NIOSH Mining Safety and Health Research

Number of Mines, Employees, Full-time Equivalent1 Employees, and Median Employment Size by Commodity and Employer Type, 2006

Commodity and Employer Type No. Mines No. Employees No. FTE1 Employees Median Employment Size
Coal Operator 2,113 85,693 94,495 16
Metal Operator 280 32,874 33,972 13
Nonmetal Operator 741 23,051 23,221 8
Stone Operator 4,573 82,583 85,402 9
Sand and Gravel Operator 7,178 46,069 39,796 4
Operator Total   14,885 270,270 276,886 6
Coal Contractor NA 37,282 23,078 4
Noncoal Contractor NA 55,945 31,294 4
Contractor Total   NA 93,227 54,372 4
Total   14,885 363,497 331,258 5
1Full-time equivalent employees based on reported number of employee hours (2,000 hours = 1 FTE).  NA=Not applicable.
Data Source: MSHA
Page last updated: 6/26/2008
Page last reviewed: 6/26/2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)