oils destined for the U.S., this next month will be consumed with coordinating the distillation, packaging, and shipping to fill the order. 

“This is an exciting time for Xherdo,” said Hysenaj, “15 years in the business have made it possible for my essential oils to be able to meet the quality standards of the most prestigious U.S. and EU companies.”

The order follows a successful 2.5 ton shipment of Sage, Thyme, Oregano, and Juniper essential oils to a consolidator in Spain. Hysenaj met the sales director of the Spanish company at the 2007 International Federation of Essential Oils and Aroma Trades (IFEAT) Conference in Budapest, Hungary There, Xherdo signed eight contracts worth over 500,000 Euro with international buyers from the U.S., Spain, Austria, France, and Belgium.

Since 2004, USAID’s Enterprise Development and Export Market Services project has worked with Hysenaj and other herb and spice producers to reach and compete in export markets. As Albania has a long history in exporting raw herbs and spices, USAID helps producers to add value to their products, stressing the need to make quality products that meet market demands.

For Hysenaj, his business savvy investments in essential oil production and organic certifications, coupled with his participation in international trade fairs and conferences like IFEAT, have opened the doors to these lucrative markets for his business. 

Hysenaj is not alone in his readiness to compete in global markets. Currently, Albania produces annually between 35 and 40 tons of essential oils, but the industry hopes to increase this volume to about 100 tons, much of which would meet organic certification standards.  International conferences like IFEAT show how important an international audience is to communicating Albania’s potential.

“USAID absolutely takes special credit for the assistance which helped promote the Albanian herb and spice industry internationally,” said Hysenaj. The industry provides income for thousands of families living in poverty in rural areas across Albania.

Mr. Luc Vossen of the Belgium company, Vossen & Co, expressed his appreciation for Albania’s presentation on organic essential oils at the IFEAT conference, “It convinced my company to enter this [the Albanian] market and I have the pleasure to inform you that we are meeting Mr. Xhevit Hysenaj of Xherdo in Brussels to prepare orders for the spring of 2008.”

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Last Updated on: November 20, 2007
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